Pyrpolizer wrote:Viewpoint wrote:
Thats the sell out small or large state the GCs being the larger population can if they want easily take the one seat they need to yet again push us to one side. Do you understand that this is a very important issue for us and one we fear the most why not address it to guarantee both sides participation is maintained and cannot be watered down or removed?
a)You do not accept to reduce your space so as to to have 99-100% TC population that will guarantee your 5 seats.
b)You want a much bigger chunk and a written guarantee from GCs that they will never elect one to erode your 5 representation or else quotas, or else no political rights to GCs residing in "your" state, or else violation of EU pronciples
c) You want a written guarantee that the Senators will never be bribed.
Are these your objections to Kiks Plan or is there anything else?
Lets understand what VP's objectives are which my plan stands in his way, which are the real reasons for his bitching about the plan despite giving the north state extra protection with the "Grandfathered-in Population" clause, which VP very conveniently does not mention. VP wants a large north (TC) state with a guaranteed TC senators for the upper house for the north (TC) state regardless how many GCs may choose to live in the north state, because once the territory size/borders has been agreed on, then anytime the north wants to create a constitutional crises to have another go at Taksim, all they need to do is withdraw those TC senators from the upper house and the lower house TC representatives from the government, and presto, they will be on their way to declare the north state as independent, and all the GCs living in the north will face eviction one way or another, just as the Armenians did from Nicosia area in the past as well as the Greeks in Istanbul. Ordinarily, if elected senators/representatives walk off the government it's no big deal. The government continues to function until they re-elects others to fill those posts. But if we have a so called "partnership" where it requires to have senators/representatives from both communities to run the government exclusively and if one party does not want to play anymore and wants to withdraw, we will have the same thing that happened in 1963. This is what VP and the NeoPartitionists are counting on, specially now that the RoC is in the EU.
Either VP does not understand how Federation and Democracy works, or that he is ALL propaganda. My guess is, he doesn't know much about neither. Here is a questioned I asked VP few times as to what the worse could happen if the north state did lose 1-2 senate seats to the GCs voting in the north if the north state size were to remain what it is today.
Kikapu wrote:I go back to my question for you. What would be a bill that would be against the TC's interest, considering the fact, the TC state will control 99% of what goes on in the TC state. The Upper and Lower House is mainly for national and International based voting and not on ethnicity or on the states themselves.
After all VPs so called concerns for the GCs taking any possible seats from the TCs in the north state ( VP recently admitted that not too many GCs will move to the north state to live under TC administration regardless what the north states territorial size may be) which they may pass laws to the detriment of the TCs, the above concerns VP had was what may be a detriments to Turkey's interests. VP has more concerns for Turkey's interests than he does for the TCs, which is why VP's concerns cannot be taken seriously. He is on the side of Turkey and not the TCs.