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File of Cyprus puts invasion blame on junta

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Klik » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:46 pm

B25 wrote:We don't need a report to tell us what we already know.

The F yanks the British and Turkey architected the whole thing, manipulating the few idiots (bananiots) we have and hey presto, we get fucked.

Whats new, this is old hat.

The idiots were tricked. The deal was for USA/UK/Turkey to gain control of a small area in the eastern coast of Cyprus(Karpasia area) and the rest would fall under junta's governance.. mission failed :?
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Postby insan » Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:07 pm

Intelligence Information No 21 from Gen. V. Zikulov to T.Zhivkov re: Situation in Cyprus and Greece
03/22/1974 Source:
Central State Archive, Sofia, Fond 378-B, Record 866, File 10



Copy No. 2



No. 21

On the situation in Cyprus and Greece

Recently, several new developments are observed in the situation in Cyprus and Greece.

In Cyprus they are characterized by the following:

- The National Guard of Cyprus, which is led by a Greek command squad, is reinforced with a new contingent of officers, sergeants and soldiers, who have arrived from Greece and are meant to occupy some important positions. This squad is expected to replace the tank-crews in the [National] guard;

- The arming of the illegal organization “EOKA-2” [EOKA-B] continues, which tells that it will not only not be disbanded, but is also preparing for more active steps (deistvia) against the government of Makarios.

- The former leader of the organization Karusos, who defended the position that the organization should fight the government with political means only, has been replaced with the Greek colonel from the reserve Dertilis, who served in the diversion-intelligence unit in Greece;

- The Greek government exerted pressure on Makarios and carried out a propaganda campaign for the reinstitution of holy rank (san) for the former bishops of Paphos, Kyrenia and Limassol, who have been removed from office, aimed at creating disunity among the Greek-Cypriot population on church-related matters;

- According to some reports (niakoi danni), the Greek and the Turkish governments, without consulting (bez da suglasuvat s) the government of Cyprus, have reached an agreement regarding part of the contested issues about the local administrative governance in Cyprus and the participation of the Greek and the Turkish communities in it. According to Makarios, great concessions were made to the Turkish side, and because of that he [Makarios] considers the agreement unacceptable.

Having evaluated the current situation on the island, Makarios held a meeting with the Greek Ambassador in Nicosia, to whom he protested the actions undertaken by the Greek government against him, as well as the attempts to resolve the Cyprus issue without him. [Makarios] threatened that he will force all officers, who are engaged in illegal activity, out of Cyprus, and if the need be, he will break relations with Greece. In order to guard against armed activity, Makarios has taken a number of measures: the police, along with the armed forces among the population are put on high alert; he has asked for political support from socialist countries via diplomatic means; he has sought the help of the democratic community in Western countries; he has turned for help to the British Government, which, according to available information, has stated that it is against a forceful solution to the Cyprus issue and so on.

In relation to the specified events, in Cyprus it is widely spoken about the preparation of a coup d’état against Makarios that would be coordinated with a new coup d’état in Greece. Some people consider officer Nef [phonetic spelling] – at the US Embassy in Athens – as the organizer of both; he has previously served in the US Embassy in Nicosia and has organized the 1970 assassination attempt against Makarios.

The political atmosphere in Greece is exacerbating (se izostria) [the situation].

It is known that numerous discords among the current governing circles in Greece exist regarding the future development of the regime. Since its establishment (in November 1973) three main groups (grupirovki) have formed within it:

- representatives of the movement (tendentsiata) for attracting people from the former political parties in the government and for the creation of non-parliamentary regime (President [Gen. Phaedon] Gizikis, ministers [George] Rallis and Triandafilakos [phonetic spelling] and others);

- group headed by general Ioannides (chief of the military police), which is for the continuation of the military regime in the spirit of the coup of April 21, 1967;

- group of young officers, the so called “kadafists” (“kadfisti”), with nationalistic anti-democratic attitudes, (with leader colonel Stiakis [phonetic spelling] – commander of the light tank troops (bronetankovite voiski)). It [the group] is also for preserving the military regime, and for introducing (provejdane) an even harder political line.

The groups of Ioannides and Stiakis are gradually forming a unified movement for preserving and continuing the military regime against the representatives of the movement (tendentsiata) for creating a parliamentary governance façade in the country. The two groups do not differ in their shared pro-American direction, but have different opinions on the internal [political] developments in Greece.

Recent information reveals that discords among these separate groups, especially in the circles of the officer corps, are becoming more acute. According to some reports (niakoi svedenia), general Ioannis Davos [phonetic spelling], the commander of the 3rd army corps (Solun), has headed a group in Solun’s garrison of those discontented with the actions of general Ioannides. In the garrison, measures were taken for the arrest or the removal of Ioannides’ followers from their military police posts, and for the establishment of full control by general Davos over the divisions (chastite i suidineniata) of 3rd army corps.

