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The Ancestors of the English

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Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:46 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:No not running at all: I have a life outside of CF and, having been away from home for nearly a week, was living it by spending some quality time with my ladies, all of whom were in need of some TLC.

1) re you 21,15 post on vikings can you give me a URL or other reference to where I can find the study?
2) Re the UCL 2002 Study I am aware of it and had read what you had posted before I had started this thread.
That Study has been superseded by at least two other later studies which I referred to in my opening item - I am in course of putting togther a more comprehensive response with links to supporting items /these latest studies and will revert but it might take a few days.

LOL you're putting togther a more comprehensive response. You need your eyes testing if you can't see the population of Britain has multiple origins!

Thanks - I'll look it out.

The recent studies I am am aware of and referring to, Sykes and Oppenheimer in particular, themselves recognise the diverse genetic input in Britain:one can even trace the Balkans origin of some genetic lines, probably introduced with Roman Auxiliary troops/Mercenaries, and there are some suggestions of African input in one place in Yorkshire, possibly again related to slaves, etc, who accompanied Roman Legions.
Indeed one study suggests that about a 1000 years ago England was genetically more diverse than it is today.

Its the same in Greece- almost certainly multiple waves. That however is another topic.

These studies also recognise that the genetic make up can vary quite considerably from place to place. One reason you might for example find a predominance of Vikings in the Lake district or the uplands in Yorkshire is that it is hard country to farm and it was all that was available to them.

Same may well go for Orkney's' and Shetlands' -

What the debate is about is the current extent of that diversity, where the most recent studies by Sykes, Oppenheimer and all, suggest that Anglo-Saxon Origin theory is grossly overstated, and that that majority of the English/British alive today are descended principally from the peoples who came to Britain along the Atlantic coast from Iberia around the end of the last glacial Maximum.

More to follow.

No Greece/Cyprus is not the same as England.

American anthropologist J. Lawrence Angel noted that from the earliest times to the present racial continuity in Greece is striking. Buxton who had earlier studied Greek skeletal material and measured modern Greeks, especially in Cyprus, finds that the modern Greeks “possess physical characteristics not differing essentially from those of the former [ancient Greeks].”

Great Britian, General Survey (Chapter X, section 3) Races of Europe, Carletoon Stevens Coon

The regional distribution of hair color in Great Britain19 closely follows that of total pigmentation as shown on Map 8. In England, black hair ranges from nearly 0 to 10 per cent, except in Devonshire and Cornwall, where it reaches a maximum of 20 per cent in the region of Penzance. Along the eastern coast it is extremely rare, and the average for the country is probably between 4 per cent and 5 per cent. Dark brown hair accounts for 14 per cent to 43 per cent of the population in the different parts of England. In general, it runs below 30 per cent in the regions of intensive Saxon and Danish occupation - that is, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, and Yorkshire - while it averages above 30 per cent in the west, and has a mean of approximately 40 per cent in Cornwall. Brown hair, a light-to-intermediate hue, ranges from 57 per cent to 24 per cent, and has a distribution precisely opposite to that of dark brown hair, which may be considered intermediate-to-dark. On the whole brown is more prevalent than dark brown, and the blond element is considerably more important than the brunet one among the English. Fair hair, representing golden, ashen, and also light brown hues, varies from 5 per cent to 47 per cent. Well over 25 per cent is typical of the North Sea coast, while in Cornwall it runs from 10 per cent to 15 per cent. Among English blonds, golden hair is far commoner than the ashen variety, but ash-blondism is by no means absent, nor as rare as in Ireland.

