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Was 9/11 an inside job?

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Was 9/11 an inside job?

Total votes : 45

Re: 9-11

Postby Kikapu » Tue May 24, 2011 2:50 pm

Robin Hood wrote:It appears that there have been a lot of people gagged, over the events at the World Trade Centre on 9-11-01. I thought the following might be of interest. Mainly discussing WT7 which was never even part of the 9-11 Commission Report, there is ever increasing scepticism and far more evidence to support the ‘controlled demolition’ hypothesis, certainly for WTC7 but also the Twin Towers.

This is a couple of videos I found interesting. Prof. Graeme MacQueen approaches the subject from a common sense angle and also asks why the observations at the time of the incident, of over 500 first hand witnesses were never considered in the 9-11 Commission Report. Many of these were fire-fighters and were in the buildings prior to the collapse.

Part 1 (10 minutes) General considerations:

Part 2 (10 minutes) Focus is on firefighter's testimony about explosions. Very compelling:


Any idiot can see that the Towers came down from "Top to Bottom and not from Bottom to Top" , so that rules out any "controlled demolition" of the Towers, unless you want to tell me that every floor had demolition explosion in sequence that brought down the Towers at the speed of Gravity.? :roll:

If you believe the latter, then why not blow up the buildings during middle of the night to cause the least amount of deaths and still go after Bin Laden and Iraq thereafter blaming them all the same. Bin Laden did try to blow up one of the Towers before, did he not, and from "Bottom to Top" method which did not work. Then the question arises if we are to pay any attention to the "inside job" theories, who flew those planes into the buildings if not Al Qaeda and why.? Were the pilots at American and United in with the conspiracy to commit suicide by taking part in this "inside job" conspiracy.? :roll:
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Postby Robin Hood » Tue May 24, 2011 5:51 pm


If the subject bores you so much, why bother to comment? If you had a reasoned response I would be delighted to exchange views and debate with you. As you obviously have so little understanding of engineering, the laws of physics and basic mechanics, that you unquestionably believe the 'Official conspiracy theory’ in its entirety, that is your choice.

You believe what you want to believe, I will make up my own mind. Up to this point, I believe the saying that: ‘ If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ....... then, it probably IS a duck!’ is perfectly valid, as the available evidence overwhelmingly supports the alternative 'controlled demolition' hypothesis.

Any idiot can see that the Towers came down from "Top to Bottom and not from Bottom to Top"

A strong comment from somebody who obviously knows nothing about how to demolish a structure!!!!!

You obviously accept the official conspiracy theory, even though none of the evidence produced thus far, actually supports it. On the other hand I have an enquiring mind, an engineering and aviation background and have a tendency to question what I do not understand. I should think watching you ‘demolish’ a tree from the top down would be highly amusing, because somebody who actually knew what they were doing would plan it, cut at the base and then let gravity take over! :roll:

You obviously have an opinion so why not explain why you cannot accept the facts and, if you watched the videos (especially the second one),why you cannot accept the observations of ‘professionals’ that were eye witnesses of those events? Yialousa also posted some interesting videos of interviews with ‘informed professionals’ do you have sufficient understanding of this subject to ridicule their opinion as well?

If you believe the latter, then why not blow up the buildings during middle of the night to cause the least amount of deaths and still go after Bin Laden and Iraq thereafter blaming them all the same. Bin Laden did try to blow up one of the Towers before, did he not, and from "Bottom to Top" method which did not work. Then the question arises if we are to pay any attention to the "inside job" theories, who flew those planes into the buildings if not Al Qaeda and why.? Were the pilots at American and United in with the conspiracy to commit suicide by taking part in this "inside job" conspiracy.?

I could demolish the above with simple fact and common sense but I really don’t think you would be, I won’t bother!
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Re: 9-11........

Postby Kikapu » Tue May 24, 2011 7:30 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Kikapu,

If the subject bores you so much, why bother to comment? If you had a reasoned response I would be delighted to exchange views and debate with you. As you obviously have so little understanding of engineering, the laws of physics and basic mechanics, that you unquestionably believe the 'Official conspiracy theory’ in its entirety, that is your choice.

