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Evidence of a Minoan Presence Among Ancient Canaanites

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Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Apr 22, 2011 7:40 pm

Sotos wrote:
I have nothing aginst Greek Civilisation, only the Greek version of imperialism that makes it Ok for the ancient greeks to have indulged in colonialism and conquuest, as thy did,but no one else since

:roll: You are talking about a time more than 4000 years ago. Are you saying that what was OK 4000 years ago should still be OK today? Maybe we should start trading slaves then, and say that if if was ok for the English to do that just a few centuries ago it should be OK for us to do it today? And why did you fight against Hitler when he invaded Britain? When you Germanic Anglos invaded Britain some centuries earlier it was OK, so why wasn't Hitler allowed to do the same? Like Spartan gamer said you are a fascist Imperialist with a chip on your shoulder against anything Greek.

No exactly the opposite - the ancient imperialism / colonilaism of the Greeks was no doubt just as offensive to the victims of it as modern Imperialism and colonialism is to the modern victims, e.g. the people of Cyprus under Lusignan, Venetian, Ottoman and lately British Rule.

Have I ever condoned the acts of the British? I have made it clear in the past that the British were motivated by self-interest and their treatment of the Cypriots was anything but altrustic. I am not going to apologise for it because it was in the past.

However my key point is that the ancient Minoans, at least up until 1500 BC or so were not Greek, but then they were the victims of Mycenaean Imperialistic/Colonialistic policies, as the peoples of Cyprus were.
That it happened 4000 years ago does not make it right.

The jury is out on whether there was an Germanic Anglo invasion of Britain about 1500 years back.
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Postby Piratis » Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:17 pm

The jury is out on whether there was an Germanic Anglo invasion of Britain about 1500 years back.

No doubt about it whatsoever. When we Greeks were already in Cyprus your Germanic tribe was nowhere near Britain for a 1500+ more years. We were in Cyprus long before even the Celts went to Britain.

Have I ever condoned the acts of the British? I have made it clear in the past that the British were motivated by self-interest and their treatment of the Cypriots was anything but altrustic. I am not going to apologise for it because it was in the past.

It is not in the past at all. Britain continues to occupy parts of our island, and together with the Turks they collaborate to deny to the Cypriots their freedom and self-determination so they can keep Cyprus isolated from the rest of our nation and in this way make it easier for themselves to continue to abuse and exploit our island.

The fact that on every excuse you jump in to spout your anti-Greek propaganda is clear evidence that you fully align yourself with the hostile policies that your nations has against ours.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:07 pm

I have always been pro Cypriot, unlike those who (IMHO mistakenly ) think they are Greek and want to give Cyprus away to another foreign ruler, Greece. In connection with this I have also made it very clear that the anomolous position of the SBA's must be resolved, that is to say become a full part of the ROC.

You will no doubt have also noted I have always called for the withdrawl of Turkish troops along with the removal of the Anatolian settlers and the carpet-baggers - I have also openly criticised British Turkophile politicians such as that has-been Chris Patten.

You however want to sell Cyprus out: well Fuck you! No you might enjoy it: eat your own shit - you are full enough of it!
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Postby Piratis » Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:09 pm

The vast majority of Cypriots are Greek and therefore the rest of Greece is not foreign to us at all. What we do with our own island is not your business since you are a foreigner.

The only thing that is right for a foreigner to support regarding Cyprus is the right of the Cypriot people to freely and democratically take decisions for their own island. Nothing else.

We have a history on this island that is twice as long as the history of the English in Britain, and you are not going to give us lessons about who we are and what our island is.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Apr 23, 2011 6:58 pm

No Cypriots are Cypriot, some of whom speak Greek and some of whom speak Turkish, and many of whom are also fluent in English, in all cases as a result of imperialistic and colonialistic policies, some ancient, some modern.

The British in Britain (of whom the English are a part) have a history going back many thousands of years - we were building houses in 8500 BC or so.
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Postby kurupetos » Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:00 pm

ZoC wrote:yes, sure... i'm based in london now, but that don't make me a brit.

Did you fail to integrate by any chance? :lol:
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Postby ZoC » Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:28 pm

kurupetos wrote:
ZoC wrote:yes, sure... i'm based in london now, but that don't make me a brit.

Did you fail to integrate by any chance? :lol:

:lol: i like to think i have integrated the very best of both cultures while discarding all the useless shit so many others hang on too. :wink:

btw, that makes me a proud londoner... 100%.
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Postby Piratis » Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:23 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:No Cypriots are Cypriot, some of whom speak Greek and some of whom speak Turkish, and many of whom are also fluent in English, in all cases as a result of imperialistic and colonialistic policies, some ancient, some modern.

The British in Britain (of whom the English are a part) have a history going back many thousands of years - we were building houses in 8500 BC or so.

The English (Angles) invaded Britain 1500 years ago. There were no English in Britain before that. On the other hand we Greeks have been in Cyprus for more than twice as much time. Therefore you don't get to say who we are because you are a clueless foreigner whose opinion means zilch.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:36 pm

The Britons have been in Britain for a lot longer then the Hellenes have been in Greece.

More Germane to the topic, the non-Greek Minoands had a civililsation while the orgininal Hellenes were making their way to Greece.
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Postby Piratis » Sat Apr 23, 2011 10:54 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:The Britons have been in Britain for a lot longer then the Hellenes have been in Greece.

More Germane to the topic, the non-Greek Minoands had a civililsation while the orgininal Hellenes were making their way to Greece.

The people who lived in what you today call Britain at those times didn't call themselves "Britons" and they have nothing to do with the English who were a Germanic tribe which invaded Britain at about 500AD.

Here is an interesting fact for you:
Latin Britannia is derived from the travel writings of the ancient Greek Pytheas around 320 BC, which described various islands in the North Atlantic as far North as Thule (possibly Iceland, Faroe, or the Shetland Islands). Pytheas described Thule as the northernmost part of Πρεττανική (Prettanike) or Βρεττανίαι (Brettaniai), his term for the entire group of islands in the far north-west.
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