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Eroglu Outside The UN Parameters (again) On Citizenship

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby boulio » Tue Mar 22, 2011 4:21 pm

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Postby B25 » Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:40 pm

Reading some of the letters by Dr Ali explains it all. The Birkturks and VPs of this world should read it from one of their own, lest they blame us for more propoganda.

Well spotted Boulio, nice one.
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Postby quattro » Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:02 pm

B25 wrote:

Reading some of the letters by Dr Ali explains it all. The Birkturks and VPs of this world should read it from one of their own, lest they blame us for more propoganda.

Well spotted Boulio, nice one.

Those all are ''traitors'' B25 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby B25 » Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:58 pm

quattro wrote:
B25 wrote:

Reading some of the letters by Dr Ali explains it all. The Birkturks and VPs of this world should read it from one of their own, lest they blame us for more propoganda.

Well spotted Boulio, nice one.

Those all are ''traitors'' B25 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I wonder if Bananiotoglu and Birkturk will now label them and facist, bigots and wait for it ......... Cretins. :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:00 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Hate to disappoint you guys,but VP is right,the average TC think exactly like he does...If you believe that all of the 50,000 marchers were there to tell Turkey to 'Has...tir', you are only deluding yourselves...But go ahead,there is no law against it... :wink:

Bir, we have to be careful in giving VP too much credit (if any) in making the assumption that he/she is "representing" the average TC, or else, the average TC will be seen as a Racist Fascist NeoPartitionist. I hope for the TCs sake, that is not the case.

Secondly, VP approves of Turkey's austerity measures and believes it is a good idea for Turkey to stop the hand out, therefore, that being the case, VP couldn't be "representing" the average TCs, since 50,000 of them were on the streets fighting the austerity measures that VP approves what Turkey is doing. I'm almost certain VP was not amongst the 50,000 TCs on the street fighting against these austerity measures.

I would say that, if VP were to "present" anyone, it is the settlers/Turkey, as well as those TCs who are NeoPartitionist, who are enjoying the "spoils of war". Regardless of the above options, VP is not an elected individual, therefore, he can ONLY represents his/her own self and no one else. His/her views are just that, his/hers ONLY.!

Kikapu...I didnt'say VP 'represents' the average TC...I said the average TC thinks exactly like he does...There is a difference.And I dispute your assertion that VP is a Racist Fascist Neopartitionist...Just because he doesnt have the same faith in democracy with a GC majority as you do,doesnt make him racist or fascist of partitionist...If you want to see racist and fascists and if you want to see who are the real partitionists on this forum, you will need to look amongst the GC forumers,and read their persistent comments about Turks and TCs....The Partitionists are those who knowing that their maximalist demands will never be accepted insist on them anyway...Hence they preserve the status quo,and hence bring an official partition closer every passing year...

Sorry for the delay in returning your post, Bir. :oops:

BirKibrisli wrote:Kikapu...I didnt'say VP 'represents' the average TC...I said the average TC thinks exactly like he does...There is a difference

"Six Of One, A Half Dozen Of The Other", so let me answer it slightly differently. The 50,000 TCs marching recently were not representative of VP's views, since VP did not even support the 50,000 marchers purpose for marching, be they be for telling Turkey to get lost from Cyprus or telling Turkey she can't cut their welfare handouts, because if they were representative of VP's views, we as TCs will be viewed as Racists Fascists and NeoPartionists. It's that simple.

BirKibrisli wrote:And I dispute your assertion that VP is a Racist Fascist Neopartitionist...Just because he doesnt have the same faith in democracy with a GC majority as you do,doesnt make him racist or fascist of partitionist

VP isn't a Racists Fascists NeoPartitionist just because he does not support Democracy, but for all the Racists, Fascists and Partitionists stands that he takes every time, as well as supporting violations of the basic universal principles afforded to every citizen in the west in a Democracy. If VP doesn't want to take part in Democracy and Human Rights as a citizen is one thing, but promoting Racism, Fascism and Partition is another. What he supports cannot be accepted in the EU and he knows it full well, but he continues to demand these violations to be the corner stone for a unified Cyprus, which will take us back to 1963 all over again. Personally I've had enough of the effects of 1963, but it is very obvious that VP who has not experienced anything to do with 1963 or beyond. He just popped up out of nowhere to enjoy the "spoils of war" and wants for it to remain that way, hence his continued demand and wishes for the return of the 2004 version of the Annan Plan based on the 1960's agreements.

