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The Party is Over For the Turkish Cypriots

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby boomerang » Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:24 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
boomerang wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
boomerang wrote:Birturk forgets a lot of tcs cross over daily for employment in government and private come if there is hate and animosity these tcs get employed?...birturk is part of the problem...he is a TMT yesterday's dinosaur....

Yeah,these people who cross over for work...why do they go back at the end of the day??? Why don't they just move their house to the South,and send their kids to GC schools??? The problem ,my friend,is people who think like you do,and only see what they want to see...Ignore what doesn't suit them,and naively believe all will be well if you wait long enough...There will never be a solution this way,and things will eventually come to a head,and the next war will make all the previous ones like a picnic in the park....You have been warned...

you need some degree of intelligence here birturk...the point that flew over the melon sitting on your shoulders, is employment...if tcs were hated why would someone employ them?...especially in the private sector, since just about every gc is touched by the really need to read before you open your mouth...

if the tcs were hated as you claim there would have been YOK employment in the private sector...

as i said you are part of the problem...not the solution...

Private industry works the same way everywhere,dumbo...If they can exploit anyone they will...I imagine it costs them less to employ TCs to do the dirty jobs noone else would...When the government starts employing TCs in non-Turkish specific jobs,get back to me... :wink:

clearly you have no idea about doesn't work that way...they can employ many europeans if they wanted to and expoite them to the max...and there are plenty to chose from...if they hated the tcs...especially with the picasso on the mountains rubbing salt to their faces...and many employers are propably are refugees with properties sold off...but gcs are forgiving and this is the thanks the get from the likes of you...

before you let your imagination walk you around the block with a dog leach, have a look what pyro was saying regarding tcs working in the free areas...

you are just an ungrateful bastard filled with hate...just think for a moment with the austerity package kicking in these tcs will not be affected...they will be able to provide for their families as they have been, and not depended on your motherland...

you are sinking to lower levels with every post you make...the question how low can you sink before you become totally irrelevant...
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:27 pm

boomerang wrote:ofcourse not...they did it for the motherland... :lol: ...and how happy they are today...oh the joy is overwelming... :lol:

Spoilt teenagers too think they want to rebel against their parents...But soon the reality sets in,they realise life is very very difficult in the big,wide,'free' world! So they put their tails between their legs and return home...Nothing there to get your knickers in a knot about!
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Postby boomerang » Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:33 pm

yes spinmeister...try having your salary reduced by 40% when the cost of living doesn't allow you and see what happens...

you are fucking unbelievable, these protesting tcs are gonna have a hard time feeding themselves and here you are patronising them...

as i said earlier you are sinking to new lows...
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:38 pm

boomerang wrote:yes spinmeister...try having your salary reduced by 40% when the cost of living doesn't allow you and see what happens...

you are fucking unbelievable, these protesting tcs are gonna have a hard time feeding themselves and here you are patronising them...

as i said earlier you are sinking to new lows...

Your concern for the welfare of the TCs in the trnc is very touching...
But don't you worry about them...They are used to doing with very little,they survived your onslaught during 1963-74...This is like a Butchers picnic for them... :wink:
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Postby boomerang » Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:57 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
boomerang wrote:yes spinmeister...try having your salary reduced by 40% when the cost of living doesn't allow you and see what happens...

you are fucking unbelievable, these protesting tcs are gonna have a hard time feeding themselves and here you are patronising them...

as i said earlier you are sinking to new lows...

Your concern for the welfare of the TCs in the trnc is very touching...
But don't you worry about them...They are used to doing with very little,they survived your onslaught during 1963-74...This is like a Butchers picnic for them... :wink:

you thought your smart ass reply was good huh?...NOT good moron...and here are the reasons... :wink:

this is today...very certain they won't survive the onslauht of their liberators...but then again you are propably jumping up and down from joy being a self confessed tmt terrorist...tell me how many tcs has your old man killed huh?...and don't lie coz your actions/replies thus far speak volumes...

is it any wonder i call you the spinmeister?...take your patronising attitute and shove it up where the sun don't shine...comprende pentajo?... :wink:

sinking low with every post...but being the thickhead that you are you don't even realise it...

the funny thing is when one shows solidarity, empathy and sympathy with the tcs you reject it, and on the other hand demand really have you lost the plot or what?... :lol:

go and tell halil his kids wil have to either clean toilets or migrate in the near fyture ans assure him everything will be ok...that's if you got the guts...

i told you earlier you are fast becoming irrelevant in the cyprob i right or what?...
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:54 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Not at all your plan gave the GCs everything they wanted, can you deny this? Under your model could the TCs be pushed into minority status? try and be honest and not write paragraphs upon paragraphs of excuses.

