mem101 wrote:Viewpoint wrote:mem101 wrote:All of Cyprus is all of ours. How could anyone be happy to give up any part of it? Aside from that and the illegality and injustice of permanent partition, wouldn't it be tragic if such a small island were divided in two?
No, why would it be when the union under GC terms means our capitulation?
I never said anything about capitulation. A compromise has to be reached; a just and fair one which benefits all Cypriots in the long run. If this can't be achieved today (and I'm not saying it definitely can't), then we can hope for tomorrow. But how could you possibly hope to get the GCs to agree to permanent partition when a fair compromise is so difficult to reach? Don't forget that agreeing to permanent partition would mean the capitulation of the GCs... and the TCs - everyone loses and few gain anything.
I understand your position, viewpoint. We have been banging our heads against brick walls for a long time, but I for one will not give up hope. While some hope that waiting it out will eventually lead to victory for their "side," I believe that there will eventually be a generation with the courage and humility to compromise and end the status quo.
I respect your viewpoint but dont agree with you, with GCs who still think and promote that Cyprus is Greek therefore a Greek island we have no hope of unification, you are just kidding yourself all in the name of "hope".
Plus dont be fooled all the GC are offering is capitulation.