I'm almost certain VP would resent you for you stating that he is not a Racist, Fascist and a NeoPartitionist just because he wants too be those things, because he does not want to have a unified Cyprus under any kind of Democracy at all. He would like to have all the TCs in the north to be like him if all possible, just to keep the GCs out of the north for the long term. He constantly wishes that the present talks fail, so that he can continue benefiting from the division and the "spoils of war". His support of the AP in 2004 and since then, only confirms he has no desires to have peace on the island, but to use the 2004 AP to further his, Denktash's and Turkey's partitionists agendas and to have virtual control of the whole island. That is the ultimate aim, to take the whole island for Turkey and not just the north part. Only an agreement like the AP would make that possible, hence the reasons why he is against any kind of Democracy that would have EU Principles, just because it would end that Taksim dream for once and for all. The only problem VP has, along with all the other delusionist NeoPartitionist is, that the 2004 AP train has already left the station is never ever going to come back, specially now that the RoC is in the EU. The most they can do, is to become spoilers to prevent a true unification with the EU Principles by keeping the current division going, but the only people they are hurting the most, are the TCs themselves. The GCs are going about their business and moving forward and by leaving the TCs in their wake to be swallowed up by the settlers, and soon, to be slapped around pretty badly by Turkey's austerity measures.

VP resents all those who speak out against Turkey, specially those who took part in the demonstrations in the north recently, labelling the demonstrations as being ONLY for austerity meassures, which is not true. The demonstrations may have the austerity measures face on it, but it has more to do with Turkey's strangulation on the TCs future as Cypriots whom would like to have peace on the island with the GCs and to tell Turkey to take a hike. Of course they need to tread very carefully how they proceed in the north, specially when they are surrendered by the settlers who couldn't give a shit about what the TCs want for their future as well as the Turkish Troops/police force. I think the demonstrators are being very brave in doing what they are doing. VP is a Denktash prodigy. They are both from the same Racist, Fascist and NeoPartitionist gene pool. You can defend VP all you want Bir and that is your right, by saying that he is not what I accuse him of, and I can guarantee you, he will resent you for it for saying that he is not what I accuse him off. The fact that he has not come on here in the last 5 days to back you up on your statement, just goes to prove that what I'm saying to be correct. VP likes to be seen as a racist, fascist and a NeoPartitionist and he would wish for all TCs to be the same way. That would surely keep all the GCs out of the north or even them ever wanting to have a Unified Cyprus. He would hope that the GCs would just cut their loses and agree to a clean-cut partition. Somehow I do not believe the GCs will grant him that wish, not when the RoC is now in the EU.

This is what VP supports, posted on another thread, which when questioned on them, he has ZERO answers.

Viewpoint wrote:With TCs in the equation it can only be BBF with guaranteed political equality of the two states, at federal level neither side can force the other to accept laws or developments, each side has the right to say no.
Everyone should be allowed to reside under which ever administration the wish. One man one vote should be cast country wide to determine the top tier GC and TC MP to represent the states in both houses. The lower house should be based on proportional representation and the upper house balanced 50% 50% with require minimum votes from both states to get bills through the lower and upper houses. ... &start=270

The above is way beyond for VP not accepting Democracy. Nobody in the west would accept what VP supports with his above statement, so I don't know why we as Cypriots should support it also in this day and age, and so yes, the above only confirms VP's desires for Cyprus to have a Racist, Fascistic, and Partitonists settlement or just a clean cut with agreed partition. Either way, he is a self confessed NeoPartitionists, even if we were to overlook, however difficult it may be, of his Racist and Fascistic attitudes most of the time. He would like to apply his above ideas for a settlement, which would bring on 1963 once again. It doesn't take a genius to figure out, that with a plan like what VP is proposing, it is ONLY to have another civil war in Cyprus, and with the BBF territorial lines already drawn and in the EU, is to go for Independence once again. Now, some GCs may well be happy to have a partition also, but by majority of them demanding their basic rights afforded to all EU citizens of Democracy and Human Rights, they can't be accused of wanting partition if they want the same rights as any other EU citizens. What VP doesn't realize is (he actually does), that the only thing that will assure TCs safeguards of their language custom, heritage, identity, respect, and prosperity are the same values shared by all other EU citizens. The way to be resented, mistrusted, looked down upon, is to ask for a settlement based on Democratic Human Rights violation, which would be a dream come true for VP and his kind. It will make the TCs and GCs to hate each other once aging to bring about another civil war, and with the Turkish Troops on the island already, . Even the people of Arab nations had enough being forced to live under undemocratic systems. The TCs deserve no less.

