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Was 9/11 an inside job?

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Was 9/11 an inside job?

Total votes : 45

Postby Mapko » Mon May 02, 2011 3:20 pm

Paphitis...You state it wasn't clear to him immediately that the USA was under attack from terrorists yet previously you stated he looked shocked. Exactly what was it his aide told him? If his aide didn't tell him exactly what had happened or what was happening, then his aide should have been sacked as there was enough intelligence (CNN News and, apparently, every other world news agency) to understand exactly what was happening. He could have cut short the engagement as quickly as possible without alarming the children - it wasn't as if he had to say anything to them as he could have just got up and said he had to go. Children of that age don't ask why when they're engrossed in other things. The CIA, as an organisation, is above the President - they don't answer to him, that's how it was set up. His Chiefs of Staff need him to have the final say on whether a civilian plane can be taken out by the USAF and that's what should have happened, but the USAF intercepting four planes on a mission to start a war the Americans needed would have been bad.
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Postby Paphitis » Mon May 02, 2011 3:43 pm

Mapko wrote:Paphitis...You state it wasn't clear to him immediately that the USA was under attack from terrorists yet previously you stated he looked shocked. Exactly what was it his aide told him? If his aide didn't tell him exactly what had happened or what was happening, then his aide should have been sacked as there was enough intelligence (CNN News and, apparently, every other world news agency) to understand exactly what was happening. He could have cut short the engagement as quickly as possible without alarming the children - it wasn't as if he had to say anything to them as he could have just got up and said he had to go. Children of that age don't ask why when they're engrossed in other things. The CIA, as an organisation, is above the President - they don't answer to him, that's how it was set up. His Chiefs of Staff need him to have the final say on whether a civilian plane can be taken out by the USAF and that's what should have happened, but the USAF intercepting four planes on a mission to start a war the Americans needed would have been bad.

Look I can't recall whether he was informed of the first AA collision into the wtc or the second.

Either way, he would be shocked even if it wasn't yet clear to him that the US was under terrorist attack. His reaction is exactly what I would expect.

I asked myself if whether anything would be different in Australia if we were under similar attack. And I regret to say, that if Australia was under such an attack, there would be very little that could be done to prevent it. The same in the US. The terrorists were always going to be 2 steps ahead. Yes, our intelligence services have thwarted a number of clandestine terrorist attempts, but they were only lucky in that the would be terrorists were not as well organised, and used mobile phones to communicate etc.

If you believe that the US required a motive for the War in Afghanistan, then the US would've more easily manufactured a motive with a less costly operation to the US and its people. Even a single hijacking connected to Al Qaeda may have been more than enough to create this motive.

Furthermore, I believe Bush did cut his Prmary School visit short. He left a few minutes after being informed, without alarming the Children and teachers.
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Postby Mapko » Mon May 02, 2011 4:21 pm

Paphitis...The USA did require a motive to get the whole country behind them for another war - having previously gone to war in the Gulf a decade earlier. There had to be bloodshed on American soil for a fight of the magnitude the Americans were hoping for to have any chance of justifying the program. Just stating that there was a hijacking of a plane would not have been enough for the International Community. Also, as I stated earlier, New York's economy was in tatters and it also needed a boost. Look at Manchester, in England, in 1996 - the central area was an absolute sh*t-hole and it had an Arndale Centre (a big shopping mall) that was likened to a toilet (it had horrible yellow tiles on its facade) and it was lagging behind other areas in the North West, e.g. Leeds, which had major investments being ploughed into it. The IRA (Irish Republican Army) detonated a huge bomb - the biggest to have been detonated on the mainland - and completely wiped out the centre of the city. It just so happened that the Arndale caught a lot of the blast and money was spent on doing the whole of Manchester up - which would never have been done prior to the bomb. Now, I'm not saying that this happened on purpose, but it makes one think - especially when Manchester has the largest Irish community in England (outside of Liverpool) and they were harming their own.
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Postby Paphitis » Mon May 02, 2011 4:25 pm

Mapko wrote:Paphitis...The USA did require a motive to get the whole country behind them for another war - having previously gone to war in the Gulf a decade earlier. There had to be bloodshed on American soil for a fight of the magnitude the Americans were hoping for to have any chance of justifying the program. Just stating that there was a hijacking of a plane would not have been enough for the International Community. Also, as I stated earlier, New York's economy was in tatters and it also needed a boost. Look at Manchester, in England, in 1996 - the central area was an absolute sh*t-hole and it had an Arndale Centre (a big shopping mall) that was likened to a toilet (it had horrible yellow tiles on its facade) and it was lagging behind other areas in the North West, e.g. Leeds, which had major investments being ploughed into it. The IRA (Irish Republican Army) detonated a huge bomb - the biggest to have been detonated on the mainland - and completely wiped out the centre of the city. It just so happened that the Arndale caught a lot of the blast and money was spent on doing the whole of Manchester up - which would never have been done prior to the bomb. Now, I'm not saying that this happened on purpose, but it makes one think - especially when Manchester has the largest Irish community in England (outside of Liverpool) and they were harming their own.