In Cardiganshire in west central Wales, a selected group of 520 men with black or dark brown hair had a mean cephalic index of 74.6, and a stature of 167 cm. The index would be about 72 on the skull, which is the mean for the Long Barrow type of the Neolithic, and furthermore, the stature is comparable. Similarly in a Scottish Highland series 33 dark haired men have a mean cephalic index of 77.7, fair-haired ones of 78.1. The brunets have a mean head length of 196.7 mm., the blonds of 193.9 mm. In Elgin and Nairn, similarly, absolutely greater head lengths go with mixed and dark complexion.
These correlations on the whole show that a brunet racial type characterized by an extremely long cranial vault and moderately tall stature has retained its identity in the peripheries of Great Britain, notably in Wales and the Scotch Highlands, while the more numerous Nordic elements are characterized by a more moderate head length and mesocephaly. They also show that brachycephalic strains which have entered into the British racial composition must have been largely blond, although there is evidence of a minor element of brunet brachycephaly in one local instance.

If specific data for racial description is scanty in Great Britain, both the author and the reader can largely supply that deficiency from common observation. The most frequent type is a Nordic variety, as described above; but it is well known that other types are by no means rare. The thick-set, wide-faced, and large-nosed type, so common in caricature under the guise of John Bull, must be derived from the larger brachycephalic element brought in by the Bronze Age invasions; it is a British form of the continental Borreby race. In the fishing villages of the Yorkshire coast, where local dialects are spoken in which much Scandinavian still remains, and where the older fishermen still wear T-shaped amulets around their necks reminiscent of Thor's hammer, pure Norwegian and Danish physical types are common, and the same is true in the Orkneys and Shetlands.

Cornwall, which is the darkest county in England and an ancient Keltic linguistic stronghold, contains, like Wales, strong vestiges of a pre-Keltic population. That this is not a short Mediterranean variety, on the whole, is shown by the fact that the stature of Cornwall is relatively tall, and the mean cephalic index of the duchy not particularly low. A large-bodied, muscular type, with a head which is frequently brachycephalic, is common here, and must be attributed to the Bronze Age invasions. It has been claimed, without statistical evidence,34 that there is a special racial type among the fishermen and sailors who live in the seaports of Cornwall, Devonshire, Somerset, and South Wales, but especially in Cornwall. Besides having medium or tall stature, and a tendency to brachycephaly, they are said to be heavy-bodied, lateral in build, thick-necked, with features of a somewhat Armenoid cast, dark, curly hair, thick eyebrows, and eyes which are frequently brown.

This type is recognized in local Keltic tradition, and according to one legend, is said to have been brought from Troy. It may also be associated with the strong local belief that the Cornish are descended from Phoenicians. That there is such a type cannot be proved without metrical evidence, but it will be recognized by most persons familiar with this part of England. It can also be found in Massachusetts among old Cape Cod families whose ancestors came from Cornwall and Devon.

The most difficult local British type to study, with present materials, is the long-headed brunet population of the remoter districts of Wales.35 It is evident, however, that under the category of brunet dolichocephals there are actually several racial types of different origins which have been preserved by the marginal geographical nature of this country, as have the more easily identified Beaker types of more recent arrival.

In the first place, the work of Fleure and James on the Plynlimon moorlands people of Cardiganshire, an isolated group who live for the most part as shepherds, shows that this region is the center for all Wales of the greatest concentration of brunet dolichocephaly; their work also indicates that a primitive human type, with large browridges, a low vault, a projecting occiput, sloping forehead, a broad face, and prognathism survives here, and is to be found in solution throughout most of Wales. That this type is a survival from pre-Neolithic times seems reasonable. The head lengths associated with it run well over 200 mm., in many cases over 210 mm., and the stature is usually under 170 cm. The moderate stature, the narrow vault breadth, and the brunet pigmentation, as well as the general morphological character, prevent this type from being closely associated with the large-headed northern Palaeolithic sub-stratum in Ireland; one is reminded rather of the early Combe Capelle skull, and to a lesser extent, of the Mesolithic men of Téviec in Brittany.

