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Postby boomerang » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:53 am


Grossman urged the new Turkish government to
make a concrete commitment to the UN Secretary General's
Cyprus plan as a basis for agreement. Doing so would
positively affect Turkey's prospects to attain a date certain
from the EU for accession negotiations.

DepSecDef added that it is "an incredible strategic
opportunity for the EU and I hope it doesn't blow it." But
in practical terms, EU accession and Cyprus are tied.

U/S Grossman had a long, follow-on
discussion with the MFA representatives about Cyprus. He
argued that now is the best time to resolve Cyprus -- before
the EU decides on Cyprus accession December 12-13 -- and that
the GOT should simply sign the first two pages of the UN plan.

the us is pushing turkey on cypus with the anan plan, before roc eu accession...coz the us knows there is no hope for such a plan to get past the eu once cyprus joined...
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:25 pm

¶17. (S) PM Gul responded that his government is talking to
Turkish Cypriot President Denktash. He emphasized that
Turkey will inevitably join the EU, "That is our mentality."
When Turkey joins, he asserted, the EU will become more of a
world player. Turkey's membership would send a message to
the Muslim world that being democratic is attractive.

This is funny stuff. :lol:

"He emphasized that Turkey will inevitably join the EU, "That is our mentality." :lol:

"When Turkey joins, he asserted, the EU will become more of a world player." :lol:

"Turkey's membership would send a message to the Muslim world that being democratic is attractive." :lol:

After all of the above by Gül, he then goes and make up the Annan Plan which violated True Federation, Democracy, Human Rights, International Laws and the EU Principles, then the Turks are shocked that the GCs said OXI to such a plan and then he labeled the GCs as not wanting a settlement. So much for Gül stating that "being democratic is attractive". :lol:
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Postby humanist » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:51 pm

Gul and the Turks are by far the most hypocritical people that I have ever come across, they can sit back and think they deserve 1/3 of Cyprus because they are a minority. Yet they can sit back and think that a minority such as Kurds in Turkey don't deserve their stolen land back.

The EU needs to take a look at Gul's position on the Cyprob before they even decide to even allow the minute of a special relationship or partnership.

Cyprus needs to be restored to a democracy that is fair and equal for all of its citizens.
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:29 am

The Annan plan was put forth knowing that the the Gc's would veto it. There is no way in hell the GC would ever accept a plan like that, everything else was a show put up by the west and britain to keep the turks and tc interested. Diplomacy is a science that looks forward and into the future as best it can. If the gc accepted that particular annan plan Israel would not have the options it has today with the natural gas pipeline and the path it has to block Turkey's extremism
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Postby boulio » Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:30 am

I would not agree wyoming cowboy about that even papadopoulos had stated that annan 3 he would negotiate.the problem was that when they went to burgenstock the plan went from annan3 to annan 5 which there was really no annan 4 the plan changed dramatically in turkeys favor without really any negotiations.

three examples:

1)Karpasia was not given in annan 5,
2)the turks got to PERMENTLY station there troops in annan 5,
3)permentent derogations fron the EU aquis.

Big Game changers.
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