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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Postby denizaksulu » Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:58 pm

Bu da suç!
Aracının üzerinde “taksi” değil de “taxi” yazıyor diye ceza verdiler
Salı 08:35
1 Mart 2011 Yorum Yaz Yazdır Arkadaşına Gönder

Gazimağusa’da bir taksici, aracının üzerindeki levhada “taksi” değil de “taxi” yazılı olduğu için, görevli bir trafik polisi tarafından rapor edildi.
Trafik kurallarına harfiyen uyduğunu belirten Gazimağusalı taksici Aykut Eren, “Polise saygım sonsuz. Ancak, emniyet kemerim takılı, aracımın tüm evrakları tamamken beni levhadan yazması olur şey değil” diyerek, cezayı ödemeyip, yasal yolla hakkını arayacağını söyledi.
Birleşik Taksiciler Birliği Başkanı Kemal Gözay, yasada böyle bir suçun bulunmadığını ifade ederek, “Ya AB’ye giriyoruz, ya da taksileri Türkçeleştiriyoruz” diye sitem etti.
Kemal Gözay, üyeleri olan Aykut Eren’in Sakarya Bölgesi’ndeki Eşref Bitlis Caddesi’nde polis tarafından rapor edildiğini; üyesinin işletme izni, mesleki sürücü belgesi, araç muayenesi ve ehliyeti gibi tüm evraklarının tamam olduğunu anlattı.

“Hangi tarafta işleyim acaba?”

Askerden çıktı çıkalı, baba mesleği olan taksiciliği tam 12 yıldır sürdürdüğünü anlatan Aykut Eren, gün boyu yollarda olduğu için hem kendisinin hem de yolcularının güvenliği açısından trafik kurallarına uyduğunu belirtti.
Eren şöyle konuştu:
“Korsan çalışan onlarca taksici varken, bana ceza yazmalarına anlam veremiyorum. Güney Kıbrıs’tan da yolcu alıyorum. Bir sefer Rum polisi beni yolda durdurdu, emniyet kemerim takılı değildi, bana ceza yerine uyarı verdi. Kıbrıs’ın kuzeyinde neden böyle yapılmıyor. Araçlarımıza “taxi” yazılı levha takmak suç ise bizi uyarsınlar, biz de düzeltelim.
İşler zaten kötü, bir de bu olaylar bizi yıpratıyor. 195 TL ceza bir de 10 puan. Ben 195 TL’yi kazanmak için nerdeyse bir hafta çalışıyorum. Nerede iş yapayım? Güney’e mi gideyim?
Trafik polislerine saygım sonsuz, ancak onlar da görevlerini tam yapsınlar! Beni değil, biz taksicilerin ekmek parasıyla oynayan ‘korsan’ taksicileri gidip rapor etsinler. Ben bu suçu kabul etmiyorum. Ödemeyeceğim de, hakkımı gerekirse yasal yolla arayacağım.” ... c_Haberler

The above poor TAKSI driver was penalised for using the 'X' letter. Instead of writing 'TAKSI', he wrote 'TAXI' on his 'car for hire'. As you know, the letter 'X' does not appear in the Turkish alphabet.
WHY? Even in Turkey they have began to use 'X' and 'W'; but am not sure it is sanctioned.

The driver AYkut EREN states that " he also picks up customers in the RoC. He was stopped for breaking the law there (RoC) by the traffic police. They did not fine him but only cautioned him. In the north they come up with these regulations willy nilly, Why dont they make it illegal and let drivers know that they are breaking the law. There are many 'pirate/illegal' taxi drivers around and I am punished for this. They should spend more time catching the illegal taksi drivers. "

The 'TAXI drivers union' in a statement says,"We are either going into EU or becoming more Turkicised". ... c_Haberler
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Postby Schnauzer » Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:42 pm

During the Christmas Holiday period, an Irish tourist 'Pug' (nicknamed since he used to be a pugilist) Mahone visited his friend Mustafa J'Arfa in the occupied territory.

