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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:48 am

You silly Nellies have not answered my question....Is this church in the 'forbidden zone'' that is Varosia or not???? If I went there without a permission,would I be arrested or not???

Stop getting hysterical about this new stunt by your agitators...Whether you recognise it or not,there is an adminitration in the North of Cyprus named the trnc...It is safeguarded by the Turkish Army...It has its own laws...You disobey them and you pay the price...Now would someone sensible answer my question...Was this arrest made in the zone declared 'forbidden' by the TA or not???no need for your cheap political shots...just answer the question... :roll:
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Postby Hermes » Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:05 am

BirKibrisli wrote: Stop getting hysterical about this new stunt by your agitators...Whether you recognise it or not,there is an adminitration in the North of Cyprus named the trnc... Was this arrest made in the zone declared 'forbidden' by the TA or not???

Birk, do you not understand that the Turkish army is regarded as an occupying force in Cyprus? Do you not understand that since the EU does not recognise the legal authority of the occupation regime in the north, the detention of these people was illegal?

Further, by arresting European politicians inspecting a church, the occupation regime have merely ended up publicizing the issue of the destruction of the cultural heritage in the occupied areas and shown a lack of respect to the EU Parliament. What kind of message do you think these politicians will be going back to the EU Parliament with? The very Parliament that is responsible for monitoring Turkey's EU accession and that deals with issues relating to Cyprus that also impacts the occupied areas?

I'm afraid the only "stunt" here was committed by the Turkish clowns who thought that by arresting a group of EU politicians they were proving they have some kind of legal authority in the occupied areas.

What fools they are in the north.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Mar 14, 2011 6:30 am

BirKibrisli wrote:You silly Nellies have not answered my question....Is this church in the 'forbidden zone'' that is Varosia or not???? If I went there without a permission,would I be arrested or not???

Stop getting hysterical about this new stunt by your agitators...Whether you recognise it or not,there is an adminitration in the North of Cyprus named the trnc...It is safeguarded by the Turkish Army...It has its own laws...You disobey them and you pay the price...Now would someone sensible answer my question...Was this arrest made in the zone declared 'forbidden' by the TA or not???no need for your cheap political shots...just answer the question... :roll:

FFS are you stupid or what?

Look you four-knuckle shuffler - if it is (a) promoted as a tourist site (b) in illegal occuption by a theatre griouip, fow the f*ck can it be in the forbidden zone?
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Postby Bananiot » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:35 am

Yes, but there is this little matter for those sick nationalists of the forum, who are screaming at the top of their voice "foul play" but who have never got tired of repeating here that "technically we are still at war with Turkey".
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Postby B25 » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:00 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:You silly Nellies have not answered my question....Is this church in the 'forbidden zone'' that is Varosia or not???? If I went there without a permission,would I be arrested or not???

Stop getting hysterical about this new stunt by your agitators...Whether you recognise it or not,there is an adminitration in the North of Cyprus named the trnc...It is safeguarded by the Turkish Army...It has its own laws...You disobey them and you pay the price...Now would someone sensible answer my question...Was this arrest made in the zone declared 'forbidden' by the TA or not???no need for your cheap political shots...just answer the question... :roll:

FFS are you stupid or what?

Look you four-knuckle shuffler - if it is (a) promoted as a tourist site (b) in illegal occuption by a theatre griouip, fow the f*ck can it be in the forbidden zone?


What's a " four-knuckle shuffler " ??

Would that be another term for Wanker :lol:
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Postby Nikitas » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:06 am

I will make it cler for Bir. Ayia Zoni is NOT in the closed off area of Varosi. It is a tourist site promoted by the TRNC administration, the reason for the arrest was not accessing the church, which is open to all. Those arrested were held because they tried to use the church as a church.

There is some confusion about this because there two churches called Ayia Zoni in Famagusta, the one pictured above is open to all, the other one, which was my local church when I lived in Famagusta is too far in the closed off area to be accessible by anyone.

Now what do we know about this "crime"? That it was a violation of the ordinances of the "thought ministry" of the north? Something else? Exactly what constitutes an act of worship in the north? Greeks frantically cross themselves when they are in Ayia Sophia in Istanbul, and they are encouraged to do so, the Turkish tourism authrotities have even installed a candle receptacle and sell them candles to light in the bloody place. Why is the same in a small church in Cyprus a crime?
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Postby humanist » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:38 am

shows poorly on the racist attitudes of the occupied areas leadership and lack of education. It was good to see the Turks were indiscriminate against GC's.
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:42 am

Get Real! wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:From the Guide

"It is currently used as a rehearsal room for the municipality theatre group"

What disrespect for a place of worship.

For the avoidance of doubt I also condemn the abuse / misuse some/many mosques have apparently been put to in the ROC.

Be careful, lest you get yourself banned. :lol:

The shit stirrer strikes again falsely implicating admin that he bans people for being on the “wrong” side, yet he holds TWO records on the forum… the most prolific poster and the highest bollocks to posts ratio! :lol:

The last thing I want is someone getting banned for stating facts.