You believe what you want to believe, I will make up my own mind. Up to this point, I believe the saying that: ‘ If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ....... then, it probably IS a duck!’ is perfectly valid, as the available evidence overwhelmingly supports the alternative 'controlled demolition' hypothesis.

Any idiot can see that the Towers came down from "Top to Bottom and not from Bottom to Top"

A strong comment from somebody who obviously knows nothing about how to demolish a structure!!!!!

You obviously accept the official conspiracy theory, even though none of the evidence produced thus far, actually supports it. On the other hand I have an enquiring mind, an engineering and aviation background and have a tendency to question what I do not understand. I should think watching you ‘demolish’ a tree from the top down would be highly amusing, because somebody who actually knew what they were doing would plan it, cut at the base and then let gravity take over! :roll:

You obviously have an opinion so why not explain why you cannot accept the facts and, if you watched the videos (especially the second one),why you cannot accept the observations of ‘professionals’ that were eye witnesses of those events? Yialousa also posted some interesting videos of interviews with ‘informed professionals’ do you have sufficient understanding of this subject to ridicule their opinion as well?

If you believe the latter, then why not blow up the buildings during middle of the night to cause the least amount of deaths and still go after Bin Laden and Iraq thereafter blaming them all the same. Bin Laden did try to blow up one of the Towers before, did he not, and from "Bottom to Top" method which did not work. Then the question arises if we are to pay any attention to the "inside job" theories, who flew those planes into the buildings if not Al Qaeda and why.? Were the pilots at American and United in with the conspiracy to commit suicide by taking part in this "inside job" conspiracy.?

I could demolish the above with simple fact and common sense but I really don’t think you would be, I won’t bother!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Go ahead, make my day.!:lol:

Lets face it. All you people who are on the "inside job" conspiracy wagon do not have any answers to your own questions. I bet you also believe that when a magician performs tricks, you think he/she is in fact performing magic and not tricks, just because you saw it with your own eyes and have ignored all your common senses and judgement to believe that it is ONLY a trick and nothing more.! Hollywood make a lot of make believe movies. What happened in 9/11 were not a make believe movie or doing magic. Those were real planes, real terrorist and real dead people. If you don't believe that, then tell me what was all that was done for so to fit in with your "inside job" theory.? As for your claimed engineering and aviation mind, all I can say to you is, "a little knowledge can be very dangerous with some people".
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue May 24, 2011 7:39 pm

If it was an inside job; what purpose would it serve? USA does not need any excuse to attack anything 'moslem'. They will go ahead and do it anyway. WHAT PURPOSE?
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Postby Cap » Tue May 24, 2011 7:57 pm

denizaksulu wrote:If it was an inside job; what purpose would it serve? USA does not need any excuse to attack anything 'moslem'. They will go ahead and do it anyway. WHAT PURPOSE?

No dude, they'd need a plausible excuse.

People still think the Iraqi invasion was to remove a dictator. No, the oil was never on the agenda. :roll:

Although I will admit, the initial intel from the pathetic British and Russian secret services led the US to believe that Iraq did indeed have WMD's.
But the Yanks went ahead anyway even after nothing was found. They fed the masses the lie they THEMSELVES knew was false.
Last edited by Cap on Tue May 24, 2011 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue May 24, 2011 8:00 pm

Cap wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:If it was an inside job; what purpose would it serve? USA does not need any excuse to attack anything 'moslem'. They will go ahead and do it anyway. WHAT PURPOSE?

No dude, they'd need a plausible excuse.

People still think the Iraqi invasion was to remove a dictator. No, the oil was never on the agenda. :roll:

I know that dude. If a conspiracy, why the twin towers?
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Postby Cap » Tue May 24, 2011 8:11 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Cap wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:If it was an inside job; what purpose would it serve? USA does not need any excuse to attack anything 'moslem'. They will go ahead and do it anyway. WHAT PURPOSE?

