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How Many of you GC visited "the occupied areas"?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Piratis » Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:08 pm

if i am not mistaken the question was how many gc visited the north.
i answered that did once, to visit my grandfathers house and after i made friend more often.

You didn't say you visited the north you said you visited the Turkish side. Therefore if that side is Turkish then it means you believe the house of your grandfather is Turkish. This is why I said that your grandfather would not be proud of you. i hope it is now clear.

Put the blame on T.Cs and is that all?

what I would prefer is to leave the past behind stop the illegalities and the violations of human rights and live well ever after.
However some others bring the past as an excuse of why the illegalities and the violations of human rights should continue.
When this happens I have no other choice than to remind those people of their own share of the blame.

As for justification of these actions with the Ottoman rule, are you going to make us suffer for another 400 years Pirati just to equalise the Ottoman rule?

No. You are the ones who are using that one decade to make us suffer for three, and you insist on making us suffer even more by using that one decade as an excuse. If you do not accept to be punished for the 400 years of the cruel Ottoman rule and the 30 years of occupation, then why should we accept that we, our children and grandchildren should be punished because of that one decade?

How about the T.C properties your government had expropriated? How about the land being used by G.Cs?? I thought expropriation is used for building roads etc but I saw one land on which a restaurant was built! Don't play "we are innocent" game. Dont put the blame on us. You have more guilt than us!

Wrong. The ratio of expropriated TC properties is the same as the one of GC properties. The rest TC properties are temporarily used by GC refugees until you allow them to return to their own properties.

Piratis,I am surprised to read that you have never been to the NOrth.
How will you ever change your entrenched position if you don't get out of your comfort zone?

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Birkibrisli, how my position will change by going to Kerynia as a tourist to eat fish? And what do you think should change from my position?
I am not saying that TCs and GCs should not communicate and interact. What I disagree is to go as a tourist to your own land.
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Postby wake up » Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:38 pm

no gcs should go cause we are funding turkey and helping them build it up no i will not go untill it is free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wake up
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Postby cypezokyli » Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:29 am

turkey does not need our money.

dont forget that we are trying to get turkey into signing a customs union with us. that is ... we want to trade
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Postby ELLAS H TEFRA! » Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:33 am

So the basic reason we want Turkey to sign the customs union is because we want to trade?

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Postby ManoWAR » Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:49 am

I will visit the North side of the island only when it will be ruled by the legal authorities (which is Cyprus Republic).

None should visit his home as a tourist!
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Postby cypezokyli » Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:57 am

the basic reason we want turkey to sign the custom union is not trade.

but this neo-rich attitude of not giving money is getting rediculous.

as i said before i visited the north because of friendship.
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Postby ELLAS H TEFRA! » Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:06 am

cypezokyli wrote:the basic reason we want turkey to sign the custom union is not trade.

but this neo-rich attitude of not giving money is getting rediculous.

as i said before i visited the north because of friendship.

It is ridiculous and doesnt hold its ground. I understand when this is applied for the occupied areas, but to claim that this can be said for Turkey then you are indeed ridiculous.

What do the neo-rich have todo with anything though? Perhaps I misunderstood your point.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:25 pm

ELLAS H TEFRA! wrote:So the basic reason we want Turkey to sign the customs union is because we want to trade?


Have you heard of the Ceyhan pipeline? oil and shipping? 4billion dollars of trade??? GCs will lose out if Turkey does not open its ports. Its all money land, shipping, trade, nothing to do with recognition.
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Postby cypezokyli » Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:34 pm

vp i dont think that our strategy concerning the customs union has to do with money. its a pure political strategik target and i think we both know that.

what i tried to say was, firtsly , that with customs union money can go to turkey in any case without being considered as "traitor money".

the second is that this "dont give them our money" hides, i am afraid, a superiority attitude that we carry.

i can understand the people who dont want to go unless they are aloud to move free in their own country.
but this idea with not giving money i find it very annoying
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How many of you GC's visited the "occupied areas?"

Postby blackley » Tue Sep 13, 2005 9:10 am

I am surprised at the lack of knowledge of the history of Cyprus by many contributors to this topic. See if you can get a copy of Cyprus-from earliest times to the present day- by Franz Georg Maier. It is out of print but a good bookshop may have a copy. Published in 1968 it is an excellent history by a former Professor of Ancient Histrory at the University of Frankfurt who lived and worked in Cyprus. I will make just one point. The claim of oppression of Cypriots under Ottoman rule was due in the main to both Turkish administrators and the Church. As the political and spiritual leader of all Greek Cypriots this undoubtably led to the Church becoming the wealthiest organisation on the island. Page 121 illustrates this extract from the 18th century-
"The Governor and the Archbishop deal more largely in corn than all the other people of the island put together;they frequently seize upon the whole yearly produce at their own valuation, and either export it or retail it at an advanced price; these Greek priests ..are worse than usual in Cyprus from the power they possess. They strip the poor ignorant superstitious peasant of his last 'para'"
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