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lets be honest here...without a threat to tc income...

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby denizaksulu » Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:04 pm

Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
quattro wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:This is it. Cant enlarge this pic. It is the one with the insert at top right.


Another few shots at africa then :cry:

Thats right.

The pistol used in the shooting was found at Ercan airport. It is assumed that the 'trigger' flew back to Turkey - or that is what they want us to believe.

It does sound very comical to me too, Deniz. :lol: :lol:

tOO COMICAL. Forensics show the bullets and pistol match.

Now, that is interesting, Deniz.

First of all, I'm surprised that the two bullets fired at the Africa building remained intact in order to make a comparison with a bullet fired in a test from the so called "found gun". Do you have any reports for me to read regarding this forensic findings...please.

Kurþunlama olayýna geniþ yer veren ‘Birgün’ gazetesi, “Afrika gazetesini Arýnç mý
kurþunlattý?” baþlýðýný kullandý. Þener Levent’in bu konudaki açýklamalarýna da deðinen
gazete, Ýsmet Felek olayýnýn ‘Yavru Susurluk’ olarak deðerlendirildiðini vurguladý...
‘Toplumsal Varoluþ Mitingi’ne destek için Ýstanbul’da yapýlan eylemde, “Ýþgalci Türkiye,
Kýbrýs’tan defol” pankartý da taþýnmýþ. Dua etsinler ki, Sendikal Platform yetkilileri orada yoktu!
Arýnç mý
Gazetemiz önünde 24 saat nöbet tutan polis güvenlik önlemlerini artýrdý
n 28 Ocak mitinginde Yasemin
Hareketi’nin açtýðý
“Kurtarýldýk mý? Hastir”
pankartýna çok öfkelenen ve
söylemediðini býrakmayan
Bülent Arýnç, kurþunlamayý
üstlenen Felek çetesi ile
iliþkileri hakkýnda hiçbir
açýklama yapmýyor...
n KKTC polisi olayla ilgili araþtýrmasýný
derinleþtirirken, Ercan’da bulunan
9 milimetrelik Glock marka
tabancanýn gazetemize saldýrýda
kullanýlan tabanca olduðu
Bu pankarta Ýstanbul’da izin var, Lefkoþa’da yok!
“Ýþgalci Türkiye Kýbrýs’tan defol”
n Lefkoþa’daki “Toplumsal
Varoluþ Mitingi”ne destek
olarak Ýstanbul, Ankara, Ýzmir
ve Antalya’da da gösteriler
n Lefkoþa’daki mitingte Sendikal
Platform yetkililerinin izin vermediði
“Ýþgalci Türkiye Kýbrýs’tan defol”
pankartý Ýstanbul’da da taþýndý ve
n 3. sayfada
‘Toplumsal Varoluþ Mitingi’
Mitingi Rauf Denktaþ da beðendi
nMitingin çok baþarýlý geçtiðini ve Kýbrýs Türk halkýnýn anavatanýyla arasýna
kimsenin girmesine izin vermeyeceðinin bir kez daha ispatlandýðýný söyleyen
Denktaþ, “Olaysýz geçeceðini bilseydim ben de mitinge katýlacaktým” dedi...
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:18 pm

Thanks Deniz, but the best I can make out of the article that you posted is, I didn't see any Forensic ballistics evidence reported on the matching the two fired bullets to the gun, other than stating that the 9mm Glock found at Ercan was used in the shooting. For all I know, it could be someones opinion for that to be the case and not an actual proof, but thanks anyway for posting it.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:27 pm

Kikapu wrote:Thanks Deniz, but the best I can make out of the article that you posted is, I didn't see any Forensic ballistics evidence reported on the matching the two fired bullets to the gun, other than stating that the 9mm Glock found at Ercan was used in the shooting. For all I know, it could be someones opinion for that to be the case and not an actual proof, but thanks anyway for posting it.

