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Child's citizenship

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Postby sk » Sun Aug 21, 2005 11:11 am

thanks hincyprus!!!
this clears up a lot of things!!!
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Postby Olga » Sun Aug 21, 2005 2:16 pm

Hello everybody!!!

Thank you for the information!!
Actually, I don’t know why (maybe, I heard somewhere) but I thought that the child gets Cypriot citizenship automatically being born here.
Now I see I was mistaken. I guess I will have to go to the embassy of my country to make documents for the citizenship of the child.

Thank you a lot!!! Now it’s really clear!
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Postby magikthrill » Sun Aug 21, 2005 7:46 pm

I think the only country in the EU that allows automatic citizenship from birht is Holland (and of course pre-82 born the UK).

I believe you have to be a PR for at least x amount of years before you can apply for citizenship in Cyprus.
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Postby Olga » Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:43 pm

As far as I know to get Cyprus citizenship one has to stay legally here for a period of 7 years or for a period of 3 years in marriage to a Cypriot
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Postby BigByker » Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:14 pm

Just to confuse the issue :shock:

Up until Cyprus joined the EU, Cypriots born on the British Base areas can get British passports, but not automatic right of abode. (I'm not sure what happens now)

I have nephews in the UK whose Grandfather was a Cypriot, but took British citizenship during the 30+ years he lived in the UK, their Father was born in the UK and never lived anywhere else and their Mother is English, they are British Passport holders and they have never resided in Cyprus, in fact they've probably only ever spent about 8 weeks of their teenage lives here, can't speak a word of Greek and know as much about Greek/Cypriot culture as I do about the surface of Pluto, but if they stayed here for 6 months or more they have to do military service as they are deemed to be Greek Cypriot.
I have a Cypriot passport after living here for 14 years, but my son is not allowed to join the Cypriot army....(not that he wants to!)
None of my children has taken Cypriot citizenship.

I have met 3 generations of an Egyptian family that all have British passports, although none of them has ever been to the UK, the right to these passports goes back to the "Colonial Days"

Hincyprus, I believe your Grandson can take both British and Montenegron citizenship.
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Postby hincyprus » Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:05 pm

Hincyprus, I believe your Grandson can take both British and Montenegron citizenship.

That is correct.......

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