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South Cyprus heading for Greek financial Crisis

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Mr. T » Fri May 27, 2011 5:53 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Mr. T wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Mr. T wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Populations evolve all over the world you people only use the you TCs are disappearing as a threat because you are stupid enough to think that that option is far worse than capitulating to GC demands well hello wake up come to your senses its not.

It's amazing how you constantly contradict yourself VP.
One day you tell us populations evolve around the world and it's OK for the Kibrislis to disappear and lose their own country in favor of some other populations like the Turkish settlers, and the other day you scream like a hyena that you will never accept the Kypreos to use their numbers and possibly prevail over you, or assimilate you or whatever.

And all these without even having ANY first hand experience because you were born and raised in ENGLAND!

Hello I do not believe you posted the above you cannot be that stupid, do you understand what I have written?

Cyprus is very well insulated from the Greek Crisis and its economy is strong enough to overcome any banking sector exposures.

I remember that Cyprus was grouped alongside Australia as having the strongest OECD economies in the world.

So I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you!

Would you be so kind as to say when Cyprus became a member of the OECD? Perhaps the OECD ought to be advised of this news.

It doesn't have to be a member to be compared to other OECD countries, and it was compared to Australia no less who has the strongest economy in the OECD.

So don't be holding your breath about any RoC collapse!

(i) Of course it doesn't so why did you say 'Cyprus was grouped alongside Australia as having the strongest OECD economies in the world'?

(ii) I had to laugh when I discovered a reason why Cyprus isn't a member.

(iii) I have a feeling that the comparison to which you refer must have been made by you. If not please give a reference.
GDP per capita is an extremely important factor but as that of Cyprus is not that great one can but wonder what could even cause anyone to even consider that the economy of Cyprus is strong.

Cyprus isn't a member because it keeps getting vetoes by Turkey.

Just like Turkey will NEVER be a member of the EU because it will be vetoed by Cyprus.

No not me, but the Australian media. Read and weep! ... omy#441447

Now, laugh away!

I don't know whether to read and weep or laugh at your inablility to distinguish between forecasts and REAL GROWTH. The later is the factual one my dear. See how your dream compares with reality by seeing where Cyprus ranks in the latest available figures from the IMF.

Don't bother looking in the top 2, definitely avert your eyes from that part of the list that shows which country's growth ranked 18th. To really save time you will find it quicker starting at the bottom with Haiti and and scroll up very slowly or you may miss Cyprus. ... atest_year)
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Postby ZoC » Fri May 27, 2011 6:17 pm

Mr. T wrote:I don't know whether to read and weep or laugh at your inablility to distinguish between forecasts and REAL GROWTH. The later is the factual one my dear. See how your dream compares with reality by seeing where Cyprus ranks in the latest available figures from the IMF.

Don't bother looking in the top 2, definitely avert your eyes from that part of the list that shows which country's growth ranked 18th. To really save time you will find it quicker starting at the bottom with Haiti and and scroll up very slowly or you may miss Cyprus. ... atest_year)

wtf's ur beef - coming to a cyprus forum to slag off cyprus? it's a tiny f*cking island that's occupied by a ruthless invader. give it a break and take ur issues elsewhere. go play hopscotch on the fast lane of a motorway. that'll cure them in an instant.
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Postby DT. » Fri May 27, 2011 6:27 pm

ZoC wrote:
Mr. T wrote:I don't know whether to read and weep or laugh at your inablility to distinguish between forecasts and REAL GROWTH. The later is the factual one my dear. See how your dream compares with reality by seeing where Cyprus ranks in the latest available figures from the IMF.

Don't bother looking in the top 2, definitely avert your eyes from that part of the list that shows which country's growth ranked 18th. To really save time you will find it quicker starting at the bottom with Haiti and and scroll up very slowly or you may miss Cyprus. ... atest_year)

wtf's ur beef - coming to a cyprus forum to slag off cyprus? it's a tiny f*cking island that's occupied by a ruthless invader. give it a break and take ur issues elsewhere. go play hopscotch on the fast lane of a motorway. that'll cure them in an instant.

Sometimes I don't know how people can actually enter a shop and articulate A request to purchase an iPad/pc/mac etc.

As you can clearly see developed nations such as norway and the Uk are in the same neighbourhood as Cyprus. This is GDP growth my friend, not GDP per capita which is the correct ratio to use when determining a country's wealth and output in ration with it's population.

Unless you consider Botswana, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan who all feature in the top 15 as stable developed economies with proper welfare systems to cater for their populations.

I'll break it down for your mental age. If a country goes from 1to 2 then it's a 100% growth measure. If a country is at 100 and goes to 102 it's a 2% growth measure. Where would you rather live?
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Postby SKI-preo » Fri May 27, 2011 6:34 pm

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Postby Paphitis » Sun May 29, 2011 12:04 pm

Mr. T wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Mr. T wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Mr. T wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Populations evolve all over the world you people only use the you TCs are disappearing as a threat because you are stupid enough to think that that option is far worse than capitulating to GC demands well hello wake up come to your senses its not.