I gave the TCs everything they wanted, including built in veto power. The GCs are not too crazy about BBF or Rotating Presidency, but I gave that to you also. What the GCs got in my plan was a Democracy with some compromise made on their part, but in return, they got most of the land belonging to the 180,000 GC refugees back to be part of the south state.

TCs are a minority, so what are you talking about. You show me where the TCs can be the majority?

Despite of that, my plan gave the TCs 50% power in the upper house as well as 99% say so in the north state, providing they reduced the north state by 50%. I even added the "Grandfathered- in Population" rule to maintain the north state as a majority TC in perpetuity. Your problem is, you do not want to give back 50% of the north back. The more land you keep in the north, the less chance you will have to maintain the north as a TC majority. This is not Rocket Science to figure out, specially if you now agree to have a Democratic and Human Rights in Cyprus.

I hope the above was not too long of an explanation for you. :roll:

You are not answering my question, can your plan be manipulated to a degree where the TCs are pushed to one side with no effective say?

A Yes or No will do. Please be honest.

A "no" under the above scenario, but go ahead and prove me wrong with your scenarios if you can. Your ONLY danger will be, if a GC candidate for the upper house is chosen by the GCs living in the north along with a lot of TCs who are also living in the north, or, many of the TCs living in the north decide to leave the north and go and live in the south, just because there may be better opportunities, in which case, you have to blame the TCs for that outcome, but if the TCs are not bothered who is in the upper house, that it will be their choice. Regardless of what happens in the upper house, it does not change anything with majority-minority of the population, so it will not make too much difference to the TCs in the north state, since they will still control 99% of that state politically, as long as they return 50% of the north back. Lets not forget your greatest worries if the upper house should become majority GCs in the unlikely event, that your main concerns were, that the GCs will:

1. Stop trade with Turkey.

2. Ban Turkish workers.

3. Ban Casinos. ... c&start=40

So much for your concerns for the TCs in becoming a minority and not have a say so in their future. All you are concerned about is what effect it might have on Turkey and the settlers. Gambling will be a state matter as long as it is protected in the Federal Constitution.

You are yet again contradicting yourself, you said no then you when onto to clearly state that the GCs can take power in the upper power where you claim we have veto rights, one lost seat in the upper house for whatever reason will mean the TCs are brushed to one side yet again leaving the GCs to pass which ever law they saw fit to the detriment of the TC state, we will never let this happen, thats why your plan has been rejected time and time again.

Not at all. I am not contradicting myself. I'm explaining to you what happens in a Democracy, which you said you wanted for Cyprus. You are confusing Democracy with what you have been use to in the north during Denktash years with Dictatorship, followed by Autocracy since then. I told you in the "unlikely event" as to what might happen, which it won't if the TCs do not vote with the GCs for the same candidate, but you are afraid that the TCs might. That's for you to sort out and the way to do it, is as follows.

So what you are saying is, you do not trust the TCs to vote for whom ever they like, even a GC senator from the north state, just because he/she may do more for them than any possible TC who is only interested in serving ONLY Turkey's interest in the RoC government, therefore you want to prevent the TCs democratic rights to vote for whom ever they may want. If that is the case, you got a big problem, which means, that you would need to reduce the north not by just 50%, but more like 75% just to make sure you ONLY have TCs living in the north who are loyal to Turkey and not to the Unified Cyprus. But regardless, you don't really care what happens to the TCs who want to remain just Cypriots, because all you are worried about is what the RoC may do with Turkey, not that even those will happen, but it's good to know where your heart really lies, and it's not towards the welfare of the TCs, but Turkey and their businesses in the north as follows. You really are a joke, in pretending that you care about the TCs welfare. No wonder you and Turkey are still crying over missing out on the Annan plan. Get over it already will you, the both of you.!

Viewpoint wrote:1. Stop trade with Turkey.

2. Ban Turkish workers.

3. Ban Casinos. ... c&start=40
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Re: The Party is Over For the Turkish Cypriots

Postby Kikapu » Mon Mar 07, 2011 5:13 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Hermes wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:An interesting title for this thread. The way things are going, it is also the end of your party soon.

Not really. The fact that some T/Cs have woken up after all these years just confirms what we have been saying all along.

Meanwhile, as some commentators have argued, Turkey's nationalistic belligerence risks undermining its own best interests - which depends on EU accession. No matter what Erdogan or Bagis say. Turkey needs a solution more than they care to admit. The sticking point is that Turkey wants a solution on its terms - the Annan Plan in other words. Which ignores the reality of the ROC's EU accession. That's where we are today. Turkey wants to turn the clock back to 2004 only this time for the G/Cs to say yes. But that moment has gone and Turkey hasn't come to terms with it yet.