To prevent possible (eventualni) clashes, the regime has recently taken quick measures to iron out the disagreements in the army’s command structure. Perhaps, it was to that end that the commander of the Greek armed forces, general Bonanos, [phonetic spelling] visited Solun. According to information that hasn’t been confirmed, the troops of the Athens’ garrison and other garrisons were placed on high military alert. General Ioannides was removed from the post of chief of the military police and was replaced by another individual, who was offered greater authority – [including] establishing control over the Central Intelligence Service (KYP) and the police force (politseiskite organi) outside of the army.

According to certain Western political observers in Athens, new developments are coming to fruition in Greece. They consider the visit of Makarezos (former deputy-prime minister in the government of Papadopoulus) to the USA to be connected to the possible formation of a new transitional government and attracting some activists of former political parties to that government.



No. 0601/22.3.1974
[March 22, 1974]
Printed in 1 copy
Duplicated in 26 copies


Translated for CWIHP by: Kristina N. Terzieva

Collection Bulgaria in the Cold War
Creator Lt. Gen. Zikulov
Type Intelligence Note
Subject Cyprus, conflict in, Greece-Turkey Relations, Makarios
Coverage Cyprus, Great Britain, Greece, United States
Lang Bulgarian
Rights CWIHP
Format Original
Identifier: 605662E7-96B6-175C-9F98DA2026EB2CF1 ... Cold%20War
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Postby insan » Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:17 pm

[19 March 1974]
[K. Tellalov]


On 17 March 1974 the Secretary of the BCP CC [Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Praty], Konstantin Tellalov, spoke with the Secretary General of AKEL– Cyprus [Progressive Party of the Working People of Cyprus] Ezekias Papaioannou at his request.

Comrade Papaioannou, who spent the night in Sofia en route to Moscow, wished to inform BCP CC Politburo about the following:

CC AKEL has information from three different sources that Ioannides is preparing a coup d’état of the so called “hard-line elements” in the Greek army in Greece and Cyprus simultaneously. The plan for such coup was developed by CIA, more specifically by the CIA representative on the Regional Group, Middle East - Neft [phonetic spelling], based in Athens. The goal of the plan, especially regarding Cyprus, is to oust Makarios and to deal AKEL a blow. In Greece, one has to go further to the right than the current government. There has been a tendency in the army for removing the current regime and bringing Karamanlis. Americans hope to cast a bridge between Greece and Turkey in this way. It seems as though Turkey is favorably inclined towards such a decision. Edjevid [phonetic spelling] is not far from the thought of a so called “federating” of Cyprus, regardless of the fact that he presents himself as a progressive.

The forces of EOKA-2 [EOKA-B] (grivasistite) [general Grivas’ forces] would be deployed in the coup d’état in Cyprus, as well as some forces from the National Guard. The coup d’état was planned to be completed in a short amount of time, in a few hours, otherwise it would not succeed. An officer, who will head EOKA, has secretly been sent from Greece to Cyprus.

- 2 -

Of all previous plans for a coup d’état in Cyprus this is the most satanic. Apparently, it has been developed by a thoughtful individual who knows the reality of life in Greece and Cyprus. For a first time one speaks of a double coup d’état. The quick execution of the coup is being relied upon, in order to avoid possible (eventualni) third-party protests.

Our information suggests that Makarios will oppose such a coup. All three information reports (informatsii) we received coincide with the information Makariaos himself has. This makes the situation even more serious. Our intelligence was received independent of his sources.

Makarios has invited Lagakos (Greece’s Ambassador to Cyprus) and has stated that he knows everything that the Greeks are preparing to do in Cyprus. He [Makarios] has threatened him [Lagakos] that he [Makarios] will denounce them [the Greeks]. Lagakos has tried to counter Makarios’ argument, and, obviously frightened, has asked him not to make a move. Immediately following this meeting, the representative of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs Gunaris arrived in Cyprus with the apparent goal to calm Makarios down and to talk him into remaining silent. Makarios repeated in front of him his accusations by stating: “You are to blame for the misfortunes of Cyprus.” Gunaris has tried to disprove him, but Makarios has said that this is empty talk.

Makarios has asked for weapons from the CSSR [Czechoslovak Socialist Republic] and for help from the USSR. The weaponry has to be delivered by plane soon, in no less than a week. Last week AKEL sent the Politburo member Katsuridis in Prague, in order to explain to the Czechoslovak comrades the necessity of this delivery. However, there a comrade from the International Department of the CC of the CCP [Czechoslovak Communist Party] by the name of Varvoshek [phonetic spelling] received him, and stated that they cannot offer weaponry, since they were not gun traders. ... print=true
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Postby insan » Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:23 pm

We would like to ask the Bulgarian comrades to find a way to help us. We know that this is a delicate issue, but perhaps you could talk to the Czechoslovak comrades. Why are they afraid? The weaponry will be paid for. Besides, it [the weaponry] is being given to the lawful government of Cyprus at its request.

- 4 -

Besides, we would like to ask you not to take any steps with respect to the Greek government – be it military exercises (uchenia), I don’t know exactly what.

