When Turks realize that their ideas in Cyprus will form the basis of a solution to their Kurdish problem then ... [please let me know what you think will happen]
The truth hurts tCypriots because it contains hard to swallow realities for the spoiled, misguided tCypriot soul.
And the truth will infuriate Turks once it sinks in.
At the end of the day tCypriots should have the same rights, not a single right more, than Turkey is willing to afford its Kurds. And they should be happy!
A tCypriot banner said the other day (2/3/2011) "We are tCypriots; who the hell are you Mr Erdogan?" A good banner.
Another, almost perfect banner, should read
"WHO THE HELL ARE WE to ask for 50-50 power sharing in Cyprus? Just who the bloody hell do we think we are?"
The answer of course is simple: tCypriots are an immature minority with no concept of fairness or democracy, trying anxiously and desperately to hold on to the illogical super rights Turkey secured for them first in 1960 and again in 1974 while trying to advance its 1900s "strategy". They are also ungrateful since they enjoy these super illogical rights because of Turkey's Turks and they spit them in the face (not that I we should disagree). Just as you have been spitting in gCypriots' faces with your self-righteousness on the "Allah-given" "equality" issue.
Just who the hell do you think you are aside from mere thieves and eternal pathetic moaners?
""There is a sociological fact: Kurds are not part of the nation-state system created by the Republic of Turkey."" - a legacy of 1923 [a badly drafted constitution]
http://www.todayszaman.com/news-237471- ... to-under...
Just as there is a sociological fact in Cyprus that an 18% minority deserves 50-50 power sharing & obscene guaranteed representation for the minority - a legacy of 1960 [a badly drafted constitution]!
A rep of the 90+% legal Cypriot majority of Cyprus! One whose concerns you, tCypriots, must learn to respect and appreciate appropriately.