The majority of the brunet dolichocephals, however, belong rather to the Long Barrow race of Megalithic introduction from the eastern Mediterranean shorelands. A selected group of 46 men from all parts of Wales, but in many cases from the neighborhood of the Plynlimon district, with cephalic indices under 73.0, have a mean head length of 201 mm., a breadth of 144.2 mm., and a stature of 168.0 cm. If this dolichocephalic element were predominantly a small Mediterranean, one would expect both the head length and stature to be much less than they are. Many other series from other parts of Wales confirm the general head form character of this predominant dolichocephalic brunet element. That it has absorbed the earlier Mesolithic or Palaeolithic type is likely, for there is nothing in the English Long Barrow crania to indicate the importation of such a primitive variety as an end type.
If we consider that the Long Barrow type was in original form almost purely brown eyed, then it must be less important in the racial structure of Wales than the Keltic Iron Age Nordic, for in but few districts are brown eyes in the majority. It is possible, however, here as in Ireland, that there was an incipient blue-eyed condition among the Long Barrow people, as among living North Africans who belong to a closely similar type, and that in northwestern Europe this condition was increased through stimuli similar to those which produced blondism among other races.36

Among individual Welshmen it is possible to pick out individuals of a smaller Mediterranean type, similar to that of Spain and Portugal, and suggesting a survival from the Neolithic peoples of Windmill Hill cultural affiliation who entered southern Britain from the continent. This type is also easily isolated in the Midland factory districts, and among the Glasgow population. In Wales, however, it is difficult to separate it from the Long Barrow type, with which it is frequently associated. Von Eickstedt's series of 30 men from Llangynog in North Montgomeryshire, and from Kerry in the southern part of the same county, furnish the best anthropometric evidence of its presence. In both regions brunet pigmentation is characteristic; both series are mesocephalic. The mean stature of the Kerry men is 166.5 cm., of the Llangynog group 168.2 cm. The first mean is low enough to indicate a strong Mediterranean element. The head and face measurements, however, of both groups are much alike, and too great for a small Mediterranean series; the head length mean is 196 mm. in each, the breadth 154; the mention-nasion face height is 124 mm. in Kerry, 125 mm. in Llangynog; the bizygomatic of Kerry 140 mm., that of Llangynog 139 mm. The noses of each are roughly 53 mm. by 34 mm., the nasal indices -61.8 for Kerry, 62.8 for Llangynog.

The head breadth, face height, and face breadth are all a little too great for a small Mediterranean type, but an examination of the distribution curves of the two series eliminates this difficulty. The stature is strongly bimodal, with a smaller mode at 163 cm., and a larger peak at 169 cm.; head length has modes at 193 and 199 mm.; head breadth at 151 mm. and 157 mm.; the facial index at 86 and 92; the nasal index at 59 and 67. If we grant the small Mediterranean type a mean stature of 163 cm., a head length of 193 mm., and the lower facial and higher nasal indices, it assumes a metrical character which can easily be duplicated in the countries in which this type is more numerous and more easily identified, for example, Arabia and North Africa.

The pursuit of these early brunet survivals in remote districts of Wales must not, however, make us forget that the bulk of the evidence from that country as a whole indicates that the variety of Nordic to which the bearers of Kymric speech belonged is today nearly if not fully as important there as the totality of earlier human varieties.








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Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:05 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:No not running at all: I have a life outside of CF and, having been away from home for nearly a week, was living it by spending some quality time with my ladies, all of whom were in need of some TLC.

1) re you 21,15 post on vikings can you give me a URL or other reference to where I can find the study?
2) Re the UCL 2002 Study I am aware of it and had read what you had posted before I had started this thread.
That Study has been superseded by at least two other later studies which I referred to in my opening item - I am in course of putting togther a more comprehensive response with links to supporting items /these latest studies and will revert but it might take a few days.

LOL you're putting togther a more comprehensive response. You need your eyes testing if you can't see the population of Britain has multiple origins!

Thanks - I'll look it out.

