The Cypriot king addressing the Pharaoh as "my brother", may indicate even the existence of family relations. Wife of Pharaoh Akenaton was the famous and beautiful Nefertiti, whom various researchers consider to be his half sister, while others consider that she was a foreign princess from the "kingdom of Mitanni" (east of the river Eufrates). However, the skulls of both Nefertiti and her six daughters (which were found and examined) were elongated, artificially distorted according to a very ancient custom, which existed in Cyprus. This, in conjunction with the existence, at that time, of close relations, commercial and of alliance, between Cyprus and Egypt, and the exchange of rich gifts between the two sovereigns (facts which are proven from the plates of Tel El Amarna), led to the formulation of the theory that Nefertiti was a princess from Cyprus who had married the Egyptian Pharaoh. This theory was first formulated by two German historians, Scharff and Moortgart, in their book "Aegypten und Vorderasien im Altertum".
If then, Nefertiti was a Cypriot princess, her marriage to the Pharaoh Akenaton, would have certainly contributed to the strengthening of various relations of Cyprus during that period.
Cap wrote:That you Figs?
Love your Aryan nose.
fig head wrote:Connection ?
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