No dude, they'd need a plausible excuse.

People still think the Iraqi invasion was to remove a dictator. No, the oil was never on the agenda. :roll:

I know that dude. If a conspiracy, why the twin towers?

I'm neutral on the twin Towers. undecided.
But if the CIA's involvement in false flag operations throughout history is anything to go by.. then there's plenty of reason.
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue May 24, 2011 8:20 pm

Cap wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Cap wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:If it was an inside job; what purpose would it serve? USA does not need any excuse to attack anything 'moslem'. They will go ahead and do it anyway. WHAT PURPOSE?

No dude, they'd need a plausible excuse.

People still think the Iraqi invasion was to remove a dictator. No, the oil was never on the agenda. :roll:

I know that dude. If a conspiracy, why the twin towers?

I'm neutral on the twin Towers. undecided.
But if the CIA's involvement in false flag operations throughout history is anything to go by.. then there's plenty of reason.

Effing bastards. :shock:
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Re: 9-11........

Postby Lit » Tue May 24, 2011 8:26 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:Kikapu,

If the subject bores you so much, why bother to comment? If you had a reasoned response I would be delighted to exchange views and debate with you. As you obviously have so little understanding of engineering, the laws of physics and basic mechanics, that you unquestionably believe the 'Official conspiracy theory’ in its entirety, that is your choice.

You believe what you want to believe, I will make up my own mind. Up to this point, I believe the saying that: ‘ If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ....... then, it probably IS a duck!’ is perfectly valid, as the available evidence overwhelmingly supports the alternative 'controlled demolition' hypothesis.

Any idiot can see that the Towers came down from "Top to Bottom and not from Bottom to Top"

A strong comment from somebody who obviously knows nothing about how to demolish a structure!!!!!

You obviously accept the official conspiracy theory, even though none of the evidence produced thus far, actually supports it. On the other hand I have an enquiring mind, an engineering and aviation background and have a tendency to question what I do not understand. I should think watching you ‘demolish’ a tree from the top down would be highly amusing, because somebody who actually knew what they were doing would plan it, cut at the base and then let gravity take over! :roll:

You obviously have an opinion so why not explain why you cannot accept the facts and, if you watched the videos (especially the second one),why you cannot accept the observations of ‘professionals’ that were eye witnesses of those events? Yialousa also posted some interesting videos of interviews with ‘informed professionals’ do you have sufficient understanding of this subject to ridicule their opinion as well?

If you believe the latter, then why not blow up the buildings during middle of the night to cause the least amount of deaths and still go after Bin Laden and Iraq thereafter blaming them all the same. Bin Laden did try to blow up one of the Towers before, did he not, and from "Bottom to Top" method which did not work. Then the question arises if we are to pay any attention to the "inside job" theories, who flew those planes into the buildings if not Al Qaeda and why.? Were the pilots at American and United in with the conspiracy to commit suicide by taking part in this "inside job" conspiracy.?

I could demolish the above with simple fact and common sense but I really don’t think you would be, I won’t bother!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Go ahead, make my day.!:lol:

Lets face it. All you people who are on the "inside job" conspiracy wagon do not have any answers to your own questions. I bet you also believe that when a magician performs tricks, you think he/she is in fact performing magic and not tricks, just because you saw it with your own eyes and have ignored all your common senses and judgement to believe that it is ONLY a trick and nothing more.! Hollywood make a lot of make believe movies. What happened in 9/11 were not a make believe movie or doing magic. Those were real planes, real terrorist and real dead people. If you don't believe that, then tell me what was all that was done for so to fit in with your "inside job" theory.? As for your claimed engineering and aviation mind, all I can say to you is, "a little knowledge can be very dangerous with some people".

Ah Kiks, if there were only more Cypriots like you who actually see the reality. The attack on 911 literally cost the United States trillions of dollars. And some here think it did this to itself to invade Afghanistan? People need to grasp around the reality that the US as the sole super power doesnt need to create a false flag operation to enter Afghanistan or any other third world country. It will do so if it chooses and there is nothing that can be done about it.
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Re: 9-11........