BirKibrisli wrote:If you want to see racist and fascists and if you want to see who are the real partitionists on this forum, you will need to look amongst the GC forumers,and read their persistent comments about Turks and TCs...

I agree, and I support our good friend Bananiot to call on them as he does often, which you do not see me contradicting him at all. However, those actions by some of the GCs/Greeks on the CF does not excuse VP's actions at all.

BirKibrisli wrote:The Partitionists are those who knowing that their maximalist demands will never be accepted insist on them anyway...Hence they preserve the status quo,and hence bring an official partition closer every passing year...

I'm afraid you have lost me with the above logic, Bir. It totally does not make sense to me what so ever. If these GCs wanted partition by demanding their EU principles for a Unified Cyprus, they could have just ALL voted for the Annan Plan in 2004 instead and they would have gotten their wishes.....Partition that is, although, that would have also meant losing Cyprus to Turkey, so in that case, they could just ask for an agreed partition instead if partition was their desire. Well, they have not asked for one, so what does that tell us.? Your logic would be like a man who is a very devoted husband and a father who is a caring and loving provider, and by for him being all those things, he actually wants to have a divorce from his wife. Really.???:?

Maximalist demands on Democracy, Human Rights, International Law and now the EU Principles can ONLY be a blessing for all Cypriots. Had we had the above principles, it is possible we would not have had the problems of 1963 and beyond. But for certainty, the above principles today as a EU member state, can only benefit all Cypriots to live as Cypriots, providing they all want to live as one citizen and one nation. Of course there are some GCs who do not want this either, which are the same kind of people who also share VP's views. They are after all, are partitionist themselves and I have no time for any of them. But by demanding the Democratic Principles for a settlement, I can's see how these people can be viewed as partitionist.

The best all those who want peace in Cyprus, is for them to push for a Fair and Just settlement, and since 2004, there are not options but to have a settlement based on the EU Principles. The sooner people accepts these to be the facts, the sooner we can have a settlement based on those principles under a BBF.
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Postby kurupetos » Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:00 pm

B25 wrote:
quattro wrote:
B25 wrote:

Reading some of the letters by Dr Ali explains it all. The Birkturks and VPs of this world should read it from one of their own, lest they blame us for more propoganda.

Well spotted Boulio, nice one.

Those all are ''traitors'' B25 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I wonder if Bananiotoglu and Birkturk will now label them and facist, bigots and wait for it ......... Cretins. :lol: :lol:

Are cretins Cretans of Turkish descent? :lol:
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Postby ZoC » Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:04 pm

BirkTurk wrote:
ZoC wrote:
BirkTurk wrote:If you don't, well,soon the world will not give a damn about the tiny pimple on her arse which is the RoC...

i don't think so. the puss needs to be squeezed out before the itching can stop.

The puss has been oozing out slowly over the past 48 years...Soon even the scar will disappear!

why is it ur metaphors never make sense? the puss ain't oozed out nowhere! its been building up in the north and now it's a big fat boil that needs to be lanced.

the scar isn't disappearing. it's huge latrine full of turds that's been created in the north, characterised by that ridiculous used tampon etched on the mountain. now stop driveling like a demented old woman.
Last edited by ZoC on Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby humanist » Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:05 pm

am sorry how can you have 80% of the population and 12% of the population sharing a parliament of 50%/ 50% and that be equal? Please explain?
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Postby quattro » Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:09 pm

humanist wrote:am sorry how can you have 80% of the population and 12% of the population sharing a parliament of 50%/ 50% and that be equal? Please explain?

Not even Einstein could make that equalization 8)
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:19 pm

humanist wrote:am sorry how can you have 80% of the population and 12% of the population sharing a parliament of 50%/ 50% and that be equal? Please explain?

Two equal sides, two partners means just that equal.....the height size or weight makes no difference both sides are just as equally as important as the other. Now do you get it?
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