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Cyprus, Malta lead world in asylum applications

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Cyprus, Malta lead world in asylum applications

Postby Cap » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:52 pm

Between 2006 and last year Malta received the second highest number of asylum seekers in the industrialised world compared to the national population, a UNHCR report released yesterday shows.

The numbers, however, fell drastically last year, contributing to a dramatic decline in the number of asylum seekers reaching Southern Europe.

The report by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees pointed out that in 2010, eight Southern European countries had an average 33 per cent drop in the number of migrants, with the most significant declines seen in Malta (-94 per cent), Italy (-53 per cent) and Greece (-36 per cent).

This was offset by increases elsewhere, especially in Germany (49 per cent), Sweden (32 per cent), Denmark (30 per cent), Turkey (18 per cent), Belgium (16 per cent) and France (13 per cent).

Last year EU member states registered a total of 235,900 asylum claims, a five per cent drop from 2009. They accounted for 87 per cent of all asylum claims in Europe. With 19 applicants per 1,000 inhabitants, Malta ranked second after Cyprus, which had 24, in terms of the number of asylum seekers compared to the national population.

However, the top five main destination countries of asylum seekers last year were the US, France, Germany, Sweden, and Canada. The US (55,500) and France (47,800) were the countries with the highest numbers compared to the national economy, followed by Germany (41,300), Sweden (31,300) and Canada (23,200). Together they received more than half the asylum seekers accounted for in the report.

The overview shows a dramatic fall in the number of asylum seekers in the whole industrialised world over the last 10 years. In 2010, 358,800 asylum applications were lodged in industrialised countries, five per cent less than in 2009.

The number of applications was the fourth lowest in the last decade and almost half (42 per cent) of the 620,000 applications filed in 2001.

Most regions, including Europe, North America and North Asia, reported year-on-year declines. ... plications
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Postby Cap » Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:53 pm

Cyprus ranked first among 44 countries as regards asylum applications per 1000 inhabitants between 2006 – 2010, according to the UN Refugee Agency.
The UN Refugee Agency released its 2010 statistical overview of asylum applications in 44 industrialized countries.
The 44 industrialized countries included in the report are: The 27 European Union countries as well as Albania, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Iceland, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, New Zealand, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, the United States and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
The report deals with new asylum claims and does not show how many individuals were granted refugee status.
According to the report, between 2006 – 2010, asylum applications in Cyprus reached 24.5 per 1.000 inhabitants. This figure places Cyprus in the first position among the 44 countries as regards applications per 1.000 inhabitants. Cyprus is followed by Malta with 19.1 applications per 1.000 inhabitants, Sweden with 15.2, Lichtenstein with 14.2, Norway with 11.1. The US received in the same period 0.8 applications per 1.000 inhabitants, Greece 7.5, Turkey 0.6 and Australia 1.3.
According to data for 2010, Cyprus ranks second between the 44 countries, as regards applications per 1000 inhabitants. In 2010 Cyprus received 3.3 applications per 1000 inhabitants. Sweden ranks first with 3.4 applications. The US received 0.2 applications per 1000 inhabitants, Greece 0.9, Turkey 0.1 and Australia 0.4.
In real numbers, asylum applications in Cyprus between 2006 – 2010 show a decrease. The exception is 2007 and the two last months of 2010. In 2006, 4.550 people applied for asylum, in 2007 their number rose to 6.790, in 2008 it was 3.920, in 2009 it was 3.200 and in 2010 it reached 2.860. In total, asylum applications between 2006 and 2010 in Cyprus reached 21.320. The annual change between 2009 and 2010 was -11%.
The monthly asylum applications in Cyprus for 2010 show an increase between November and December of 39%. Applications in November 2010 reached 350 while in December their number rose to 485. In January 2010 applications reached 207, in February 212, in March 192, in April 178, in May 211, in June 233, in July 213, in August 172, in September 189, in October 217, in November 350 and in December 485 applications.
The top ten populations of origin of asylum applicants in Cyprus in 2010 were Iraq, India, Vietnam, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, China and Nepal.
The number of asylum-seekers in the industrialized world continued to fall in 2010, bringing the figure down to nearly half the level at the start of the millennium.
According to the report, 358,800 asylum applications were lodged in industrialized countries last year - down 5 per cent from 2009, and some 42 per cent lower than the decade’s peak in 2001, when almost 620,000 asylum applications were made.
Last year`s total number of new asylum claims was the fourth lowest in the last decade. Year-on-year decreases were reported in most regions, including Europe, North America and North Asia.
Within Europe, the largest decline was seen in southern Europe, where claims fell by 33 per cent compared to 2009. This was mainly because fewer people requested protection in Malta, Italy and Greece. However, this decline was offset by increases elsewhere, especially in Germany (49%), Sweden (32%), Denmark (30%), Turkey (18%), Belgium (16%) and France (13%). In the Nordic countries, the increases in Denmark and Sweden were offset by substantial declines in Norway (-42 per cent) and Finland (-32 per cent).
Among continents, only Australasia saw more asylum claims compared to 2009. Among individual countries, the United States remained the largest asylum recipient for the fifth consecutive year. France maintained its position as host to the second-largest number of new applications. Sweden and Canada ranked fourth and fifth respectively.
Together, the top five countries of asylum accounted for more than half (56 per cent) of all asylum applications covered in this report.
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Postby Sotos » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:03 pm