You can add VP to the "living in denial" crowd also. :lol:

There are many people here 'living in denial',Kikapu...Other are living with a burning desire for revengeand retribution for real and imaginery crimes in the past...
And some are living in a perpetual cloud of selfsatisfied arrogance and wishful thinking...

The sad conclusion I have come to is that Cypriots are not ready to join the ranks of humanity...They remain tribal animals still functioning on primitive instincts...They have no chance in the world of ever determining their own destiny..They will fight till one side can no longer stand on its feet,and then when they fell they will be kicked to kingdom come...Lets hope that day comes sooner rather than later...Even animals need to be put out of their misery... :(

Come on my friend , Bir. Have more faith in Cypriots to do the right thing amongst themselves than what they have not been allowed to do by outsiders. We do not have a recorded time where Cypriots have been their own masters of their own island, but it does not mean it cannot happen. No one can deny that a lot has happened in the past that would seem that there can never be trust and respect be given to the other side from each side, but history shows us that that is not so. People can change their views if they are treated fair and as equals, and thanks to Cyprus being in the EU, the EU can act as a great catalyst to see that ALL Cypriots are treated fairly and as equals. We have seen what inequality and hatred has done to Cypriots and before we all go to point of no return, it is time for all Cypriots to accept Democracy, Human rights, International Law and the EU Principles. It can only make thing better than what we have had in the past and what we have now. What do we have to lose by trying out Democracy for Cyprus. We have tried out everything else it seems, but to no avail, and if the rest of the west can live with Democracy with all their multi ethnic societies, there is no reason why Cyprus cannot also.

Kikapu.I'd be delighted if the TCs would give democracy a try,and you know that...The point is,they will not do that,after all that happened,and given that the GCs have refused to accept that they have done anything wrong in the past,and blame everything on the TCs...

The GCs didnt give a damn about our feelings back in the 50s and they don't give a damn now..So given the present situation there is no way the GCs will ever get their maximalist demand of a unitary state,full democracy,international law,EU principles etc...The GCs know that and that is why they are refusing to accept anything else...They think they hve the TCs where they want them,and they think they will wait till Turkey has had enough,and decides to leave the TCs on their own,at the mercy of the GCs...That will NEVER happen...So tribalism will go on,and the primitive instincts of revenge,hatred,retribution will win out...There will be war,and one side will be wiped out...You obviously believe that would be the TCs...I am not so sure... :(

I have a more positive outcome future for the TCs if they do accept the western principles on Democracy for a settlement, and since the RoC is in the EU, I really do not think the TCs have any other options but to have a settlement based on those principles. If it's good enough for the rest of the EU members, it will be for Cyprus also. The EU is not going to make an exception, at least not on the long term on their basic EU Principles just to accommodate the TCs. Hell, even Turkey agrees with those principles by wanting to join the EU, whether they are serious or not is irrelevant, because that's the signal they are giving, and if they are not serious and that they are just trying to deceive the EU with what ever agenda they may have, then how can anyone trust Turkey to do the right thing in the future concerning Cyprus, or had the AP passed in 2004.?
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:10 pm

Kikapu you may wish yo cloud the issue with land percentages and democracy but the bottom line is you sold us out, you are a traitor and the mouth piece of GC propaganda.
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:33 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu you may wish yo cloud the issue with land percentages and democracy but the bottom line is you sold us out, you are a traitor and the mouth piece of GC propaganda.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Spoken like a true Racist Fascist NeoPartitionist! :lol:

You mean I have exposed you, that you are only interested in partition and not in any kind of peace at all, and for the fact you are still crying after the Annan plan's demise, it proves my point. You just want partition while keeping all the stolen GC land. Sorry to disappoint you (not really), but you won't get away with it, because the decent TCs are finally waking up and turning against the Fascist's like yourself and against Turkey in wanting their freedom, democracy, Human Rights, international law and the EU Principles and their country they call home, Cyprus. :D
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Postby ZoC » Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:41 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu you may wish yo cloud the issue with land percentages and democracy but the bottom line is you sold us out, you are a traitor and the mouth piece of GC propaganda.

how about being made to eat rubber, glass and other non-digestible items covered in dog poo - before having your arms and legs tied to four race horses facing east, west, north and south respectively, who are simultaneously whipped on their hindquartes so they bolt off at full pelt, tearing you into four pieces?
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