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Some predictions, perceptions and interpretations...

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby insan » Sun Sep 05, 2004 12:01 am

Re birader,
Are you talking about the coup or the Invasion?
About the coup I already told you the ones who did it were selected.
I really cannot understand what you say.

Re adelfe MicAtCyp,

If you answer the questiones I've asked in two previous posts, you'll understand the matter.

When the Coup D'etat achieved and even long before the Coup, National Guard and ELDIK were under command of Greek officers. They were supporting the coupists from the background. Otherwise they could easily defeat and arrest them in few days time but they even didn't make any attempt against them.

And even on 20th of July all GC and Greek armed forces were under command of Greek officers...

If National Guard and ELDIK were independent than coupists and those Greek officers they could easily defeat them on the same day or in a few days time but as I said they didn't even atempt to it because they were under command of Greek officers...

And according to the Makarios letter National Guard had been divided into camps; on one side Enosists and other side anti-Enosists(Leftists). If the anti-Enosists had been stronger than the Enosists; the Enosists could never dare to make the Coup or as I said they should have been stopped on the same day or in a few days time by the anti-Enosists...

Logicaly I came to a conclusion that majority of the National Guard and whole ELDIK(so-called Guarantor force of Greece) were Enosists who didn't actively made the coup but supporting in the background.

And as I said for a several times before; if the RoCs armed forces could have stopped the coupists or Sampson with his thugs had surrendered until at least 20th ofJuly 1974; Turkey wouldn't have intervened militarily and she would have kept supporting the intercommunal talks as you know the leadership of two communities had agreed all of the major issues in 1967-73 period against all provocative actions of Greek Junta and their extensions EOKA-B...

Turkey warned both Greece and coupists and then intervened. National Guard whic majorly had comprised of Enosists and ELDIK(Most probably it was reinforced by Junta) combated against Turkish armed forces. They thought they would be awarded by US because they had overthrown Makarios(Castro of Mediterennean) and Enosis would be a Fait Acompli... US had more important problems on those days and verbaly tried to stop Turkey.

The ones that welcomed coupists and the civilians who didn't take whatever fire armes they had to fight against coupists; confronted and combated against Turkey and TCs.

So what should be the result of this combat. Should Turkey and TCs be defeated by Enosists? Or Turkeys and TCs losses should have been more than Greeks and GCs?

In my opinion Enosists dug their own hole. Mainly; their neverending Enosis desire and illegal actions caused both communities to suffer by all means...
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Postby erolz » Sun Sep 05, 2004 1:57 am

I am going to stop posting to the forum because to me it feels like such participation is in balance causing more harm than good. Not an easy judgement to make but one that I have made for the time being anyway.

Before I 'disapear' (though I will continue to read/lurk on the forum) I will make a couple more posts.

The basic point I was trying to make with my recounting the events that i did was to try and explain why some TC had a fear and still have fear / concerns about living amongst GC as a minority. The fact is that if a loved one is killed (essentaily over the issue of the minorites status as a politcal minority or equal) by a majority community then it is natural to fear once again being a minority (politicaly as well a numericaly).

One of the reasons I have decided to withdraw from the forum is that I feel compelled to counter things said and that leads to tedious bickering that is probably more negative than positive. Below is an exacmple of such

micatcyp wrote:And I already proved to you that Patrics report is a copy of the TC version of the events.

I am sorry Micatcyp but what you have proved to me, if anything, is that you can and will dismiss anything that does not fit what you want to be true. Your 'proof' is that Richard's Patricks cversion of events matches closely the TC version of events. For you this is 'proof' that the version is incorrect. It may however be that his version matches TC because he believes that this is the closest to what actually happened. Richard Patrick attempts to find the real truth behind differing accounts from differing communites. Sometimes hi assment comes down on the side of GC accounts and others on the side of TC. Undooubtedly despite his best efforts there will be times where he is just wrong in this attempt - and this event may be one of them. However this is not 'proof' that he is wrong. I will just paste the intro that Richard is given on the cyprus conflict site (in itself a beacon of efforts to find 'truth and balance' from conflicting accounts).

This period, which has very different meanings in the two dominant political narratives, is meticulously described by the Canadian scholar Richard A. Patrick, who was an officer in UNFICYP in the late 1960s and pursued his interest in the Cyprus conflict as a doctoral student in political geography at the London School of Economics. This research, published as Political Geography and the Cyprus Conflict, 1963-1971, is considered among the most authoritative accounts of the period.

micatcyp wrote:The fact that they were all killed except one who got seriously injured whereas none of your so called police [snip] hurt, proves they were unarmed.

Again your idea of 'proof' is somewhat strange to me (and convieniently so). If they were armed and shooting from a moving car it is perfectly in the realm of possibility that they did not manage to hit the checkpoint guards (and also perhaps caught a passerby), yet the checkpoint guards managed to hit them. I do not say this is what happened or not - I just point out that it is possible and thus what you see as 'proof' is to me not 'proof'.

micatcyp wrote:(what police- the TMT is called police now?)