You can tell lies, untruths imaginary allegations, insult, use demeaning expressions and get away with it. I am just bringing this to a good-fella's attention. IMO the real shit stirer is in your mirror. Just have a look. :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:54 pm ... c_Haberler

Bugün ikisi de yargılanacak
Kapalı Maraş bölgesine girdikleri için önceki gün tutuklanan 2 Rum’dan biri dün sabah teminata bağlandı
Pazartesi 08:40
14 Mart 2011 Yorum Yaz Yazdır Arkadaşına Gönder


Güney Kıbrıs’tan KKTC’ye turist olarak gelen ve Avrupa Parlamentosu üyesi iki parlamenterle izinsiz olarak Kapalı Maraş bölgesine girdikleri için önceki gün tutuklanan 2 Rum’dan biri dün sabah Güvenlik Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Askeri Mahkemesi’nde teminatla serbest bırakıldı. Yurt dışına çıkışı yasaklanan bu Rum ile hastanede tedavi gören diğer Rum’un bugün birlikte Askeri Mahkeme’ye çıkarılarak yargılanacağı öğrenildi.
Sağlık durumu iyi olan Loizos Afksentiu isimli Rum dün Askeri Mahkeme’de Kıdemli Yargıç Ömer Güran’ın huzuruna çıkarıldı ve yurt dışına çıkışı yasaklanarak kefaletle serbest bırakıldı.
Eski Rum milletvekillerinden Yannakis Matsis ise kalp rahatsızlığı nedeniyle Gazimağusa Devlet Hastanesi’nde müşahede altında tutuluyordu.
Dünkü teminat duruşmasında şahadet veren Gazimağusa Polis Müdürlüğü’ne bağlı Adli Şube Amirliği’nde görevli polis memuru Harun Çakır, zanlı Loizos Afksentiu’nun “birinci derece askeri yasak bölgeyi ihlal etmek” suçundan methaldar olduğunu belirtti. Meseleyle ilgili tahkikatın tamamlandığını belirten polis memuru zanlının davalarında hazır olabilmesi için uygun bir teminata bağlanmasını talep etti.
Kıdemli Yargıç Ömer Güran da tahkikat memurunun şahadetine bağlı olarak zanlının, tüm seyahat belgelerinin alınıp yurt dışına çıkışını yasaklayarak, davaları görüşülünceye kadar serbest bıraktı.
Olay, geçtiğimiz cumartesi sabahı saat 10.00 sularında, Rum Avrupa Milletvekili Eleni Theoharus’un konuğu olarak adaya gelen ve Maraş konusuyla ilgilenen Polonyalı Avrupa Milletvekilleri Jaroslaw Walesa, Artur Zasada ve Bulgar Avrupa Milletvekili Mariya Nedelcheva’nın Theoharus ile birlikte Mağusa’ya gitmesiyle başladı. Bu kişilere Matsis, Maraş (Göçmenler) Hareketi Loizos Afksendiu, Brüksel’deki Rum Kilisesi Ofisi Temsilcisi ve Neapolis Piskoposu Porfirios, Peder Savvas ile bir sekreter eşlik etmişti.
Milletvekilleri polisteki sorgulanmalarının ardından serbest bırakılırken, Matsis ve Afksendiu ise tutuklanmıştı.

The above article states that Louizos Afxentiou was out on bail and had his travel documents withheld, whilst Yannakis Matsis is in the Famagusta General Hospital as he has a heart problem. Lets hope he does not have the traditional 'heart problem'. All the others were released. Their first apppearance in court (Military) will be today.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:46 pm

Hermes wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote: Stop getting hysterical about this new stunt by your agitators...Whether you recognise it or not,there is an adminitration in the North of Cyprus named the trnc... Was this arrest made in the zone declared 'forbidden' by the TA or not???

Birk, do you not understand that the Turkish army is regarded as an occupying force in Cyprus? Do you not understand that since the EU does not recognise the legal authority of the occupation regime in the north, the detention of these people was illegal?

Further, by arresting European politicians inspecting a church, the occupation regime have merely ended up publicizing the issue of the destruction of the cultural heritage in the occupied areas and shown a lack of respect to the EU Parliament. What kind of message do you think these politicians will be going back to the EU Parliament with? The very Parliament that is responsible for monitoring Turkey's EU accession and that deals with issues relating to Cyprus that also impacts the occupied areas?

I'm afraid the only "stunt" here was committed by the Turkish clowns who thought that by arresting a group of EU politicians they were proving they have some kind of legal authority in the occupied areas.

What fools they are in the north.

Hermes,obviously they don't give a damn what message they give to those clowns in the EU parliament of elsewhere...Get it in your thick head...The more the EU put Cyprus as an obstacle in front of Erdogan,the more he likes it...He will never get out of Cyprus this way...You are just playing into his hands...

He is tough with the EU,and he wins votes at home.
He is tough with the TCs,and he wins votes at home.
He is tough with the GCs,and he wins votes at home...
He cannot lose...Time you realised he is playing you for suckers...
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