Since you want to "re-create" or "born again" the Cyprus Forum, then I think it is only fair that you give an "amnesty" to ALL the banned past forum members for them to return and take part again (if they wish to do so) in the "new" CF.

Moderator: Admin
Admin wrote:Kikapu, what you suggest can happen after the detailed rules are in place. If the banned members agree with the rules of the forum and if they understand the reasons they were banned and agree not to repeat them, then if they want they will be able to contact me at an email address I will provide and I will reconsider each ban on a case by case basis.
Admin wrote:Kikapu, giving such an "amnesty" without certain preconditions would undo what I was trying to do during the last months. At a time when I try to implement stricter rules I can not allow back, without any conditions and any assurances, members who have shown difficulty to adjust in the forum in times when rules where few and enforcement limited. Most of the banned members will need to make a significant effort to fit in the "new" forum, and I need to know that they are indeed willing to make this effort before another chance is given to them. It is a bit premature to talk about this now. Please wait for the detailed rules to come out and then we will think about this issue again. Thank you.
Kikapu wrote:Admin wrote:Kikapu, what you suggest can happen after the detailed rules are in place. If the banned members agree with the rules of the forum and if they understand the reasons they were banned and agree not to repeat them, then if they want they will be able to contact me at an email address I will provide and I will reconsider each ban on a case by case basis.
Just some "food for thought" for the Admin, if I may.
Of course it will be the Admins' provocative to "pick and choose" which banned members it will allow to re-join the "new CF" and which ones are not, which will of course not have the "principles of Amnesty" to apply to ALL banned members by doing so and also not to have the danger of not being seen by others for the Admin to be playing favouritism in it's choices as to who can return and who cannot.
bill cobbett wrote:If may have a tuppence worth please Beloved and Wise Admin ...
Pleased to hear old posts will be archived cos CF is quite a resource for all things CY, particularly Cyprob of course and, leaving aside Yialoser's posts, there is a lot of top-notch, brill stuff up there.
One thing, however, that did catch my attention on ways forward was this notion of pre-moderation. Of the view that live chat is one of the appeals of a forum, and that queueing posts for approval or pre-moderation would detract from this spontaneity.
Thank You
bill cobbett wrote:If may have a tuppence worth please Beloved and Wise Admin ...
Pleased to hear old posts will be archived cos CF is quite a resource for all things CY, particularly Cyprob of course and, leaving aside Yialoser's posts, there is a lot of top-notch, brill stuff up there.
One thing, however, that did catch my attention on ways forward was this notion of pre-moderation. Of the view that live chat is one of the appeals of a forum, and that queueing posts for approval or pre-moderation would detract from this spontaneity.
Thank You
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