One way or another, we consider the situation to be very serious and we should not surrender Cyprus into the hands of the fascists. You yourself realize what would happen, if that, which transpired in Chile, were to take place. We haven’t done anything to provoke such measures: we don’t have an illegal party organization, we work through our official organs of state (durzahvni organi). If we didn’t support the current state, it would not exist even for a day. The fact that Makarios took a hard-line position (tvurda positsia) and told the Greeks that they can enter (da minat) only over his dead body, reveals that we also need to prepare for such a response [possibility]. ... print=true
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Postby insan » Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:23 pm

Since the issue is urgent – it is a matter of days, and may be hours – we need to take quick measures. It is possible for Ioannides to use the national holiday of Greece, 25 March, for this occasion, masking it with the planned (predvizhdania) parade of troops, tanks, etc.

Comrade Tellalov promised to inform comrade Zhivkov, and elaborated on our policy regarding Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey.

Comrade Papaioannou emphasized that he completely understands our policy. All that you do – he stated – is in the interest of socialism and the anti-imperial struggle. Romania and Yugoslavia express a platonic interest towards the Cyprus issue. We owe the Soviet Union a great deal. The presence of the Soviet fleet in the Mediterranean is a salvation for us. The Yugoslavs and the Romanians don’t understand that. As far as Greece is concerned, our impression is that the current Greek government

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has two faces. While Tetenes speaks of “negotiations on the Cyprus issue,” the Greek army officers in Cyprus raise slogans for ENOSIS and the annihilation of AKEL at the same time.

Regarding the failure of the Greek Communist Party, comrade Papaioannou expressed the assumption that there is a traitor in the party leadership.

Finally he spoke of the necessity to undertake a political campaign for unmasking the conspirators. Our impression is – he stated – that since the past week writings in this spirit appeared more frequently in the Soviet press.

Comrade Tellalov said that he will inform our leadership about everything, and that there is no doubt that our party, as in the past, will do everything needed, which is within its powers to offer the Cyprus comrades the help needed in this difficult moment for them.

Present at the meeting were Comrade Ivan Ganev – deputy director of the department on “Foreign Policy and International Relations” and Comrade Konstantin Popov – Ambassador of PR Bulgaria in Nicosia. Simultaneous translation [was provided by] Comrade Bocho Bochev – collaborator at department “VPMV” [Foreign Policy and International Relations].

18 March 1974 ... print=true
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Postby humanist » Fri Apr 22, 2011 9:40 am

The above is an exerpt from a book by Eugenie C. Scott. I do hope that you will eventually grow up and start looking for answers from the right persons, humanist.
am not sure what "you will eventually grow up". That sounds a lot arrogant actually.

I am grown up and that was my experience as a 6 year old child. You do not have the right to deny me my experience.

Just like my mother and her mother in-law walked from Peristerona to some village 30 - 40 km from Lefkosia north, in the now occupied area looking for my father whom they didn't hear from and of for a week. Fighting for the freedom of his Country so please don't suggest to me that my father lied about his experience.

I really don't care to re-visit that story I have grown up and I have various interests. The Cypro isn't all that I have to focus about. I come on here for discussions and i don't need to be an expert on Cypro or any other matter as matter of fact.

Thank you
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Postby Bananiot » Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:23 am

In that case who am I to argue with you? You can believe whatever you like, nobody stops you. Only, the truth is always independent of what you, me or my father believes.
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Postby NEVERSAYNEVER » Fri Apr 22, 2011 1:09 pm

In a nutshell Greece was wholly responsible for events that engulfed Cyprus after the military coup. The root of all evil , an ideologically bankrupt nation adversely influencing equally ideologically bankrupt Cypriots who to this day fail to recognize the right of the Cypriot people to their true national identity , that identity is none other than the Cypriot identity.
Miltiadis could not have put it better himself !!
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Postby DT. » Fri Apr 22, 2011 8:31 pm

NEVERSAYNEVER wrote:In a nutshell Greece was wholly responsible for events that engulfed Cyprus after the military coup. The root of all evil , an ideologically bankrupt nation adversely influencing equally ideologically bankrupt Cypriots who to this day fail to recognize the right of the Cypriot people to their true national identity , that identity is none other than the Cypriot identity.
Miltiadis could not have put it better himself !!

Only there's a little thing that Turkey committed as well. Ethnic cleansing, atrocities and occupation.
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Postby NEVERSAYNEVER » Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:09 pm

DT. wrote:
NEVERSAYNEVER wrote:In a nutshell Greece was wholly responsible for events that engulfed Cyprus after the military coup. The root of all evil , an ideologically bankrupt nation adversely influencing equally ideologically bankrupt Cypriots who to this day fail to recognize the right of the Cypriot people to their true national identity , that identity is none other than the Cypriot identity.
Miltiadis could not have put it better himself !!

Only there's a little thing that Turkey committed as well. Ethnic cleansing, atrocities and occupation.

absolutely , no one is denying that Turkey having been given the excuse to invade proceeded to achieve it's long standing plan to divide the island
and cause so much turmoil and destruction . She was given the go ahead by events created by the junta and by those amongst us who without knowing it are the enemies of Cyprus . I just can not understand why this Greece - Cyprus connection , and it is only a connection , should adversely interfere with the destiny of the nation of Cyprus. As a fiercely proud Cypriot never wavering from declaring that I'm a Cypriot I find it hard to comprehend the insatiable need that some have for Greece !!
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