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Evidence of a Minoan Presence Among Ancient Canaanites

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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Apr 24, 2011 12:21 am

Britain Had vistors long before Pythias -

As per Wikepedia Isotope analysis indicates that some buried individuals at Stonehenge were from other regions. A teenage boy buried approximately 1550 BC was raised near the Mediterranean Sea; a metal worker from 2300 BC dubbed the "Amesbury Archer" grew up near the alpine foothills of Germany; and the "Boscombe Bowmen" likely arrived from Wales or Brittany.

The oldest London Bridge probably dates back to 1500 BC while London's oldest known Structure may be a wooden board walk that is over 4000 years old.
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Postby Piratis » Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:22 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:Britain Had vistors long before Pythias -

As per Wikepedia Isotope analysis indicates that some buried individuals at Stonehenge were from other regions. A teenage boy buried approximately 1550 BC was raised near the Mediterranean Sea; a metal worker from 2300 BC dubbed the "Amesbury Archer" grew up near the alpine foothills of Germany; and the "Boscombe Bowmen" likely arrived from Wales or Brittany.

The oldest London Bridge probably dates back to 1500 BC while London's oldest known Structure may be a wooden board walk that is over 4000 years old.

There was no "London" in 1500BC. Maybe there was some other settlement in the area, not called "London", by people who were not English.

What you fail to understand is that "Britons" and "Cypriots" are terms that describe inhabitants of a particular place, not a specific ethnic group. These inhabitants arrived at different times in Britain and in Cyprus, some earlier others later.

On the other hand when we talk about Greek and English we are talking about ethnic groups. Asking from Greeks in Cyprus to be just Cypriots and not Greek, is exactly the same as asking from the English to be just Britons.

Is the fact that Britain was populated before the Angles invaded going to stop the English from identifying as English?

Is the fact that the English are not really "pure blood" Angles, but actually a mix of people who came to that area both before and after the Angles invasion, going to stop the English from calling themselves English?

The exact same arguments that you use to claim that Greek Cypriots should be just Cypriots and not Greek, could be used to claim that the English should be just Britons. The same could be said for most others. E.g. ask from the Turks to stop calling themselves Turks and be just "Anatolians".

So it is about time you show some respect to our ethnic group, since you choose to live among us. We are Cypriots in the same way you are a Briton, and we are Greek in the same way you are English. Please try to understand this simple thing and stop arguing for the sake of arguing.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun May 01, 2011 10:51 pm

yes but are you trying to argue that in about 1700 BC the Minoans were Greek, whenat that time they did not speak Greek and did not worship the Greek Gods?
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Postby Piratis » Mon May 02, 2011 12:19 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:yes but are you trying to argue that in about 1700 BC the Minoans were Greek, whenat that time they did not speak Greek and did not worship the Greek Gods?

No, never said that Minoans were Greek. Greeks arrived in Crete about 3500 years ago. Similarly, there were no English in Britain until 1500 years ago. So Greeks in Crete (and Cyprus) = 3500 years of history. English in Britain = 1500 years of history.

For Greeks the Minoan civilization is what for the English are the pre-English civilizations in Britain. So the monuments of the Minoans in Crete are as much ours as Stonehenge is of the English.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon May 02, 2011 1:32 am

Piratis wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:yes but are you trying to argue that in about 1700 BC the Minoans were Greek, whenat that time they did not speak Greek and did not worship the Greek Gods?

No, never said that Minoans were Greek. Greeks arrived in Crete about 3500 years ago. Similarly, there were no English in Britain until 1500 years ago. So Greeks in Crete (and Cyprus) = 3500 years of history. English in Britain = 1500 years of history.

For Greeks the Minoan civilization is what for the English are the pre-English civilizations in Britain. So the monuments of the Minoans in Crete are as much ours as Stonehenge is of the English.

At least we have one point of agreement on the Minoans.

Please find a link to Royal Society Article, published in 2008. ... 3.full.pdf

This again clearly shows there were not enough invaders in the Anglo Saxon period to over-run the indigeounous Britons, who were probably NOT exterminated or driven out.
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Postby Piratis » Mon May 02, 2011 2:18 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Piratis wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:yes but are you trying to argue that in about 1700 BC the Minoans were Greek, whenat that time they did not speak Greek and did not worship the Greek Gods?

No, never said that Minoans were Greek. Greeks arrived in Crete about 3500 years ago. Similarly, there were no English in Britain until 1500 years ago. So Greeks in Crete (and Cyprus) = 3500 years of history. English in Britain = 1500 years of history.

For Greeks the Minoan civilization is what for the English are the pre-English civilizations in Britain. So the monuments of the Minoans in Crete are as much ours as Stonehenge is of the English.

At least we have one point of agreement on the Minoans.

Please find a link to Royal Society Article, published in 2008. ... 3.full.pdf

This again clearly shows there were not enough invaders in the Anglo Saxon period to over-run the indigeounous Britons, who were probably NOT exterminated or driven out.

My friend, we are going in circles. We know very well who we are. We are Greeks. We are not Minoans or any other prehistoric peoples, although no doubt we assimilated a lot of them in our civilization. On the other hand you seem to have some identity crisis.

Are you English? If yes, then it is a fact that the Angles (English) did not invade Britain until about 1500 years ago.

Are you not English but just Britons? Then stop calling that territory in Britain "England", stop calling yourselves "English", and stop speaking English, a Germanic language which in this case is foreign to you.

It is your identity, so you decide what you are. Just stop contradicting yourself.
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Postby yialousa1971 » Mon May 02, 2011 2:34 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Piratis wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:yes but are you trying to argue that in about 1700 BC the Minoans were Greek, whenat that time they did not speak Greek and did not worship the Greek Gods?

No, never said that Minoans were Greek. Greeks arrived in Crete about 3500 years ago. Similarly, there were no English in Britain until 1500 years ago. So Greeks in Crete (and Cyprus) = 3500 years of history. English in Britain = 1500 years of history.

For Greeks the Minoan civilization is what for the English are the pre-English civilizations in Britain. So the monuments of the Minoans in Crete are as much ours as Stonehenge is of the English.

At least we have one point of agreement on the Minoans.

Please find a link to Royal Society Article, published in 2008. ... 3.full.pdf

This again clearly shows there were not enough invaders in the Anglo Saxon period to over-run the indigeounous Britons, who were probably NOT exterminated or driven out.

Stop going off topic, just except it that you're a East End/Essex Jew. :wink:
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Postby yialousa1971 » Mon May 02, 2011 2:44 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:yes but are you trying to argue that in about 1700 BC the Minoans were Greek, whenat that time they did not speak Greek and did not worship the Greek Gods?

Minos was a semi-legendary king of Crete, son of Zeus and Europa. The Minoan civilization has been named after him.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon May 02, 2011 6:40 am

1) Minos may be derived from an Indo-European word for ruler and may be a title not a name.
2) The Name Minoans was coined in the 19th Century by Arthur Evans: it was not what the ancient "eteo-Cretans" called themselves
3) As the Gods do not exist his parentage must be uncertain: in any event before the first Minos ruled (and there were possibly two Cretan kings Minos, Grandfather and Grandson) Crete was ruled by Asterion, who was adoptive father of Minos I and his brothers.
3) The period of Minos I is placed in myth about 3 generations (say 60 to 90 years) before the Trojan war - (thought to be about 1184BC) i.e. about 1260 BC or so - ie After the Achaen/Mycenaean conquest.
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