That particular bit was in Kibris, I think. The archived print not yet available. I could not find it. But is mentioned in Afrika. Afrika does state that the bullets and the gun do match. It is in the photocpoied bit.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:29 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
quattro wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:This is it. Cant enlarge this pic. It is the one with the insert at top right.


Another few shots at africa then :cry:

Thats right.

The pistol used in the shooting was found at Ercan airport. It is assumed that the 'trigger' flew back to Turkey - or that is what they want us to believe.

It does sound very comical to me too, Deniz. :lol: :lol:

tOO COMICAL. Forensics show the bullets and pistol match.

Now, that is interesting, Deniz.

First of all, I'm surprised that the two bullets fired at the Africa building remained intact in order to make a comparison with a bullet fired in a test from the so called "found gun". Do you have any reports for me to read regarding this forensic findings...please.

Kurþunlama olayýna geniþ yer veren ‘Birgün’ gazetesi, “Afrika gazetesini Arýnç mý
kurþunlattý?” baþlýðýný kullandý. Þener Levent’in bu konudaki açýklamalarýna da deðinen
gazete, Ýsmet Felek olayýnýn ‘Yavru Susurluk’ olarak deðerlendirildiðini vurguladý...
‘Toplumsal Varoluþ Mitingi’ne destek için Ýstanbul’da yapýlan eylemde, “Ýþgalci Türkiye,
Kýbrýs’tan defol” pankartý da taþýnmýþ. Dua etsinler ki, Sendikal Platform yetkilileri orada yoktu!
Arýnç mý
Gazetemiz önünde 24 saat nöbet tutan polis güvenlik önlemlerini artýrdý
n 28 Ocak mitinginde Yasemin
Hareketi’nin açtýðý
“Kurtarýldýk mý? Hastir”
pankartýna çok öfkelenen ve
söylemediðini býrakmayan
Bülent Arýnç, kurþunlamayý
üstlenen Felek çetesi ile
iliþkileri hakkýnda hiçbir
açýklama yapmýyor...
n KKTC polisi olayla ilgili araþtýrmasýný
derinleþtirirken, Ercan’da bulunan
9 milimetrelik Glock marka
tabancanýn gazetemize saldýrýda
kullanýlan tabanca olduðu

Bu pankarta Ýstanbul’da izin var, Lefkoþa’da yok!
“Ýþgalci Türkiye Kýbrýs’tan defol”
n Lefkoþa’daki “Toplumsal
Varoluþ Mitingi”ne destek
olarak Ýstanbul, Ankara, Ýzmir
ve Antalya’da da gösteriler
n Lefkoþa’daki mitingte Sendikal
Platform yetkililerinin izin vermediði
“Ýþgalci Türkiye Kýbrýs’tan defol”
pankartý Ýstanbul’da da taþýndý ve
n 3. sayfada
‘Toplumsal Varoluþ Mitingi’
Mitingi Rauf Denktaþ da beðendi
nMitingin çok baþarýlý geçtiðini ve Kýbrýs Türk halkýnýn anavatanýyla arasýna
kimsenin girmesine izin vermeyeceðinin bir kez daha ispatlandýðýný söyleyen
Denktaþ, “Olaysýz geçeceðini bilseydim ben de mitinge katýlacaktým” dedi...

Kiks.check out the red highlighted bit.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:41 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Thanks Deniz, but the best I can make out of the article that you posted is, I didn't see any Forensic ballistics evidence reported on the matching the two fired bullets to the gun, other than stating that the 9mm Glock found at Ercan was used in the shooting. For all I know, it could be someones opinion for that to be the case and not an actual proof, but thanks anyway for posting it.

That particular bit was in Kibris, I think. The archived print not yet available. I could not find it. But is mentioned in Afrika. Afrika does state that the bullets and the gun do match. It is in the photocpoied bit.

