denizaksulu wrote:Sotos wrote:Bananiot wrote:The mass hysteria over the death of Jesus is depressing. The tvs play epic films that we see year after year and the radios play sad music. Last night I approached a couple of women going to church, dressed in black, and I said to them, why are you grieving, after all he is god, he cannot die and you know it. There is so much selfishness and hypocrisy in church goers and religious people in general. They are not satisfied with one life on earth and they are after another one, which will last forever, after death. These people should burn in hell, I think.
Some others not only want to go in paradise and live forever but they expect to have 40 virgins for them when they get there! But I don't expect from you to ever say a bad word about themI hope you are happy that you ruined Deniz topic!
Thanks for your concern Sotos, but Bananiot did not ruin anything. Lately I too have turned my back on religion but it will not stop my well wishes for my fellow humans.
I wish I could say Kalo Paska to Oracle too. Oracle are you reading this!!!!!!!!!!!!
... oooh .... good time for another Resurrection.