There were perfectly legal TC police (as defined in the consitituion) at this time. I do not know if the guards at this checkpoint were TC police or not, but the idea that TC police were TMT is no different from the idea GC police were EOKA.

micatcyp wrote:You may continue freely the repeatition of your one sided stories.

There is nothing one sided in my aunts story - as a recounting of her personal experience. I was telling her story. For her, the impact it had on her, the way it made her feel it is of no consequence or mitigation of her pain that her husband was killed in revenge for earlier GC deaths. I did not use her story as an example that GC were barbaric and TC were angles. I used it to try help you understand where TC fears come from. That you are unable to repsond to this story with little else but 'well GC were killed as well and you uncles death was a consequence of this' is to me actualy quite hurtful and an indication that you have little interest (or ability?) in actually understading TC fears.

micatcyp wrote:What else would you like me to do?

Try and understand how events like this help to create a desire for partition in some TC, TC that in the absense of such sensless violence would have had no desire for partition and stop insiting that they all wanted partition for partition sake and because they wanted to 'steal' things from GC. Try and understand that though partition was not desirable in itself it was less bad than living in such an environment.

micatcyp wrote:I could equally say that "fear" could have ended in a similar barbaric way by other events prior to 1974 like the proposed actions of many Junta Greek generals prior to 1974, to which Makarios replied "I cannot take such an action that would cause the death of so many innocent people".So don't repeat me that "peace crap" of iskismets,

and you could just as well argue that the only thing that stopped GC from persuing a policy of 'total extermination' of TC in that period was more the threat of reprisals from Turkey than it was Makarios' reluctance to see innocent deaths (a man who already had imo plenty of the blood of innocents on his hands by then).

micatcyp wrote:because you know damn well there are many ways to achive that kind of "peace" one of which is to end up all people in a cementary.


From the New York times feb 16 1964

Like I have said, I do not enjoy or want to have these 'bickering' arguments but neither do I feel able to participate here and just ignore such things, so as a result I will not be continuing in posting here for the time being.
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Postby MicAtCyp » Sun Sep 05, 2004 6:48 pm

peace wrote: Turkey came to island in lawful quarantor status and she was not an enemy to be fight against!

Ha,ha,ha,ha tell us more jokes canim.

Secondly did you read the Treaty of Guarantee? Where does it say that any guarantor can intervene militarily?
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Postby PEACE » Sun Sep 05, 2004 9:05 pm

MicAtCyp wrote:
peace wrote: Turkey came to island in lawful quarantor status and she was not an enemy to be fight against!

Ha,ha,ha,ha tell us more jokes canim.

Secondly did you read the Treaty of Guarantee? Where does it say that any guarantor can intervene militarily?

It's not a joke.It's fact.

It doesn't say that quarantors can intervene militarily but it does NOT frohibits military intervention.In agreement the way of intervention is NOT writing.So this means all ways are possible to do.If there is an exception this is stated in agreement and laws as general.But its clear that there is not limitation or exception about intervention way.
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Postby MicAtCyp » Sun Sep 05, 2004 10:23 pm

Forum member Peace wants to limit our rights from 82% down to 70% and increase the rights of the 18% to 30%.

Erolz wants equality 50-50 on some issues, 18-82% on the rest.(To which I prersonally agree)

Denktash - Talat-Turkey & Co want equality on all issues, two separate states with clear and defined borders, 30-70% sharing on the ground, 30-70% sharing on the common state.

So in my opinion there is a huge difference between what the TC people want , what the GCs can accept and what the leaders of the TCs and Turkey insist upon.This is the reason why the Cyprus problem is not solved.

Erol wrote: Like I have said, I do not enjoy or want to have these 'bickering' argument

The Cyprus problem is a hot issue for most of us.The arguments are bickering due to the nature of the subject. To some people such discussions cause depression. To some others they cause joy.To some others (like me) its a source of learning and understanding.
Beleive it or not my feelings for each and everyone of the TC persons I argue or bicker with are warm feelings of friendship and respect.I will really feel very sorry if one day I learn that something bad happened to any of the friends in here.....
I even feel sorry for your decision to abstain from this "quarreling" now...

However I can understand not all people are the same, and I can understand what kind of a character is a person who said there are many children suffering in the one of his posts.

At least on this point I think I can understand you perfectly Erol.I think its better to contribute towards re-unification of your country through other channels, maybe intercommunal groups, environmentalist groups etc.

Have fun watching our "bickerings" and do join us sometimes OK? Sometimes its funny isn’t it ?
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Postby MicAtCyp » Sun Sep 05, 2004 11:42 pm

peace wrote: It's not a joke.It's fact.

Of course it’s not a joke.You are the joke. Next time remind us to cheer those friends who came in with their war planes and ships with lemonades and lukums.After all it is not with Napalm bombs they were bombing us bre, it’s with humanistic rose water !

peace wrote: It doesn't say that quarantors can intervene militarily but it does NOT frohibits military intervention.In agreement the way of intervention is NOT writing.So this means all ways are possible to do.If there is an exception this is stated in agreement and laws as general.But its clear that there is not limitation or exception about intervention way.

