A 'fession ...there was a time in more innocent and more liberal-thinking days when would have agreed with some, ... and would have thought ... yeah live and let live ..and that if normally intelligent and rational people are foolish enough (imho) to believe in obvious nonsense and superstition ... well what's it got to do with me? ... but in this near twilight of life and in the face of the harm, the suffering, the millions and millions of deaths in His Name that His Religion, and the religions of Others, have caused over the millenniums, that really must ask...
Can anyone of conscience stay silent and bite their tongue, cos isn't to "show respect" (shall we call it that?), isn't it really to aid and to acquiesce in the intolerance, the tortures, the Inquisitions, the divisive tribalism and the murderous wars that Religions have brought us?
... and if you agree.. then there can be no close season for criticisms of religions.