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should "independent cyprus" cede to greece

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should "independent cyprus" cede to greece?

Total votes : 24

Postby bill cobbett » Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:26 pm

humanist wrote:Bill cobett ... Turkey should and not I think if its dies then the question has to go broader as to the integrity of the United Nations after resolutions strongly disapproving of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974 and the non recognition by any Country of the occupied area self declared "trnc".

Hi A, absolutely... as to the integrity of the UN. Well it's done some very fine and noble things over the years in such fields as environment, general human rights, humanitarian relief etc etc... but of course we're all old and wise enough to know that it is a political organisation, albeit one, particularly for the Perm Members of the Security Council, where the politics can be hidden in the secret world of diplomacy in a kind of behind the scenes horse-trading fair, one where as far as a future settlement goes, fear CY loses out to the "will of the international community", for which we can read largely the will of the turkophile GB and US... regretfully.
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Postby ZoC » Sun Apr 03, 2011 3:36 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
ZoC wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Which ever song we thought was most worthy, enjoyable and quality in comparison to other pieces,


sure - like the thousands of turkish gestarbeiter in germany, who always ensure - regardless of worth, enjoyment and quality - that turkiye's song gets douze deutche points. ur full of shit, vp... but then, u do live in a latrine.

Germany doesnt always give Turkey 12 unlike the racist Gc south who without fail gives theirs to Greece amongst the boos and laughter of the whole of Europe and beyond

if it was a euro-muttonhead contest, i admit i'd give yialoser 12. but u'd run him a close, close second. keep practicing, ur nearly there.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Apr 04, 2011 3:12 am

I thought I would give the GC fascists and nationalists a hand,I voted YES too...Why beat around the bush pretending that you are Cypriots? It is better to get it off your chests,stop the hypocrisy,admit the deep desire you still have for Enosis...Go on,enough of this democracy and human rights bullshit,you know you want to return to the bossom of your motherland...Give in to your deep hatred and the bitterness you hold against anyone who ever stood in your way of Enosis...Confess to your murderous desires to rid Cyprus of every trace of anything which is not Greek...You will feel much better... :)
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Postby Piratis » Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:40 am

BirKibrisli, my ancestors have been Cypriots in a time when your own ancestors have been living in caves somewhere near China. So if there is someone who needs to pretend to be Cypriot that one is you, not us. The murderers are none else than the Turks. You committed genocides of millions and ethnic cleansings of 100s of thousands in your attempt to forcefully Turkify lands you brutally invaded.

What we are asking for is nothing more than our rights, without threatening even a single of your human rights. You could have the 100% of your human rights either as a minority of Republic of Cyprus or as a minority in the Greek Republic. On the contrary it is you who started the murders in your attempt to continue to deny to us our freedom, just like you have been doing since the day you set your foot on our island.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:33 am

As usual Racist imperialsit sh*t from a promoter of an ancient colonialistic imperialism.

The Genetics in fact suggest (a) that Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots are probably from the same Genos - note I use the word Genos not Ethnos - and (b) even in Anatolia the penetration of the Altaic-Turkic genos is apparently at most 30% and the majority of modern Turks can probably claim an Anatolian Ancestry back to the time of the Hittites, who in the period up to 1200 BC or so had a a culture that was every bit as vibrant as in what is now Greece.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Apr 04, 2011 3:34 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:As usual Racist imperialsit sh*t from a promoter of an ancient colonialistic imperialism.

The Genetics in fact suggest (a) that Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots are probably from the same Genos - note I use the word Genos not Ethnos - and (b) even in Anatolia the penetration of the Altaic-Turkic genos is apparently at most 30% and the majority of modern Turks can probably claim an Anatolian Ancestry back to the time of the Hittites, who in the period up to 1200 BC or so had a a culture that was every bit as vibrant as in what is now Greece.