The recent studies I am am aware of and referring to, Sykes and Oppenheimer in particular, themselves recognise the diverse genetic input in Britain:one can even trace the Balkans origin of some genetic lines, probably introduced with Roman Auxiliary troops/Mercenaries, and there are some suggestions of African input in one place in Yorkshire, possibly again related to slaves, etc, who accompanied Roman Legions.
Indeed one study suggests that about a 1000 years ago England was genetically more diverse than it is today.

Its the same in Greece- almost certainly multiple waves. That however is another topic.

These studies also recognise that the genetic make up can vary quite considerably from place to place. One reason you might for example find a predominance of Vikings in the Lake district or the uplands in Yorkshire is that it is hard country to farm and it was all that was available to them.

Same may well go for Orkney's' and Shetlands' -

What the debate is about is the current extent of that diversity, where the most recent studies by Sykes, Oppenheimer and all, suggest that Anglo-Saxon Origin theory is grossly overstated, and that that majority of the English/British alive today are descended principally from the peoples who came to Britain along the Atlantic coast from Iberia around the end of the last glacial Maximum.

More to follow.

Oppenheimer thats a good old English name.

Is this leading to the "English are one of the lost tribes of Israel". :lol:

Now if the English were descended principally from the peoples who came to Britain along the Atlantic coast from Iberia or North Africa then they would like these people in this video:-

(Berbers not mixed with Arab/Negro mix).

Who look like the people in the video the most, Irish/Welsh/Scotish and some English from the south west and parts of the north.

Mediteranean race that came from Crete!
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Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Mar 28, 2011 2:37 am

More Meds:

One is half Greek. 8)
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Postby Piratis » Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:57 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Piratis wrote: Cyprus is no different than any other Greek territory or island with the ONLY difference that our right for freedom and self-determination was denied to us.

All Greek territories and islands were part of empires, there is absolutely nothing different in Cyprus about this, and for the most part Cyprus was part of the same empire as the rest of Greece. Who occupied our lands does not determine who we are, and this is what an Imperialist like you has trouble to understand. We were never Persians, or Turks, or French, or English. Even when these foreigners occupied our lands we were still Greeks. The exact same thing holds true for all other Greek territories and islands.

And what does it mean "Probably few Cypriots have any ancestors from what is now Greece"? Do the people of Manchester have many ancestors that come from London?

And why the people of Manchester failed to build their own identity and create their own separate country? Are they incapable of ruling themselves? Why didn't the Liverpudlians do the same? Not only that, but in the same country you even have Welsh, Scottish and Irish!! Why is that? Why is the UK one country and note 100 little ones?

I will tell you why: Because power is in the unity. If the UK was not a single entity but instead 100 little ones then the people there would have no power whatsoever.

This is why UK is a single country, and this is why you didn't allow unity within our nation. Because you wanted to keep Cyprus isolated, making it easier for you to continue to exploit our island. It is our isolation that you were after, not our independence. Do you know many independent countries with foreign "guarantors", foreign armies, foreign bases, foreign judges of the supreme court, and where a minority created by foreign invaders is granted racist privileges and the right to veto the democratic decisions of the majority of the population?

The problem of Cyprus is that is still not liberated from the foreign oppressors. Take the British and the Turks out of Cyprus and let the Cypriot people democratically decide about their own island and Cyprus will have no problem.

England has not been a subsidiary part of any empire for about 1600 years. England been a single political entity for 1200 years. England has not been sucessfully invaded/conquered for about 945 years. One cannot say that for either Greece or Cyprus.

Both Manchester and Liverpool were only granted independant borough status in the 13th or 14t centuries so they have always been a part of the Nation-State of England.

I understand that if one goes back about 700 years, barring more recent immigrants, all the English are related whereby either all of the English then living are the ancestors of all current living English or they have no living decendants: therefore every Englishman living in Machester is probably decended from every Londonder who (a) lived about 700 years ago and (b) who has living decendants.

This was after the formation of Anglo Saxon/ Norman culture.

