Go ahead, make my day.!
Delighted to! Although you will find all this in infinite detail on sites such as ‘Pilots for 9-11 Truth’ and ‘Architects for 9-11 Truth’ and neither site makes any claims as to who or why, just plain simple facts that show that what we were told happened that day was not supported by the evidence. These are the questions any rational observer that took the trouble to find out more, would be asking. No little green men, holograms, Irish munchkins on either of these sites just fact and informed opinion!
I bet you also believe that when a magician performs tricks, you think he/she is in fact performing magic and not tricks, just because you saw it with your own eyes and have ignored all your common senses and judgement to believe that it is ONLY a trick and nothing more.
If this is how you saw the events on 9-11, it is no wonder you have difficulty separating reality from illution.
If you believe the latter, then why not blow up the buildings during middle of the night to cause the least amount of deaths .........
You would still have needed to get into the buildings, whether it was a daylight or night operation. So it would have made very little difference except that a simple night explosion would have started a major investigation and the residue of explosives, only available to the military would have been evident and that would raise official questions; whereas a couple of aircraft crashing into the towers was very visible and set the scene as it was obvious to everybody that it was a terrorist attack using hijacked aircraft that bought the buildings down and killed three thousand people ............or apparently so, if you don’t look too closely and don’t ask too many embarrassing questions.
........and still go after Bin Laden and Iraq thereafter blaming them all the same.
Bin Ladin was never considered by the FBI as a suspect for 9-11 and when an FBI official was asked why, the reply was that there was NO evidence to support such an allegation.
9-11 had the same effect that Pearl Harbour had on the general public, it simply ensured that the people would support the Government in the unpopular act of war. A government cannot just go to war without the backing of the people as that would be political suicide. 9-11 also set the conditions for the Americans to give up their rights under the Constitution so that the Government could ‘protect’ them from dangerous terrorists. (but that is another story!)
Bin Laden did try to blow up one of the Towers before, did he not, and from "Bottom to Top" method which did not work.
Very true. Again look at the evidence. Who supplied the explosives..... the US Government through the CIA (?)! The guy was a patsy and had he actually parked the van where he should have done, the explosion would have done very serious structural damage. It may not have bought the Tower down but would have made it structurally unsound.
Surely even you can understand that if you remove the central support columns at the bottom in a building constructed on the tube principal, then gravity and the laws of physics will implode the rest. Listen to the fire-fighters .... they heard explosions in the WTC buildings some time before they collapsed and saw the dust but no soot or the smell of aviation fuel. This was long enough before, for them to be a couple of blocks away when the first one fell.
Look at the video, the columns that had been cut, at an angle .... exactly the way you would cut beams in a controlled demolition with ‘Thermite’ or the military version ‘Thermate’, evidence of which was found all over the area. That is a bit like a figure print at a murder scene.
There was no steel left that was longer than 11m, that being about two stories and what was left was removed from the site, taken to Statton Island and loaded onto ships bound for China, within a few weeks of the incident. You normally keep evidence until after the trial ,not get rid of it before it can be examined........all that steel and virtually none of it is left. The bits that are left shows signs of ‘Thermate’ residue and the effects this cutting charge has on steel.
These fire-fighters also mention rivers and pools of molten steel. What melted the steel? Aviation fuel .... don’t think so! Even in ideal combustion conditions it does not create a high enough temperature to melt or even seriously deform steel! Look at any of the videos, black smoke indicates poor combustion, which equates to lower temperatures and to support that low temperature claim, there is one piece of video showing a survivor standing in the opening made by the aircraft waving his shirt to attract attention and black smoke is pouring out of the opening above him, so it was unlikely to have been so hot inside the building that it would melt steel. In any case, virtually all the aviation fuel (Kerosine) had either burnt outside the building on impact or as liquid fuel would have decended under gravity to lower floors through the central shafts.
