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Austerity Plans...

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Austerity Plans...

Postby boomerang » Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:05 am

could the austerity plans be another ploy by turkey in sideling the tcs?...

recently erdogan made noises about more turks in jobs so it makes sense firstly by outnumbering tcs with settlers and secondly curbing tcs income...

end of the day the settlers would take a lower paying job as their standard of living is well below of the tcs...quite evident by not having land to sponge off and secondly no shopping trips to the free areas...

this will make a living hell for tcs coz they will sit there idling watching jobs go to the settlers and tcs offspings looking else where for jobs as the roc will be unable in employing all of them...

this will leave the tcs a couple of choices in the long term...
1...downsize on your standard of living, virtually impossible, so unemployment will rise, fueling further demonstartions... offsprings migrating, further eroding the balance between tcs and settlers, completing a step furter the turkification of the north...
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Postby boomerang » Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:53 am

we just have to wait and see how these austerity plan will pan out...but taking an intelligent stab it's npt gonna spell well for tcs...

the demontrations point to the tcs fear of whats coming next...unemployment and forced lowering of their standard of living...

history shows once migration occurs the likehood of return is highly unlikely, as the immigrant carves a better life in host country...look at the settlers in the occuppied areas, how many have returned?...another point is myself, bir, paphitis and many of us have returned?...

further proves my point as settlers are staying, in the occupied areas, carving a higher standard of living than their own it will not be different for tcs immigrants in their host countries...

ofcourse there exemptions like vip, handballed back to cyprus for a shotgun wedding with a male tc... :lol:
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Postby boomerang » Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:56 am

as halil mentioned before when he went to a wedding and the next time the couple was off to Australia...he said another young tc living...tcs get ready to lose your kids...get ready to enjoy kids and grandkids once a year...

family displacement brought to you by the turkish invasion...errr sorry your liberators...
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