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Postby Zox » Tue Sep 13, 2005 1:50 pm

Andy, thanks :)
Site is finished, still not activated. Small problems with “quick” administration about all legal things, copyrights etc here on Cyprus :?
Few words about GPS maps
- All work on digitalization is completed
- Tests are ok, average accuracy of digital maps are 5,2 meters which mean, with good GPS device (WAAS – 4,1 m) can give relative accuracy in range 0,9m up to 9,3m average 5,5m for urban areas. Outside of built-up areas is up to 17m, average 11m
- Poi’s are included, and will bee regularly updated
- Auto routing and navigation working just fine

That’s all for now :)

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Postby cyprusgrump » Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:44 pm

Is this product actually available yet, has anybody actually bought it and does it work?

The web site is quite out-of-date now.
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Postby coredump » Fri Nov 25, 2005 12:18 pm

cyprusgrump, do not be so impatient, "siga siga" must be considered as usually ;)
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Postby cellco » Sun Feb 12, 2006 8:54 pm

Hi Everyone,

Not sure if anyone has had the mapping and trialed it yet, I would like to know how it is working.

Cant wait to see if anyone has seen this working.
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Postby Marinos » Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:58 am

Hi to all
Also very interested in GPS disc for Cyprus. I have a 2000 540 BMW with
Global Positioning that speaks and it is fantastic. Currently in Australia but will be moving to Limassol and will be bringing the car with me , so it would be great if i could use there but would also be great for Cyprus to have this technology.
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Postby miragecy » Sun Feb 26, 2006 2:05 pm

I'd like to buy this software, but the site is down... :( Anybody has any update information?

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Postby Mikros » Sun Feb 26, 2006 8:37 pm

I'm afraid you have to forget the GPS mapping in cars in Cyprus... Still nothing available and I dont believe any time soon, due to the cost of implementing such thing in such a small geographical area.
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Postby Zox » Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:29 am

GPS technology vs. striptease bars

Dear my fellows on Cyprus forum

Like I said few months ago, all digitalization is finished, GPS maps was successfully tested, but… you will probably never see or by this product from my company.

What happened?
I will try to explain to you in short lines and using my poor English, so please, forgive me on some spelling mistakes and grammar.
Some six years ago I visit Cyprus for the first time, I like it very much and my family and I decide to stay there. Everything was fine until I decide to start my own company and to do something what I know the best, and that is cartography, mapping and engineering.
I open local company, start with my works, I pay vat and taxes regularly, everything was quite good, I invest money in technology, licenses… and it happened. They call us from immigration and tell us that we have to leave Cyprus. Just like that. Ok, I said, it must bee some mistake, why they aloud us to open company if they didn’t want us there? So, I inform my lawyer and we complain about that. We done all necessary things by the law for foreigner’s investors and company was registries by the book.


That was quite fast. Officers was very correct, still I was thinking – we will find what is all about. But, they put me to the jail.


You do not want to know too much about that, believe me. In three cells about 4 meters by 2 they have 3 beds. And 17 of us. There is a small hall, toilet and shower, which you cannot use because water is going in hall and cells. You get bred, ½ of milk, some of 25-30 olives, one tomato and sometimes cheese. That is for a day.


After 7 days they deported me. Without court, explanation what was all about. But, I was happy in one way, to go out of prison.

My family

My family stay there, my wife was trying to find out why they do not respect their own law, I was still hopping that was some mistake or whatever… I have company but I cannot work there. Mr. Cyprus likes to receive money but only to receive.
Anyway… my wife and I decide that if we cannot fix that problem until end of the school year, they will leave Cyprus. We do not want to live separate, even kids like there, even my son won on one competition and he get scholarship on Frederick institute of ethnology –architecture.

The latest news

My wife is arrested yesterday. She is in jail now and waiting for deportation. My son and daughter are home alone. Thanks to God, they are not in prison. They are waiting for deportation too. They will loose one school year; immigration could not wait until end of school.

What can I say?

It looks like we are family of criminals. All of us.
And, you do not need some stupid navigation technology from criminals. Right? Better use that money and go to striptease bars.

Welcome to Cyprus.
Actually, you do not need to bother and go there, just send them your money.
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Postby coredump » Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:09 am

Zox, who is your lawyer?
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Postby Zox » Wed Mar 08, 2006 11:43 am

I don’t know who is our lawyer at this moment; after I leave Cyprus my wife took another company from Nicosia to represent us. We pay thousands and thousands to different lawyers and all of them use to say: enexi provlima. Now, when I hear that phrase, I get scared. But this is not important any more, i guess.
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