I suspect one has to go back a lot further before one can claim the same for what is now Greece and the Greek Cypriots, possibly to before the time the peoples who gave Greece (let alone Cyprus) their current Language etc lived in either Greece or Cyprus.

The population of England is full of people who are obviously African or Asian, along with a lot of mixed race people. There are few places in the world which are so bastardized. Greeks, including Cypriots, are far more related between them than the English have ever been.

Although foreign invaders occupied our lands, we didn't mix with them to the extent that this mix happened in England. During the era of the British empire for example, we didn't really mix with the English in Cyprus. On the contrary it is the English who mixed with people from Africa and Asia who immigrated (or where taken by force) to England during that time.

We speak the same language as the United States of America - but we see no need to achieve Enosis with them.

And people in London and Manchester speak the same language and they do feel the need to be united. In your country you decide what you want and what you need. But who the fuck are you to tell to us what we should need and want for our own nation?
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Mar 28, 2011 10:45 pm

There you are confusing citizenship and Genos and Ethnos - many immigrants may be British Citizens but they are not English - do not waste our time by referring to sportsman, as the national / international associations of sporting bodies make up their own rules based on citizenship / residence.

You are otherwise ignoring the point that Liverpool and Manchester have always been a part of the political entity that was England and which became the United Kingdom.

Cyprus has never been a part of the political entity that is now Greece.

Go on now, call me facist, a nazi, an imperialist - call me what you like for what comes next, it makes no difference -

AS to National sekf dtermination- actually national seolf destruction - in my view handing over control from one foreign entity (the British) to another based in Athens.

I also repeat what I said before about Enosis - your dream that would probably turn into a nightmare.

IMHO Enosis would have been an economic and political disaster for Cyprus. Brains and wealth would probably migrate to Athens - there would little to stop for as the reason for existence of a number of employers eg Cyprus Airways, AEK, RIK, etc. would probably disappear and with them so many of the jobs they bring - the chances are that few banks, etc, would keep a headquarters' presence - probabaly many government jobs would vanish: There would be no incentive for anyone to invest in Cyprus - the tax-breaks would not exist. I suspect that Nicosia would probably be less important under the Greeks than it ever was under the British. Cyprus would have to compete with every other part of Greece for government funding for major projects - how much local procurement would there be for goods and services to state or how much would come from Greece - and you would be paying Greek taxes for it - Money flowing out in torrents and only dribbling back.

I doubt that as O claimed the inclusion of Cyprus in Greece would have prevented the rule of the Colonels: Greece had serious internal poltical problems that caused that. I doubt it would have reduced the
Greek defence budget, indeed I would go far as to suggest that anytime since 1955 it could have lead to war betweeen Greece and Turkey and possible invasion and division of the Island by the Turks, if not possible loss of other Greek Islands in the Aegean.

Enosis? All based on a 19th Century myth of links to a mythical past that where the links ever existed they have porobably been groslly overexagerrated and ignore the point that they conceal a previous conquest with colonialasm and imperialism that so many of you condenm.
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Postby Piratis » Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:35 am

There you are confusing citizenship and Genos and Ethnos - many immigrants may be British Citizens but they are not English - do not waste our time by referring to sportsman, as the national / international associations of sporting bodies make up their own rules based on citizenship / residence.

How nice of you to exclude everybody who is not Caucasian from being English. Yet another proof of how racist you are. But even the Caucasian population of England is a mix of pre-historic people, Celts, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and a ton of others.

You are otherwise ignoring the point that Liverpool and Manchester have always been a part of the political entity that was England and which became the United Kingdom.

There was not always an "England". Every entity formed at some point.

Cyprus has never been a part of the political entity that is now Greece.

It was, it was called the Byzantine empire as well as other Hellenic empires which were far more important than your England. If you are referring about a national Greek state, that was formed in the 1820s. Does this mean that even Athens was not Greek until then because it didn't belong to a Greek state? Greek territories where liberated from the 1820s until the late 1940s. If it wasn't for the Ottoman and British oppressors then Cyprus would have been liberated as well.