Oh really? I signed an agreement yesterday that says if I fail to excecute the contract they can take measures against me.So according to what you learn in your law school they can take whatever measures they like e.g. the shooting of my children, right?

Their only right was limited in restoring the Constitutional Order. And the constitutional order was restored 3 days before they invaded, by the fall of Sampson and the take over by Klerides! All the rest is excuses, as it proved beyond any doubt later. Their only aim was for an invasion, occupation, and partition and nothing else.Not a single sign for the restoration of the constitution.

Anyway next time remind us to have lots of lemonades.
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Postby PEACE » Sun Sep 19, 2004 12:19 pm

MicAtCyp wrote: Next time remind us to cheer those friends who came in with their war planes and ships with lemonades and lukums.After all it is not with Napalm bombs they were bombing us bre, it’s with humanistic rose water !

If they bombed innocent people this needs to be condemned.But if they bombed EOKA-B or junta people this is ok.

MicAtCyp wrote:Oh really? I signed an agreement yesterday that says if I fail to excecute the contract they can take measures against me.

OK,where does it writes that guarantors can't intervene militarily? :roll:

Yes,after intervention quarantor's duty was restoring the broken constitutional order and yes Turkey didn't obeyed this after.But i'm talking about first not after.What i said was the beginning of the 20 July intervention.I also think that the things done after are illegal.

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Postby MicAtCyp » Sun Sep 19, 2004 10:21 pm

peace wrote: OK,where does it writes that guarantors can't intervene militarily?

I told you canim that what it writes, is that their only right was to restore the constitutional order. If one claims that he cannot do it in any other way than intervening militarily, he should have first taken permission from the United Nations. Never you heard of the 2 year struggle of the US to get permission from the UN to intervene Militarily in Iraq? And I also told you that the constitutional Order was already restored by the fall of Sampson, the fall of Junta in Greece, and the take over by Clerides in Cyprus and by Karamanlis in Greece.

It's like the example I gave you, in case I fail to excecute the contract. They cannot proceed to automatically confiscating my personal property unless they first get a court order.And if for one week my job is bad, and then I correct it, they cannot even go to court. Katalaves/anladin mi?

peace wrote: Turkey came to island in lawful quarantor status and she was not an enemy to be fight against! So what are you talking about?

No what are you talking about? Didn’t you understand anything of what I said? Your statement that "was not an enemy to fight against" is for laughs...
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Postby insan » Mon Sep 20, 2004 1:54 am

I told you canim that what it writes, is that their only right was to restore the constitutional order.

Hi brother,

Do you really believe that two communities could live in a mixed unitary state after all sufferings from 50s to 74? The inter communal talks of 1967-74 period was the last chance for a mixed unitary state and destroyed by Greek Junta. Turkey offered a bi-communal, bi-zonal federation and accpeted by GC leadership... For more than 30 years they have been negotiating to establish it. Both parties have some demands that are hardly acceptable to each other... So how could the RoCs constitutional order be restored while ther were issues haven't been agreed? If you believe that all of your demands were rightful and TC's weren't; it's wrong...

If one claims that he cannot do it in any other way than intervening militarily, he should have first taken permission from the United Nations.

Yes... Turkey could wait until the coupists have attacked to TCs but wasn't it clear that the Enosists would destroy all of the obstacles in front of Enosis? You don't need to be a prophet to guess that?

Never you heard of the 2 year struggle of the US to get permission from the UN to intervene Militarily in Iraq?

Did 1/5 of the total population of Iraq comprise of Americans? Is US the guarantor of Iraq?

And I also told you that the constitutional Order was already restored by the fall of Sampson, the fall of Junta in Greece, and the take over by Clerides in Cyprus and by Karamanlis in Greece.

Do you really believe that just by appointing a new president, constitutional order had been restored; under the circumstances of 1974? You should know it better than me that it was just a method to stop Turkey's intervention... RoC was under control of Greek officers not Sampson.... Was the security forces of RoC capable to protect Cypriots afterwards the 23rd of July? Obviously no.

It's like the example I gave you, in case I fail to excecute the contract. They cannot proceed to automatically confiscating my personal property unless they first get a court order.And if for one week my job is bad, and then I correct it, they cannot even go to court. Katalaves/anladin mi?

Is the intervention of 1974 as simple as that?

No what are you talking about? Didn’t you understand anything of what I said? Your statement that "was not an enemy to fight against" is for laughs...

When did majority of Greeks and GCs think that Turkey is not their enemy? Never...
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Postby MicAtCyp » Mon Sep 20, 2004 11:22 am

Hi biraber,
What one beleives, and what one could predict are not our points of discussion. One could predict that the coupists could vanish the TCs one could predict that since the fall of the junta and the establishment of new leadership nothing would happen. All assaults to the 4 TC villages we done after Turkey committed undescribed asaults in the areas she captured.
About the federation Turkey proposed may I remind you that long long before the 74 the maps proposed by Turkey were showing 34% of the Northern part as the TC Fed State. In the end they got 37%. Coincidence?
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