Spot on,mate...What Piratis wouldn't want to admit is that probably his ancestors and mine are the same people,going back a few hundred years or so...You cannot tell GCs and TCs apart in or out of Cyprus,unless one has a cross and the other a cresent hanging off their necks...

All this 'my ancestors were here before yours,I am more of a Cypriot than you'll ever be' shit is really getting very boring...So is the 'we just want our freedom' crap...Piratis and his fanatical GC/Greek comrades have all the freedom in the world...They have a Republic which is recongised by the UN as the sole authority in Cyprus,while 10s of thousands of TCs are languishing in exile,not a place to call home!...Bloody cheek of them!Do you blame me for wishing pox on all their houses... :wink: :)
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Postby Piratis » Mon Apr 04, 2011 3:59 pm

On the contrary I have absolutely no problem to count all Cypriots as one and then let the Cypriot people, one person one vote, decide what their island is, and what its destiny should be.

The racists are those who use means such as brute force, blackmail and ethnic cleansing, in their attempt to enforce racist discriminations and forced segregation, in order for certain Imperialists and a small group of people in Cyprus to have gains on the expense of the majority of the population of this island.

Therefore BirKibrisl, when instead of respecting the democratic wishes of your own compatriots, you instead side with foreign Imperialists in order to deprive from your own compatriots the right to decide for themselves what to do with their own island, that makes as foreign to Cyprus as "supporttheunderdog" is, since none of you have any respect for the right of the Cypriot people to freely and democratically take decisions for their own island.

Regarding TCs being in the same genos like us, that could happen only if TCs were actually Greeks, who at some pointed adopted Islam and started speaking Turkish (inter-marriages between Christians and Muslims where almost non existent). I believe the grandmother of BirKibrisli had Greek as her mother tongue but she was not allowed to teach her own language to her children. Isn't this right Bir?
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Postby kurupetos » Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:09 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:I thought I would give the GC fascists and nationalists a hand,I voted YES too...Why beat around the bush pretending that you are Cypriots? It is better to get it off your chests,stop the hypocrisy,admit the deep desire you still have for Enosis...Go on,enough of this democracy and human rights bullshit,you know you want to return to the bossom of your motherland...Give in to your deep hatred and the bitterness you hold against anyone who ever stood in your way of Enosis...Confess to your murderous desires to rid Cyprus of every trace of anything which is not Greek...You will feel much better... :)

You are a Greek wannabe afterall, aren't you?! :lol:
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Postby ZoC » Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:24 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:I thought I would give the GC fascists and nationalists a hand,I voted YES too...Why beat around the bush pretending that you are Cypriots?

for once i agree with u, birkturk. i'm just a foreigner, but from where i sit, now the island's safely in the eu, it boils down to having balls.

if you think cyprus was/is/should be a "greek island", then stop f*cking around and make it so. take all the shit that will go with it, internationally as well as internally within the bankrupt greek state.

if not, then have the balls to stand up for yourselves, hold ur heads up high as a distinct, fully-fledged independent republic, with its own identity and its own destiny.

all this half-hearted, half-baked, half-way house - neither properly in, nor properly out - does not serve cyprus's strategic interests.

one way or the other, u still need to kick out the invader.

but at least u'll do so from a position of strength, having made up ur minds, once and for all, who u really are, wot u really want, and wot u really stand for.
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Postby ZoC » Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:07 pm

kurupetos wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:I thought I would give the GC fascists and nationalists a hand,I voted YES too...Why beat around the bush pretending that you are Cypriots? It is better to get it off your chests,stop the hypocrisy,admit the deep desire you still have for Enosis...Go on,enough of this democracy and human rights bullshit,you know you want to return to the bossom of your motherland...Give in to your deep hatred and the bitterness you hold against anyone who ever stood in your way of Enosis...Confess to your murderous desires to rid Cyprus of every trace of anything which is not Greek...You will feel much better... :)

You are a Greek wannabe afterall, aren't you?! :lol:

just like the vast majority?! :lol:
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