Go on now, call me facist, a nazi, an imperialist - call me what you like for what comes next, it makes no difference -

I didn't think it would make any difference. If fascist imperialists like you cared about our freedoms and rights then Cyprus would have been liberated long time ago. The only thing you care about is how to serve your interests on our expense.

AS to National sekf dtermination- actually national seolf destruction - in my view handing over control from one foreign entity (the British) to another based in Athens.

It is your view because you are a foreigner. Athens is no foreign to the vast majority of the Cypriot people.

AS to National sekf dtermination- actually national seolf destruction - in my view handing over control from one foreign entity (the British) to another based in Athens.

If Cyprus was allowed by the Turks and the British to be free then we would have done what is best for our interests. Enosis, a real independence, or whatever we decided was best for us. Between the crap that you forced on us and say what they have in Crete, I would choose to have what they have in Crete any day. Freedom, no foreign occupiers, no refugees, no major problems.

Enosis? All based on a 19th Century myth of links to a mythical past that where the links ever existed they have porobably been groslly overexagerrated and ignore the point that they conceal a previous conquest with colonialasm and imperialism that so many of you condenm.

Really? So we started talking Greek and became Greek Orthodox Christians in the 19th century based on a myth? :lol: The lame excuses that you fascist imperialists can produce in order to deny to us our freedom and maintain troops and bases on our island are really incredible.

We have been Greeks on this island from far before there was anything "English" in Britain. Cyprus is filled with Greek writing on rock from a time that your own illiterate ancestors were living in caves somewhere in central Europe.
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Postby yialousa1971 » Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:23 pm

Black English:-

Lewis Hamilton

Lewis Carl Davidson Hamilton was born on 7 January 1985 in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England and was named after American sprinter Carl Lewis. Hamilton's mother, Carmen Larbalestier (now married as Carmen Lockhart), is white British, while his father, Anthony Hamilton, is black British, making him mixed-raced


Mel B (Melanie Janine Brown)

Brown was born in Harehills to a white English mother, Andrea, and a black Nevisian father, Martin and grew up in Burley, Leeds, West Yorkshire.


Ashley Banjo

Ashley Banjo was born to Nigerian father Funso, who was a professional boxer and English mother Danielle, a former professional dancer, who also helps with Diversity's management.


Other mixed English people:-

Melanie Sykes

Melanie Sykes was born to an English father, and an Anglo-Indian mother


Kate Beckinsale

Beckinsale was born in London to actor Richard Beckinsale, who died from a heart attack in 1979, and actress Judy Loe. She has a paternal half-sister, Samantha, who is also an actress. Her father was one quarter Burmese, and she has said that she was "very oriental-looking" as a child




England is the most mixed race Country in Europe and it's going to look like Arabia soon as Anglos haven't got a clue about race, just like dog!
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:29 pm

Recent research has shown about a 9000 year straight genetic link between Cheddar man and a teacher living within just a few miles of Cheddar Gorge.

Other evidence shows that in North Yorkshire they were building wooden houses about 8500 years ago, before Choirokoitia.

As to being a racist:One of the most pathetic racist remarks I saw on the Forum was a comment about corrupt DNA of the Turkish Speaking Cypriots, when the prospect is that (as outlined on another topic) that person's genetic make up is likely to be similar to the people he was denigrating, and where as I have said on several occasions ultimately we can all (probably) trace our ancestry back to one African Lady, who was probably black, or at least brown, and no one person is any way superior to or inferior to any person by virtue of the genetics. As the UCL scientists Neil Bradman and Mark Thomas summarised in their study of the Y chromosome, “if we go back far enough, all men are not only born equal, but are paternally related.” .

Re Youloser's post above on mixed marriages: You think I will make comments about mixed race marriages when I too am a miscegenist. My wife is not British - let alone English - my wife's brother is married to a Japanese lady - one of my son is dating a really lovely Malaysian Muslim Girl: I have a great-nephew through my wife's' side of the family who is officially an American, - and I don't know about race and am a racist?

