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The Water Pipeline

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:13 am

And not only that but for a fraction of the cost of Erdogan’s baloney plan, you can setup a few desalination plants to provide all the water you’ll ever need! That’s what the RoC is doing.
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Postby SKI-preo » Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:44 am

Now this is not a new thing as well because this project was talked about and planned back in the 60's but obviously today we have a much different environment.

Just like Taksim.

The hurry today is to try to cement Turkey's claim to Cyprus just as the politics involved in the rushed gas deals with Israel are a gesture of independance and freedom.
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Re: The Water Pipeline

Postby Kikapu » Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:17 am

All4114All wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
All4114All wrote:We know mentally and feel Turkey's presence on Cyprus, but I would like to ask especially the G/C a serious question, do you think having this water pipeline connected to North Cyprus from Turkey will take it to another level (divide & negotiations) of actually having a physical connection to Turkey psychologically would make the unification talks even worse?

Do you also believe that Turkey may be playing a more strategic game because we know that the North and South are low in supplies in fresh water and this might see some concessions from the South so water can be pumped into the South side?

Now this is not a new thing as well because this project was talked about and planned back in the 60's but obviously today we have a much different environment.

Something I would like to add personally having these major projects as mentioned the water pipeline which will be completed in 3 years does this mean Turkey knows more behind close doors about the faith of North Cyprus. If I am a new business man about to invest millions into a state I would like to know it's stability and growth, you certainly would not find anyone jumping to invest millions into Libya at the moment without knowing it's future and stability. So it makes me curious that Turkey in some way has already outlined what is expected.

What’s obvious is that Erdogan knows how to manipulate your foolhardy people into obedient little servants! One bogus story printed about water arriving from Turkey and all of a sudden you’ve all forgotten about the demonstrations! :lol:

I did not say this is the greatest thing to ever happen nor did I say I support it. All I asked was your point of view would it make the unification process worse off? Personally it will make the unification process more complex and worse off because North Cyprus will have a physical link to Turkey before any settlement. So Turkey in a way is permenately connecting the North so it must make G/C even more unsettled.

I was seriously looking for constructive answers but it seems I will not get that here.

Can a TC also say something, please please please.!

Isn't there a telephone cable under the sea right now between the north and Turkey.? If so, what does that physical connection given to the north, other than phone service or done anything negative towards the negotiations.?

Isn't there also direct flights and ferry service between the north and Turkey.? AND.???

In any case, if there is a water pipeline from Turkey to the north and somehow this will connect the north and Turkey physically for some psychological mental stimulation of conquering the north by creating finality to the Cyprus problem, as the case was in 74 also, so it was thought, then that can only happen as long as the water is flowing to the north, but the moment the TAP is turned off, everything will be back to "normal" again.! I don't see France and UK making claims on each others land, just because they have the Channel Tunnel between them. If Turkey really wants to make a real solid impact in claiming the north, psychologically of course, they really ought to build a tunnel under the Med between Turkey and the north. Now, even I will be impressed by that. :lol:
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Re: The Water Pipeline

Postby Piratis » Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:39 am

All4114All wrote:Today in a discussion with a particular group our topic was about this water pipeline that Turkey will begin to connect 75 million cubic meters of water to North Cyprus. ... leID=70699

Our discussion was not about if this is a good thing or a bad thing but more the psychological game onto the G/C and T/C.

We know mentally and feel Turkey's presence on Cyprus, but I would like to ask especially the G/C a serious question, do you think having this water pipeline connected to North Cyprus from Turkey will take it to another level (divide & negotiations) of actually having a physical connection to Turkey psychologically would make the unification talks even worse?

Do you also believe that Turkey may be playing a more strategic game because we know that the North and South are low in supplies in fresh water and this might see some concessions from the South so water can be pumped into the South side?

Now this is not a new thing as well because this project was talked about and planned back in the 60's but obviously today we have a much different environment.

Something I would like to add personally having these major projects as mentioned the water pipeline which will be completed in 3 years does this mean Turkey knows more behind close doors about the faith of North Cyprus. If I am a new business man about to invest millions into a state I would like to know it's stability and growth, you certainly would not find anyone jumping to invest millions into Libya at the moment without knowing it's future and stability. So it makes me curious that Turkey in some way has already outlined what is expected.

We have solved the water shortage problem with desalination plants. It is quite expensive getting water that way, but not as expensive as depending on our enemy for the most valuable recourse.

As far as TCs go, this is will be yet another way they will depend on Turkey. Now the TCs complain that Turkey is not sending enough money, imagine what will happen when you will depend on Turkey for water and Turkey decides to start sending you less.

But the dependence of TCs on Turkey is already so great that one more thing will not really make any difference.
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