Bananiot wrote:Sotos, the other day your friend wished me I would choke on my (Saturday) coffee and you kept quite. You did not display (nor did Daniella) any compassion back then. Of course I didn't do him the favour. Now he wishes "kalo pasxa" and I would have been legitimate to have wished him to make the trip to his creator soon, but I didn't.
Hark the angel, with your constant insults and put downs, I would say it's just as bad.
Why do you expect compassion from the very people you sh*t upon??
I suppose with your athiesm, when one of your family members pass I guess you will just burn them a? Or are you going to take the to church for a christian ritual??? I guess that would make you a hypocrite, yes.
Same goes for these so called athiests, they 'don't believe', but come Christmas, Easter, funerals, Christenings, they are all found in the church.
As for those of us that do believe, who are you to tell us otherwise? with your derogatory remarks.