Both of these 'Gentlemen of the Road' decided to celebrate the occasion in a convivial manner with the result that they both fell under the influence of too much 'Efes', 'Pug' Mahone moreso than Mustafa J'Arfa.

Upon being arrested for staggering past a memorial, Mustafa J'Arfa (being able to speak the lingo) was treated with a little more consideration than 'Pug Mahone who noticed the difference and voiced his disapproval to the arresting officer.

When asked for his name, 'Pug' replied "Ati Kiss my arse!" and woke up in a police cell with a lump on his head.

In court, he was obliged to explain his behaviour and it was at THIS point, that ALL the teachings of 'The Brotherhood' locked in to his addled mind and inspired him to think of an excuse.

He remembered having taken a 'TAKSI' from the checkpoint at 'Ayia Nik' and immediately formulated the perfect response to counter the accusation of his verbals.

"Not at all your Honour" said 'Pug', then looking straight into the eye of his accuser he continued, "Knowing that you do not use the letter 'X' here, coupled with the fact that I WAS a little under the influence and knowing that my speech would be a little slurred, I merely tried to wish the Officer 'A happy Xmas' but could not get my tongue around the 'KS' part of it, I can fully understand how my words may have sounded offensive, particularly since I was told in my cell that the 'Season of Good Will' is not celebrated hereabouts"

'Pug' was released and escorted to the border and, once he had reached the safety of 'Christian Soil', he looked back over the barrier and called out to his retreating escort, "Hello There, don't forget my name 'Pug' Mahone!".

And in the 'Gaelic Irish' the expression "Pogue Mahone" is 'Kiss My Arse', now is not that a strange coincidence?. :wink:
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:52 pm

Schnauzer wrote:During the Christmas Holiday period, an Irish tourist 'Pug' (nicknamed since he used to be a pugilist) Mahone visited his friend Mustafa J'Arfa in the occupied territory.

Both of these 'Gentlemen of the Road' decided to celebrate the occasion in a convivial manner with the result that they both fell under the influence of too much 'Efes', 'Pug' Mahone moreso than Mustafa J'Arfa.

Upon being arrested for staggering past a memorial, Mustafa J'Arfa (being able to speak the lingo) was treated with a little more consideration than 'Pug Mahone who noticed the difference and voiced his disapproval to the arresting officer.

When asked for his name, 'Pug' replied "Ati Kiss my arse!" and woke up in a police cell with a lump on his head.

In court, he was obliged to explain his behaviour and it was at THIS point, that ALL the teachings of 'The Brotherhood' locked in to his addled mind and inspired him to think of an excuse.

He remembered having taken a 'TAKSI' from the checkpoint at 'Ayia Nik' and immediately formulated the perfect response to counter the accusation of his verbals.

"Not at all your Honour" said 'Pug', then looking straight into the eye of his accuser he continued, "Knowing that you do not use the letter 'X' here, coupled with the fact that I WAS a little under the influence and knowing that my speech would be a little slurred, I merely tried to wish the Officer 'A happy Xmas' but could not get my tongue around the 'KS' part of it, I can fully understand how my words may have sounded offensive, particularly since I was told in my cell that the 'Season of Good Will' is not celebrated hereabouts"

'Pug' was released and escorted to the border and, once he had reached the safety of 'Christian Soil', he looked back over the barrier and called out to his retreating escort, "Hello There, don't forget my name 'Pug' Mahone!".

And in the 'Gaelic Irish' the expression "Pogue Mahone" is 'Kiss My Arse', now is not that a strange coincidence?. :wink:

:shock: :shock:
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Postby B25 » Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:39 pm

And whats this to do with the Cyprob Den???? Or have I missed something??
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Mar 01, 2011 7:03 pm

B25 wrote:And whats this to do with the Cyprob Den???? Or have I missed something??

It is a problem.

Where is the north of Cyprus? As far as I am concerned there is only one Cyprus. Or have you already partitioned the island? :lol:

Perhaps the problem is the leniency of the RoC police shown towards the TC lawbreaker. Now if that aint a problem, I dont know what is!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
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