I was actually looking for the detailed ballistic report other than the news report of their findings. I'm just curious to know how the fired bullets into the AFRICA building remained intact to do ballistic comparison, other than what calibre gun and bullets were used. I guess we are not likely to get a ballistic report, so we will never know the facts other than being told in the printed news.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:45 pm

Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Thanks Deniz, but the best I can make out of the article that you posted is, I didn't see any Forensic ballistics evidence reported on the matching the two fired bullets to the gun, other than stating that the 9mm Glock found at Ercan was used in the shooting. For all I know, it could be someones opinion for that to be the case and not an actual proof, but thanks anyway for posting it.

That particular bit was in Kibris, I think. The archived print not yet available. I could not find it. But is mentioned in Afrika. Afrika does state that the bullets and the gun do match. It is in the photocpoied bit.

I was actually looking for the detailed ballistic report other than the news report of their findings. I'm just curious to know how the fired bullets into the AFRICA building remained intact to do ballistic comparison, other than what calibre gun and bullets were used. I guess we are not likely to get a ballistic report, so we will never know the facts other than being told in the printed news.

Ballistic Report? You are mad. :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:49 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Thanks Deniz, but the best I can make out of the article that you posted is, I didn't see any Forensic ballistics evidence reported on the matching the two fired bullets to the gun, other than stating that the 9mm Glock found at Ercan was used in the shooting. For all I know, it could be someones opinion for that to be the case and not an actual proof, but thanks anyway for posting it.

That particular bit was in Kibris, I think. The archived print not yet available. I could not find it. But is mentioned in Afrika. Afrika does state that the bullets and the gun do match. It is in the photocpoied bit.

I was actually looking for the detailed ballistic report other than the news report of their findings. I'm just curious to know how the fired bullets into the AFRICA building remained intact to do ballistic comparison, other than what calibre gun and bullets were used. I guess we are not likely to get a ballistic report, so we will never know the facts other than being told in the printed news.

Ballistic Report? You are mad. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, but you are "DEAD".! :lol:
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Postby quattro » Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:03 pm

Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Thanks Deniz, but the best I can make out of the article that you posted is, I didn't see any Forensic ballistics evidence reported on the matching the two fired bullets to the gun, other than stating that the 9mm Glock found at Ercan was used in the shooting. For all I know, it could be someones opinion for that to be the case and not an actual proof, but thanks anyway for posting it.

That particular bit was in Kibris, I think. The archived print not yet available. I could not find it. But is mentioned in Afrika. Afrika does state that the bullets and the gun do match. It is in the photocpoied bit.

I was actually looking for the detailed ballistic report other than the news report of their findings. I'm just curious to know how the fired bullets into the AFRICA building remained intact to do ballistic comparison, other than what calibre gun and bullets were used. I guess we are not likely to get a ballistic report, so we will never know the facts other than being told in the printed news.

Ballistic Report? You are mad. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, but you are "DEAD".! :lol:

Do you get a ballistic report if you die from soumada(not the bottle) :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:12 pm

quattro wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Thanks Deniz, but the best I can make out of the article that you posted is, I didn't see any Forensic ballistics evidence reported on the matching the two fired bullets to the gun, other than stating that the 9mm Glock found at Ercan was used in the shooting. For all I know, it could be someones opinion for that to be the case and not an actual proof, but thanks anyway for posting it.

That particular bit was in Kibris, I think. The archived print not yet available. I could not find it. But is mentioned in Afrika. Afrika does state that the bullets and the gun do match. It is in the photocpoied bit.

I was actually looking for the detailed ballistic report other than the news report of their findings. I'm just curious to know how the fired bullets into the AFRICA building remained intact to do ballistic comparison, other than what calibre gun and bullets were used. I guess we are not likely to get a ballistic report, so we will never know the facts other than being told in the printed news.

Ballistic Report? You are mad. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, but you are "DEAD".! :lol:

Do you get a ballistic report if you die from soumada(not the bottle) :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol:

I dont mind dieing happy; death by Sumada or death by 'what Kiks suggests'. :lol: :lol:
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Postby kurupetos » Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:48 pm

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