No wonder many people here worry about illegal immigration. The problem is bigger here than in any other country. Numbers don't lie!
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Postby kurupetos » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:23 pm

All illegal immigrants should be executed to set an example for future trespassers. :wink:
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Postby CBBB » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:41 pm

I am not illegal now, I am a Cypriot!
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Postby quattro » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:57 pm

CBBB wrote:I am not illegal now, I am a Cypriot!

according to Kourupetos you must have a DNA test and compare it with

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby kurupetos » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:45 pm

quattro wrote:
CBBB wrote:I am not illegal now, I am a Cypriot!

according to Kourupetos you must have a DNA test and compare it with

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Do you know who's Boumboulina? Ask Deniz! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby kurupetos » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:46 pm

CBBB wrote:I am not illegal now, I am a Cypriot!

Yes, you've passed the KEO test! :wink:
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Postby yialousa1971 » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:47 pm


In the first place in number of asylum applications in relation to its population, ranked by Cyprus in the period 2006 - 2010, according to information publicly available by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in its annual report for 2010 on asylum statistics in 44 industrialized countries.

The 44 industrialized countries included in the report are the 27 European Union countries including Albania, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Iceland, Japan, Korea, Liechtenstein, Montenegro, New Zealand, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, the United States. The report deals with the new asylum applications submitted in 2010 and does not include data on how many people granted refugee status.

According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees between 2006 and 2010, asylum applications in Cyprus was 24.5 per 1000 inhabitants, which divides Cyprus in the first place applications according to population among the 44 countries under investigation.
Cyprus, followed by Malta with 19.1 applications per 1000 inhabitants, Sweden 15.2, 14.2 with Liechtenstein and Norway 11.1 asylum applications per 1000 inhabitants. By comparison, the U.S. accepted the same period of 0.8 applications per 1000 inhabitants, Greece 7.5, Australia 1.3 applications.

Data for 2010 Cyprus ranked second among 44 countries in applications per 1000 inhabitants, with first place in Sweden.
T by 2010, Cyprus received 3.3 applications per 1000 inhabitants and Sweden 3.4 applications. By comparison, the U.S. in 2010 received 0.2 applications per 1000 inhabitants, 0.1 Turkey, Greece and Australia 0.9 0.4 applications per 1000 inhabitants.

Increase of 39% have applications in November compared with December 2010, according to the monthly asylum applications in 2010 for Cyprus.
Specifically, while in 350 applications were increased to 485 in December 2010. Data provided by the Cypriot authorities to UNHCR in 2010 were as follows: 207 applications in January, February 212 March 192 April 178 May 211 June 233 July 213 August 172 September 189 October 217 November 350 and 485 applications in December.

The report gives details on the origin of those seeking asylum (first ten countries of origin). For Cyprus indicates that the origin of most asylum seekers are in Iraq with 343 applications. Here 318 people from India, 227 from Vietnam, 211 from Egypt, 187 from Sri Lanka, 155 from Pakistan, 148 from Bangladesh, 133 from Nigeria, 123 from China and 121 in Nepal .
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:29 pm

Sotos wrote:No wonder many people here worry about illegal immigration. The problem is bigger here than in any other country. Numbers don't lie!

Just one point Sotos, Aslyum seekers are not illegal - they only become illegal once their applications are rejected and they refuse to leave.

As to illegals, they can only survive either by crime or because they are illegally given work. Any businessman who employs an illegal should be locked up along with the illegals he was employing.
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