The point is that these marriages Youloser has highlighted have not yet made any significant contribution to the the genetic make up of the English, the majority of whose ancestors probably came from the Iberian peninsular, not Central Europe, after the end of the last glacial maximum about 15000 to 12000 years or so ago.

As to youloser's earlier post quoting quite extensively from a 2002 Study by UCLA, this was discredited by later rather more extensive studies .

The first was Capelli

This was a rather more extensive study across the whole of British Isles which showed that by and large, while there were some local variations, which in places were quite significant, over all about 74 % of the British population are probbaly decended from Iberio-Atlantic peoples.

Sykes and Oppenheimer, from Oxford, released studies after that which likewise confirmed the Capelli Study: see ... hancestry/ and ... revisited/, see also

Geographic Patterns of Haplogroup R1b in the British Isles
Geographic Patterns of R1b in the British Isles – Deconstructing Oppenheimer

All agree that later invasions have had a varying degree of influence on the gene pool.

Oppenheimer in fact goes further than genetics by using other markers, such as linguistics's, which seemingly reflect a stable language.

So Youloser and Piratis, the position is that my likely ancestors have probably lived in Britain for 12000 years or so.
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Postby yialousa1971 » Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:30 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:Recent research has shown about a 9000 year straight genetic link between Cheddar man and a teacher living within just a few miles of Cheddar Gorge.

Other evidence shows that in North Yorkshire they were building wooden houses about 8500 years ago, before Choirokoitia.

As to being a racist:One of the most pathetic racist remarks I saw on the Forum was a comment about corrupt DNA of the Turkish Speaking Cypriots, when the prospect is that (as outlined on another topic) that person's genetic make up is likely to be similar to the people he was denigrating, and where as I have said on several occasions ultimately we can all (probably) trace our ancestry back to one African Lady, who was probably black, or at least brown, and no one person is any way superior to or inferior to any person by virtue of the genetics. As the UCL scientists Neil Bradman and Mark Thomas summarised in their study of the Y chromosome, “if we go back far enough, all men are not only born equal, but are paternally related.” .

Re Youloser's post above on mixed marriages: You think I will make comments about mixed race marriages when I too am a miscegenist. My wife is not British - let alone English - my wife's brother is married to a Japanese lady - one of my son is dating a really lovely Malaysian Muslim Girl: I have a great-nephew through my wife's' side of the family who is officially an American, - and I don't know about race and am a racist?

The point is that these marriages Youloser has highlighted have not yet made any significant contribution to the the genetic make up of the English, the majority of whose ancestors probably came from the Iberian peninsular, not Central Europe, after the end of the last glacial maximum about 15000 to 12000 years or so ago.

As to youloser's earlier post quoting quite extensively from a 2002 Study by UCLA, this was discredited by later rather more extensive studies .

The first was Capelli

This was a rather more extensive study across the whole of British Isles which showed that by and large, while there were some local variations, which in places were quite significant, over all about 74 % of the British population are probbaly decended from Iberio-Atlantic peoples.

Sykes and Oppenheimer, from Oxford, released studies after that which likewise confirmed the Capelli Study: see ... hancestry/ and ... revisited/, see also

Geographic Patterns of Haplogroup R1b in the British Isles
Geographic Patterns of R1b in the British Isles – Deconstructing Oppenheimer

All agree that later invasions have had a varying degree of influence on the gene pool.

Oppenheimer in fact goes further than genetics by using other markers, such as linguistics's, which seemingly reflect a stable language.

So Youloser and Piratis, the position is that my likely ancestors have probably lived in Britain for 12000 years or so.

Gasbag is that you or maybe your dog?
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Postby yialousa1971 » Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:46 am

the position is that my likely ancestors have probably lived in Britain for 12000 years or so.

I don't think so!
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