A simple hijacking that would kill 200-300 people would be more than enough, not that I believe that the US would do such a thing in the first place.

The Bali Bombings in 2002 killing some 200 civilians, linked to Jamar Islamiyah, an Al Qaeda affiliate was also more than enough for Australia to go to war.
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Postby Mapko » Mon May 02, 2011 4:31 pm

Paphitis...Isn't that because Jamar Islamiyah bombed an Australian embassy?
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Postby Paphitis » Mon May 02, 2011 4:46 pm

Mapko wrote:Paphitis...Isn't that because Jamar Islamiyah bombed an Australian embassy?

Australia joined the War on Terror as a result of 9-11.

However, there were numerous attacks against Australian interests as well as the bombing of the Australian Embassy in Jakarta also linked to Jamar Islamiyah which is linked to AlQaeda. All these terrorist attacks gave the Australian Government even more justification, there is no question about it. Terrorist attacks will not be tolerated.

Also, you cite the fact that the US economy was ailing in 2001 and because of that, a War was required. Well, the US had its wars, and now their economy is well and truly stuffed!
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Postby EPSILON » Mon May 02, 2011 4:50 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Daniella wrote:
Kikapu wrote:I'm waiting for all the "inside job" theorists to start asking their endless questions as to why the US killed Bin Laden and not taken him alive so to question him. They will say that the US wanted to prevent Bin Laden from "spilling the beans" no doubt, so they "assassinated" him so to prevent him from talking as to who else was in the US governments' "inside job" people involved in 9/11. :lol:

Oh by the way, Robin Hood, it turns out, Bin Laden wasn't living in a cave after all, but in a mansion. Perhaps the US should not have held that information as classified and had let the "inside job" theorists know where Bin Laden was before they went in to take him, Dead or Alive. :wink:

You talk first. So, im sure you have got a plausible explanation and tell why US special force were unable to capture him alive. Were them too scared to look in Osama eyes?
The "evil" have already got his funeral, due to respect of muslim traditions infact, they take care of his body putting the beast in the sea.


please note he was really an evil, he looks younger after ten years of war, and amazingly his face is the same prior and after dead.
Amen :lol:

Photoshopped!! :lol:

The Yankees are not telling the whole truth.

A fire fight? Not an USA casualty? A massacre more likely. They could have taken him alive by all accounts. Something not right. :? If they killed him, then he escaped justice.

You just remind me some funny people demostrating in Athens court when ever a terrorist is arrested and put in trial/ He was a terrorist and i give a sht whether he could be arrestd alive or not. We must at least, clean our minds of propaganta.
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Postby Mapko » Mon May 02, 2011 4:52 pm

Paphitis...I'm going to hold my hands up and say now I know very little of terrorist attacks against Australians and her assets.

Yes, I did state the USA economy was crap in 2001 and, as you quite rightly state, it's the same now. I wonder why she's now on the verge of invading Libya after all these years! She's at alst found another country that has money she can blow to smithereens, invade and then award conatracts to rebuild the country to her own businesses. Will the USA invade Iran or North Korea? No.
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Postby Paphitis » Mon May 02, 2011 5:00 pm

Mapko wrote:Paphitis...I'm going to hold my hands up and say now I know very little of terrorist attacks against Australians and her assets.

Yes, I did state the USA economy was crap in 2001 and, as you quite rightly state, it's the same now. I wonder why she's now on the verge of invading Libya after all these years! She's at alst found another country that has money she can blow to smithereens, invade and then award conatracts to rebuild the country to her own businesses. Will the USA invade Iran or North Korea? No.

I don't believe that the US is eager to invade Libya.

It also handed over control to NATO and only wants a back seat.

But some weeks ago, I did warn people on this forum, that in order to oust Gadaffi, a land operation may be required. This is something that NATO and the US would like to avoid, and I believe they will.

There is no need to invade Iran or North Korea, but if North Korea invades South Korea, then there will be a war involving NATO allies, US, Australia and many more.
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon May 02, 2011 5:11 pm

Paphitis wrote:Oh dear!

It seems Denizarseksulu and Danialla are upset at the news! :lol:

You do spread rubbish Pee!

I dont trust the Americans thats all. :lol:
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