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Cyprus, Turkish Regime Seize Christian School Books

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby EricSeans » Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:43 pm

What kind of tinpot nonentity of an unrecognised regime demands duty and customs control over school books? Ludicrous.

That said, having a priest there was always going to wind the goons up. Lower profile with one or two people in plain clothes may have worked better.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:57 pm

Haven't you guys figured it out yet with all the "Nazi attitude" in the north with banned school books, churche visit arrests, Christmas church service interruptions and endless more Human Rights violation by the Eroglu and Turkey team in what suppose to be a "Democratic north :lol:", is to get the talks for a settlement brought to an end by hoping that Christofias will walk out. The north is now stuck in a BBF talks based on FEDERATION with EU Principles, so naturally, the north is doing everything they can to bring the talks to a unsatisfactory end, and then turn around and blame the GCs for not wanting a solution. Christofias will drag these talks out for the next 10 years if he has to, until the north gets the message that AP is Dead & Gone and ONLY a settlement based on Democracy, Human Rights, International Laws and EU Principles will be accepted, as well as most of the Illegal Alien settlers returning back to their motherland.

There was a time Turkey could dictate what they wanted in Cyprus, which for the first 30 years was a "do nothing" attitude, since the Cyprus problem was solved in 74, so they thought. But while they became complacent in that thought process, the Cyprus situation became more like the "Hare and the Tortoise" situation. While Turkey relaxed believing the game/race was over, the RoC became a EU member and had acquired a BIG political stick to hit Turkey over the head with it. If that wasn't bad enough, with the discovery of oil and gas off southern coast of Cyprus and demarcations agreements signed with neighbouring countries has began to rub Turkey's face into the problems of their own doing with the invasion and occupation in 1974. Now all of sudden, the Cyprus problem is no longer over, as well as Turkey not being able to direct the terms of the settlement any longer since the demise of the AP in 2004. The RoC can now take all the time in the world to reach a settlement which will meet the EU Principles, because the north is not going anywhere and neither is Turkey without the EU, even as a "privileged membership", because at the present time, thats the best Turkey can hope to get from the EU, since her EU membership dreams have long faded into the distant horizon. Turkey may need to prove she is worthy of the EU membership after a very long "privileged EU member" and the Cyprus problem has been long solved.

In the meantime, Turkey is desperately trying to get out of the talks now, in the hopes condition will once again favour her in the future with different leaders in the EU countries. With the Arab world on a Democracy Craze at the moment, time will only get worse for Turkey to hope for another Annan Plan kind of a settlement based on violations of Democracy, Human Rights, and International laws. The EU will nort allow that to happen regardless what the UN may want to do. Since 2004, not ANY kind of a settlement will be accepted by the EU.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:25 pm

Nikitas wrote:"Books have to be rubber stamped"

Now that position really ties in nicely with Talat's statement "we are the true Europeans".

VP, like all good fanatics, is not getting it. The objection is not on an "us and them" comparison. Rubber stamping books is a European wide no-no. So if you are the "true Europeans", prove it.

Where is Bananiot when you need him?

No wonder your youth are brainwashed just like you, do you expose them to everything at school? dont you have a curriculum? These "books" are not aprt of the acceptable education curriculum. You must understand that your authority does not extend into the TRNC.
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Postby EricSeans » Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:36 pm

Isn't each community in Cyprus responsible for educating their own children and following their approved curriculum?
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:59 pm

EricSeans wrote:VP,
Isn't each community in Cyprus responsible for educating their own children and following their approved curriculum?

Who will blame the RoC from 'picking' texts for any Turkish schools in the Republic. I can imagine TC children taught about the 1821 revolution and the aid given by the heroic GCs and the execution of the religious leaders in Cyprus. Then you can imagine the repurcussions from the north. :roll:
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Postby bill cobbett » Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:05 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Nikitas wrote:"Books have to be rubber stamped"

Now that position really ties in nicely with Talat's statement "we are the true Europeans".

VP, like all good fanatics, is not getting it. The objection is not on an "us and them" comparison. Rubber stamping books is a European wide no-no. So if you are the "true Europeans", prove it.

Where is Bananiot when you need him?

No wonder your youth are brainwashed just like you, do you expose them to everything at school? dont you have a curriculum? These "books" are not aprt of the acceptable education curriculum. You must understand that your authority does not extend into the TRNC.

The Authority of Human Rights Extends Everywhere... there are no closed-off, partitioned areas for human rights, including the right to follow and practice a religion of one's choosing without interference....

ARTICLE 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights...

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:08 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Nikitas wrote:"Books have to be rubber stamped"

Now that position really ties in nicely with Talat's statement "we are the true Europeans".

VP, like all good fanatics, is not getting it. The objection is not on an "us and them" comparison. Rubber stamping books is a European wide no-no. So if you are the "true Europeans", prove it.

Where is Bananiot when you need him?

No wonder your youth are brainwashed just like you, do you expose them to everything at school? dont you have a curriculum? These "books" are not aprt of the acceptable education curriculum. You must understand that your authority does not extend into the TRNC.

Neither does TCs.!

Yeah, we know. Only Turkey's authority extends in the "trnc" by them building more mosques than schools. You will be all turned into a Mullahs soon than becoming educators. So much for the bright future for the TCs in the north promised to you by your morally corrupt leaders. You are instead going back to the 16th century rather than into the 21st. !
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:11 pm

EricSeans wrote:VP,
Isn't each community in Cyprus responsible for educating their own children and following their approved curriculum?

No we dont even have TC school in the south, its not allowed thats the EU for you. They GC do not have any authority in the TRNC they have to have their books authorized by the education authority just like anywhere else.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:15 pm

Viewpoint wrote:You must understand that your authority does not extend into the TRNC.

And you need to understand that this cannot and will not go on forever... :lol:
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:17 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Nikitas wrote:"Books have to be rubber stamped"

Now that position really ties in nicely with Talat's statement "we are the true Europeans".

VP, like all good fanatics, is not getting it. The objection is not on an "us and them" comparison. Rubber stamping books is a European wide no-no. So if you are the "true Europeans", prove it.

Where is Bananiot when you need him?

No wonder your youth are brainwashed just like you, do you expose them to everything at school? dont you have a curriculum? These "books" are not aprt of the acceptable education curriculum. You must understand that your authority does not extend into the TRNC.

The Authority of Human Rights Extends Everywhere... there are no closed-off, partitioned areas for human rights, including the right to follow and practice a religion of one's choosing without interference....

ARTICLE 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights...

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Im not sure what happened in the church but nowhere in the world can you bypass the educational authorities to push uncensored books into a school, the GCs are just playing the agitation card, they have no right to bypass the TRNC authorities thats why confiscating the books was right. ask yourself why they did go the through the right channels as was the case with the current books used at the GC school.
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