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Postby ZoC » Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:58 pm

Bananiot wrote:What are you on underdog? They can have their dream as long as it is not at my expense. I cannot even teach kids about evolution in this country

jesus christ. is that true? no wonder so many of u are so f*cked in the head.

Bananiot wrote:and you care about the dream of old women who perhaps remembered god only after satan let go of them?

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Postby Bananiot » Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:04 pm

Took your laptop to church?
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Postby ZoC » Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:16 pm

Bananiot wrote:Took your laptop to church?

it's been playing up a bit so went to have it blessed...

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Postby SSBubbles » Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:20 pm

denizaksulu wrote:Kalos Paska to all my friends and others. (Eastern Church and the Western Churches)
Hope you all have a fine week-end with plenty of lamb Souvla and KEO too. :lol: (while you are all at it have one on me as well).

Thanks D :) Same to you and yours. Bet everyone is enjoying their long weekend no matter their belief :lol: (don't forget that today is also a day of fasting and fish and chips for some :wink: )
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Postby SSBubbles » Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:22 pm

I don't get why B25, Daniella and STU are so upset/annoyed or whatever they are at Bananiot :?
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Postby B25 » Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:25 pm

Bananiot wrote:Sotos, the other day your friend wished me I would choke on my (Saturday) coffee and you kept quite. You did not display (nor did Daniella) any compassion back then. Of course I didn't do him the favour. Now he wishes "kalo pasxa" and I would have been legitimate to have wished him to make the trip to his creator soon, but I didn't.

Hark the angel, with your constant insults and put downs, I would say it's just as bad.

Why do you expect compassion from the very people you sh*t upon??

I suppose with your athiesm, when one of your family members pass I guess you will just burn them a? Or are you going to take the to church for a christian ritual??? I guess that would make you a hypocrite, yes.

Same goes for these so called athiests, they 'don't believe', but come Christmas, Easter, funerals, Christenings, they are all found in the church.

As for those of us that do believe, who are you to tell us otherwise? with your derogatory remarks.
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Postby humanist » Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:28 pm

Kalo Pascha everyone .... let us remember that God has taught us all one thing "Love thy Neighbour"
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Postby Bananiot » Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:46 pm

I know you are illiterate B25 but to that extend I wouldn't have guessed. You understood nothing of what I wrote, but you have an advantage over me. You have god on your side and this is no level playing field.

P.S. One day you should tell me the advantages of being a believer and who knows, you might convert me.
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Postby kurupetos » Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:02 pm

Bananiot wrote:Daniela, I think a more critical view of Easter (and all other "facts") we take for granted will not do any harm to anyone.

In our part of the world Easter is a symbol for the beginning of Spring but it can also be the other way round, for people that still like to think for themselves. Spring brings on Easter! Spring also brings on the hope of rebirth, a new beginning (look at nature) but also it brings on the futility of hope. Kiki Dimoula, Greek poet is the master of futility. In one of her poems she says: "The churches are bursting at the seams with people. There is no room for me. It does not really matter. I will hear about "tetelestai" (it is finished - John) from another source. A more reliable source".

The end is unthinkable in the midst of Spring. We all look for a miracle, to be reborn, like nature. Humans have always longed for the message of rebirth. It is a central dogma from time eternal, from Osiris and Adonis, Demetra (goddess of harvest) and Persephone (daughter of Demetra).

Daniela, I hope you can understand the above but if you do not you can still think of me as "disgusting". No problem.

OMG! :shock:
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Postby B25 » Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:02 pm

SSBubbles wrote:I don't get why B25, Daniella and STU are so upset/annoyed or whatever they are at Bananiot :?

Because this miserble git passes insult to believers with these comments:

"The mass hysteria over the death of Jesus is depressing. The tvs play epic films that we see year after year and the radios play sad music. Last night I approached a couple of women going to church, dressed in black, and I said to them, why are you grieving, after all he is god, he cannot die and you know it. There is so much selfishness and hypocrisy in church goers and religious people in general. They are not satisfied with one life on earth and they are after another one, which will last forever, after death. These people should burn in hell, I think."

Because most decent people would find these words insulting, degrading and down right blasphemous (sp?). The hundreds of milllions of believers are all selfish and hypocrites in his eyes, so he must be right.

He has sunk to a level lower than the bottom of the barrel, in fact, I scrape him of the bottom of my shoe.

First he wants us to give up our country and now he wants us to give up our religion. I wonder if he says the same to his turks on ramadam.
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