It's amazing how you constantly contradict yourself VP.
One day you tell us populations evolve around the world and it's OK for the Kibrislis to disappear and lose their own country in favor of some other populations like the Turkish settlers, and the other day you scream like a hyena that you will never accept the Kypreos to use their numbers and possibly prevail over you, or assimilate you or whatever.

And all these without even having ANY first hand experience because you were born and raised in ENGLAND!

Hello I do not believe you posted the above you cannot be that stupid, do you understand what I have written?

Cyprus is very well insulated from the Greek Crisis and its economy is strong enough to overcome any banking sector exposures.

I remember that Cyprus was grouped alongside Australia as having the strongest OECD economies in the world.

So I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you!

Would you be so kind as to say when Cyprus became a member of the OECD? Perhaps the OECD ought to be advised of this news.

It doesn't have to be a member to be compared to other OECD countries, and it was compared to Australia no less who has the strongest economy in the OECD.

So don't be holding your breath about any RoC collapse!

(i) Of course it doesn't so why did you say 'Cyprus was grouped alongside Australia as having the strongest OECD economies in the world'?

(ii) I had to laugh when I discovered a reason why Cyprus isn't a member.

(iii) I have a feeling that the comparison to which you refer must have been made by you. If not please give a reference.
GDP per capita is an extremely important factor but as that of Cyprus is not that great one can but wonder what could even cause anyone to even consider that the economy of Cyprus is strong.

Cyprus isn't a member because it keeps getting vetoes by Turkey.

Just like Turkey will NEVER be a member of the EU because it will be vetoed by Cyprus.

No not me, but the Australian media. Read and weep! ... omy#441447

Now, laugh away!

I don't know whether to read and weep or laugh at your inablility to distinguish between forecasts and REAL GROWTH. The later is the factual one my dear. See how your dream compares with reality by seeing where Cyprus ranks in the latest available figures from the IMF.

Don't bother looking in the top 2, definitely avert your eyes from that part of the list that shows which country's growth ranked 18th. To really save time you will find it quicker starting at the bottom with Haiti and and scroll up very slowly or you may miss Cyprus. ... atest_year)

Oh dear you really are an idiot!

Firstly, both Australia and Cyprus are developed economies, and so their GDP growth is always going to be lower to the faster developing economies around the globe.

We have been comparing their growth with other developed nations in the world and it is positive to see that both Cyprus and Australia have outperformed all the forecasts and posted positive GDP growth beyond all predictions.

Of course, it is to the RoC's credit, considering it is under occupation, to be compared with resource rich Australia, and their performance makes me very proud as I look at its economic prowess with absolute amazement!

You can't go comparing Australia or Cyprus to any tin pot African, Asian or the tin pot Turkish economy.

It is like comparing the US to Uganda!
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Re: South Cyprus heading for Greek financial Crisis

Postby Hermes » Sun Jun 05, 2011 1:58 pm

Cyprus' banks in a strong position despite the Greek financial crisis...

Deposits peak as foreign clients defy rating cuts

DEPOSITS will continue to flow into Cyprus' banking system defying recent cuts in the credit rating of lenders operating on the island, bankers say.

“Even after recent rating cuts, our clientele continues to show trust in our organisation, as is demonstrated by the continuous increase in deposits,” Louis Pochanis, senior manager of international banking services at the Bank of Cyprus, told the Sunday Mail in an interview.

Clients pay less attention to ratings and “more attention to our profitability, capital adequacy level and liquidity which were maintained throughout the global financial crisis and the Greek debt crisis at impressively high levels even compared to other banks internationally,” Pochanis added.

...“Factors that influence or determine the flow of foreign capital to Cyprus are numerous and deeper,” he said. "A scenario involving a Greek haircut may affect the deposit inflows but only to a certain degree given the high capitalisation ratio of Marfin Popular Bank or the Cypriot banks in general."

Full article here: ... s/20110605
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Re: South Cyprus heading for Greek financial Crisis

Postby PushDaddy » Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:45 pm

Least you are building a Grand Prix Circuit..............
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Re: South Cyprus heading for Greek financial Crisis

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:26 pm

Did anyone read what the GC Central Bank Governor said about the GC economy?
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Re: South Cyprus heading for Greek financial Crisis

Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:04 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Did anyone read what the GC Central Bank Governor said about the GC economy?

Yes, and?
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Re: South Cyprus heading for Greek financial Crisis

Postby Viewpoint » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:10 pm

The ho so brilliant Gc south is on the verge of an economic crisis which I predicted.
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