CBBB wrote:quattro wrote:CBBB wrote:Having noticed a CYTA advertisement on a Greek (not Cypriot) TV channel, out of curiosity I thought I would have a look at what our Government owned telecommunications authority charges in Greece compared to Cyprus. It is very interesting.
In Cyprus just for internet at the maximum speed of 12Mbps/768Kbps the installation charge is €78.59 and the monthly fee is €72.90.
https://www.cytawebshop.cyta.com.cy/Ord ... aspx?id=14
In Greece for internet at there maximum speed of 24Mbps/1024Kbps the installation charge is €30 and the monthly fee is €18. I won't go in to additional things that are offered in this package.
So can someone explain why we who own the bastards get totally screwed, whereas the Greeks reap the benefits of us being overcharged?
talk+surf+view 40M 40Mbps 2Mbps €40 €99
I know that, I am with Cablenet!
Hey martin that 40Mbps line is so hot we can cook on it