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Racism? Or are the British just fed up?

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Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Apr 06, 2011 6:52 am

And I alsways thought by the way that Corruptos, Youloser, and few other Greeks carried on that according to them it was the Greeks who were the fucking master race master race who claimed to have invented culture, when everyone esle was supposedly living in caves - ELAM, the BNP, the One Nation party, they really are the modern version of this lot:

I think this man is their hero:


Well I've got news - they invented culture and writing in the middle east and the people who are probably/possibly my ancestors (if I am not Jewish) were building Stonhenge long before the Hellenes arrived in Greece in about 2000BC
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Apr 06, 2011 8:46 am

That's where you are wrong! One Nation was right wing, and were quite intolerant to certain groups. I could still always see where they were comming from and their point of view. However, I don't believe they were racist as such because they really only pushed for conservative Christian "values" since they believe Australia should be a conservative Christian, mostly European and Western society. They are not racist because Australian Greeks, Italians, Cypriots, and some dozens other ethnicities never had any issues with One Nation. They were not fascist and had a good leadership and their followers were predominately older generations. They were not fascist by any stretch of the imagination. They tapped into the discontent of Australia's mainstream, wanted to reduce if not stop all immigration to Australia from predominately Islamic countries unless those wanting to come have the ability to establish themselves within Australia's western mainstream society and not have a bunch of Ninjas wait in line with you at the bank whilst Bikies are forced to take off their helmets for security reasons.

Some of their policies were quite reasonable, but they took the wrong approach. It had got 5% at one particular election whereas ELAM wouldn't even get 0.5% in Cyprus.

ELAM has always being irrelevant, and One Nation does not exist anymore. In Australia there is a fascist party, and that wouldn't even get 0.1%. As irrelevant as ELAM is.
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Postby SpartanGamer » Wed Apr 06, 2011 9:38 am

supporttheunderdog wrote: ... it was the Greeks who were the fucking master race master race who claimed to have invented culture, when everyone esle was supposedly living in caves ...

Oooh, stop being so prejudiced against fellow troglodytes!

The practice of cave-dwelling in fact continues in some regions to the present day, and in the British Isles to within living memory. - C. Tolan-Smith

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Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:08 pm

only if they stop being prejudiced too.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:26 pm

Paphitis wrote:That's where you are wrong! One Nation was right wing, and were quite intolerant to certain groups. I could still always see where they were comming from and their point of view. However, I don't believe they were racist as such because they really only pushed for conservative Christian "values" since they believe Australia should be a conservative Christian, mostly European and Western society. They are not racist because Australian Greeks, Italians, Cypriots, and some dozens other ethnicities never had any issues with One Nation. They were not fascist and had a good leadership and their followers were predominately older generations. They were not fascist by any stretch of the imagination. They tapped into the discontent of Australia's mainstream, wanted to reduce if not stop all immigration to Australia from predominately Islamic countries unless those wanting to come have the ability to establish themselves within Australia's western mainstream society and not have a bunch of Ninjas wait in line with you at the bank whilst Bikies are forced to take off their helmets for security reasons.

Some of their policies were quite reasonable, but they took the wrong approach. It had got 5% at one particular election whereas ELAM wouldn't even get 0.5% in Cyprus.

ELAM has always being irrelevant, and One Nation does not exist anymore. In Australia there is a fascist party, and that wouldn't even get 0.1%. As irrelevant as ELAM is.

Dear Paphitis

Many thanks for your constructive and objective response - perhaps "culturalist" would be a better way to describe One Nation.

The BNP in the UK likewise have some reasonable policies, such as the health service, which act as a hook to catch support, which sadly they are gaining, but in their case there is always the underlying element of racism, and if they had their way their would be far fewer doctors and nurses to run the systm. One of the best Doctors I had in the UK was Indian by ethnos.
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Postby SKI-preo » Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:34 am

I have to say that Australia is user friendly provided you make an effort to integrate.

Some immigrants make no effort to cooperate and intergrate. I had an (Christian) Arab girlfriend who would purposely speak in loud obnoxious Arabic on her phone in cafes to stir up dirty looks from Anglos. Nice legs shame about the fez.
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Postby NEVERSAYNEVER » Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:38 am

The main reason why White extremist elements are flourishing right now in the UK is the degredation that is constanly taking place of the British and Western cultures by the evil of multicultural nonsense forced on the people of this great nation.
As a " foreigner" living in the UK I'm ready to accept that the culture of this nation is that of Britain and not of some third world under developed nation . We have our culture and we respect other peoples right to have their own but not at he expense of the local culture. There are immigrants here in the UK who will NEVER accept 21st century modes so buried in the dark ages they are
they refuse to even learn the nations language.
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Postby Piratis » Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:23 am

The issue is multidimensional.

There are racists, but such people are just small minorities in most countries. The majority of the people just want immigration to be controlled, particularly illegal immigration, and expect from those who do immigrate to their country to be respectful of the culture of the country and try to integrate.

Another thing to remember is that those who gain most from an increase in immigration are the wealthy, because the immigrants can offer to them cheaper labor. It is the lower classes of the people who are threatened the most by immigrants since it is these classes that compete with the immigrants in the labor market.

Another aspect of the issue is that the actions of certain Imperialist countries is part of the reasons why some people are forced to immigrate from their own countries. The imperialists have been robbing the countries of those immigrants for centuries, not to mention bombing their countries to pieces, supposedly for some altruistic reasons, while elsewhere they have no problem to back and cooperate with the worst kind of dictators.

Neither the immigrants can be blamed, nor the regular people of the host countries who naturally feel threatened by an uncontrolled influx of immigrants. It is time to stop blaming these innocent people and look at those who are truly responsible for the problem.
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Postby Cap » Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:09 pm

English woman reaches boiling point.
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Postby kurupetos » Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:40 pm

Have a look at this little swedish blondie racist. :D

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