Postby Lit » Wed May 25, 2011 2:09 am

Lit wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:Kikapu,

If the subject bores you so much, why bother to comment? If you had a reasoned response I would be delighted to exchange views and debate with you. As you obviously have so little understanding of engineering, the laws of physics and basic mechanics, that you unquestionably believe the 'Official conspiracy theory’ in its entirety, that is your choice.

You believe what you want to believe, I will make up my own mind. Up to this point, I believe the saying that: ‘ If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ....... then, it probably IS a duck!’ is perfectly valid, as the available evidence overwhelmingly supports the alternative 'controlled demolition' hypothesis.

Any idiot can see that the Towers came down from "Top to Bottom and not from Bottom to Top"

A strong comment from somebody who obviously knows nothing about how to demolish a structure!!!!!

You obviously accept the official conspiracy theory, even though none of the evidence produced thus far, actually supports it. On the other hand I have an enquiring mind, an engineering and aviation background and have a tendency to question what I do not understand. I should think watching you ‘demolish’ a tree from the top down would be highly amusing, because somebody who actually knew what they were doing would plan it, cut at the base and then let gravity take over! :roll:

You obviously have an opinion so why not explain why you cannot accept the facts and, if you watched the videos (especially the second one),why you cannot accept the observations of ‘professionals’ that were eye witnesses of those events? Yialousa also posted some interesting videos of interviews with ‘informed professionals’ do you have sufficient understanding of this subject to ridicule their opinion as well?

If you believe the latter, then why not blow up the buildings during middle of the night to cause the least amount of deaths and still go after Bin Laden and Iraq thereafter blaming them all the same. Bin Laden did try to blow up one of the Towers before, did he not, and from "Bottom to Top" method which did not work. Then the question arises if we are to pay any attention to the "inside job" theories, who flew those planes into the buildings if not Al Qaeda and why.? Were the pilots at American and United in with the conspiracy to commit suicide by taking part in this "inside job" conspiracy.?

I could demolish the above with simple fact and common sense but I really don’t think you would be, I won’t bother!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Go ahead, make my day.!:lol:

Lets face it. All you people who are on the "inside job" conspiracy wagon do not have any answers to your own questions. I bet you also believe that when a magician performs tricks, you think he/she is in fact performing magic and not tricks, just because you saw it with your own eyes and have ignored all your common senses and judgement to believe that it is ONLY a trick and nothing more.! Hollywood make a lot of make believe movies. What happened in 9/11 were not a make believe movie or doing magic. Those were real planes, real terrorist and real dead people. If you don't believe that, then tell me what was all that was done for so to fit in with your "inside job" theory.? As for your claimed engineering and aviation mind, all I can say to you is, "a little knowledge can be very dangerous with some people".

Ah Kiks, if there were only more Cypriots like you who actually see the reality. The attack on 911 literally cost the United States trillions of dollars. And some here think it did this to itself to invade Afghanistan? People need to grasp around the reality that the US as the sole super power doesnt need to create a false flag operation to enter Afghanistan or any other third world country. It will do so if it chooses and there is nothing that can be done about it.

Another false flag operation by America???

The “project” Mr. Durmuş was referring to were the series of secretly taped videos showing various senior MHP members in sexual acts with females who do such things for a living. In the past few weeks, these “sex tapes” indeed have shaken the MHP severely, leading to the resignation of 10 senior members of the party. Many predict that this will influence the MHP negatively in the upcoming general elections. The party, Turkey’s third largest, might face the risk of falling under the 10 percent national election threshold.

Sex and videotape

In other words, these “sex tapes” are clearly an operation against the MHP or its current cadre. In that sense Mr. Durmuş might be right. But I really don’t think President Obama, the United States government, or any other foreign power has anything to do with the “project.” We must rather look at home.

MHP cant keep their pants up and who do they blame for their discrepancies....Obama of course. :lol:
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