So what happened with WTC7? .... It was not hit by an aircraft full of fuel and the fire fighters said the fires were minor, just a furniture fires, on two or three floors and nothing like hot enough to cause structural damage and also limited to a localised area. Then it too collapsed into its own footprint! If you look at the videos of WTC7 going down you clearly see the penthouse disappear into the structure, before the outer walls collapsed into the buildings own footprint and from the bottom of the building up. All the windows remained aligned vertically and horizontally, thus it was the bottom that was collapsing. The ‘Penthouse’ sat on top of the central columns which were the structural core of the building which says that the centre collapsed and took the rest down with it.
Then the question arises if we are to pay any attention to the "inside job" theories, who flew those planes into the buildings if not Al Qaeda and why.? Were the pilots at American and United in with the conspiracy to commit suicide by taking part in this "inside job" conspiracy.?
We don’t know what happened, that is the whole argument! But very clearly the evidence does not support the official conspiracy theory. Once it is determined beyond reasonable doubt what happened or conversely, what didn’t happen, then we may find out why and who. I have no real doubt that there were Arabs on the aircraft but, it is a fact that several of these hijackers were alive long after 9-11, so who ever was on the aircraft were not necessarily those they named.
This can only be very a relatively short response but I would suggest you look at some of the more professional opinions and you will see very clearly that there is a lot of real evidence to support a full investigation into what actually happened to the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. Who did it, if it wasn’t terrorists and why, can only be determined after we know what did happen that day.
If it was an inside job; what purpose would it serve?
This is available as fairly logical explanations on many web sites but, it can only ever be an hypothesis as nobody has ever investigated the events of 9-11
USA does not need any excuse to attack anything 'Moslem'. They will go ahead and do it anyway. WHAT PURPOSE?
Of course the Americans need an excuse! Referred to as ‘false flag operations’. The ‘Gulf of Tonkin’ was such an incident and gave the USA the reason to engage in the Vietnam war, which they thought was just fighting a bunch of ill-trained peasants. A war they thought they would win hands down and the whole thing would be over in weeks. It cost them thousands of American lives and trillions of dollars ...... and they lost anyway.
There are other examples and not just the USA, Britain has a few skeletons in the cupboard! As a Cypriot(?) you would know the story that the Turks did the same in Cyprus by burning their own Mosques and blaming the GC’s. So, the practice of mounting false flag operations is not a rare occurrence. As CAP says 9-11 was all to do with oil, that means it is also to do with money and the industrial military complex and the people behind both. The ‘Muslims’ own a very large slice of the worlds oil reserves and the US feels they need to control the oil, not a bunch of Arabs.
If a conspiracy, why the twin towers?
This can again only be an hypothesis as, nobody has ever been charged with the crime and therefore the full facts have never come to light. We know what happened but we do not know how, why, or by whom with any degree of certainty. Most people have only what they have been told by the media, to form an opinion, others have enough interest to go and look for more information and then question the official story.
The Twin towers were a perfect false flag target. It was what ‘America’ is all about......big, rich, powerful and in your face and any attack on such a prestigious target would really piss the American people off. This thought profile could equally apply to either Al Queda or others and what could be simpler than getting the enemy to do your dirty work for you?
I do not for one minute believe that the US security services knew absolutely nothing about this operation. Is it really rational to believe that ObL, sitting in some remote corner of the globe in Pakistan, Afghanistan or where ever, with no telephone, no internet access or mobile, could plan and implement such an event, thousands of miles away ..... without a multi-billion dollars per anum, well equiped US security service, with tentacles all over the world and a staff of thousands, that they did not knowing some thing was going on???
There are many whistle blowers who have said otherwise, they were ignored at the time and then fired when they went public. Some have died in ‘accidents’.
You only needed to watch the US peoples reaction to the news of the killing of ObL. to see that an act against the American people such as 9-11 is all that is needed to get the American people on board for a revenge attack. The legality and justification of the action is of secondary consideration for the US.