Bananiot wrote:Remember the deep orgasmic pleasure enjoyed by the hatred bigots I talked about some days ago, Birkibrisli? This is their life, without it they are nothing, so please, do excuse them, they behave in the only way they know how. Do not allow them to frustrate you, they are too small to command so much of your attention.
Bananiot wrote:I teach biology but once again I fail to see how my job is corellated with anything we discuss in this forum.
BirKibrisli wrote:Sotos wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:So far you have attacked the writer,the messenger,but couldn't find anything substantially wrong with what he is saying...Lets read some more, shall we???Cyprus was a Turkish island until it was leased to the British in 1878, and the Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots had lived there for hundreds of years when Britain decolonised Cyprus in 1960. They are quite distinct from each other; they have a different religion, a different language, and a different culture. They each lived in their own villages or in separate parts of the towns and larger villages.
On 19th December 1956 the Colonial Secretary pledged that ‘it will be the purpose of HM Government to ensure that any exercise of self determination should be effected in such a manner that the Turkish Cypriot community, no less than the Greek Cypriot community, shall in the special circumstances of Cyprus be given freedom to decide for themselves their future status.’
What do you think of the promise to give TCs the freedom to decide for themselves their future status????
The so called Turkish "Cypriots" are not Cypriots at all but just Turkish Settlers from the first Turkish invasion and occupation. Just like Turkey in 1974 invaded and occupied Cyprus, stole our properties and gave them to Turkish Settlers illegally the same was done by the Ottomans. There is no different between the two waves of Turkish Settlers. They are thieving foreigners who do not belong in a European, Greek island such as Cyprus. Everything they got in Cyprus they stole it from us. Here is the history of Turkish "Cypriots" as posted by your friend Halil.TURKISH "CYPRIOTS"
After the conquer of Cyprus in 1571, Ottoman administration sent some people to the island as a fact of their settlement policy. There were two waves of people settlement to Cyprus. The first one was, from 1572 to the end of the XVI. century and the second, was from 1699 to 1745. The main paper about this settlement is a ferman of Sultan Selim the Second, which was written 20th September 1572. In this ferman it was ordered to the governors of Anatolia, Karamania, Zulkadiria and Rum provinces to select the people whom didn’t have enough land to make agriculture, wasn’t registered in a village population, who was known as a rebel (Turkmen population of those provinces was described with all of these criterias) and beside them ten percent of the industrial people; for sending Cyprus, by force. First of all, we have to say that all of those provinces were old Turkmen tribe governments (called Beylik), which was recently collaberated with the empire. It is known that, population of those provinces were Turkmens. For example, Zulkadiriya people were a mixture of Yureghir and Kynyk tribes and some independent clans, which was called as Zulkadiria Ulusu. Karamania people were Bozdoğan tribe, which was coming from main Oghouz branch, Üçoklar. The people of Rum province was a mixture of Beghdili, Bayat and other tribes which was coming from main branch Bozoklar and even a part of province was called Bozok, itself. And Anatolia province was another Turkmen area which even İbn-Batuta described as a “ Turkmen Yatagy” (Bed of Turkmens) on the Xll. Century.**
Beside of this main “ferman” there are some separated, fermans, which are ordering to settle people Cyprus by force. For example, we’ve found two fermans, written in 1576 and 1577, to the governor of Bozok District and was ordering send the people to Cyprus by force which was suspected them as supporters of Is mail Saphevi of Iran, the Shah of Kizilbash heterodox Islamic belief of Turkmens. (29 no. Muhimme defteri Ferman no: 490 and 30. No Muhimme Defteri, Ferman No: 488) And another ferman, which was written at the same year and ordering to send Ramazan of the Bozdoğan (a branch of Üçoks) to Cyprus, with his family and all of the supporters of him with their own families because of a rebellition. (That rebels called Koseli and even now there is a family living at the settlement area, which is called Koseli)( Anadolu’da Turkmen Aşiretleri Ahmet Refik) In another sample, there is a ferman, written 1576 and ordered to the Hamiteli district’s governor, to send the famous rebel Karahaci to Cyprus. (64 Muhimme defteri) Even in those days, at the old settlement area if somebody knocks a door at night time and the owners of the house ask, who is it that knocking the door, it is a folkloric joke to say: “ It’s me: Karahaci!” for freighting the hosts!
According to these fermans, it is known that, from 1572 to the end of XVI. Century, 8000 families settled to Cyprus, instead of planned 12000 families. (Muhimme defteri no.43 241 sayılı hüküm) We can easily understand that most of the population which was settled to the island was Turkmens of Anatolia because there is a paper in Ottoman Archive which is ordering “only Turks and Muslims must be sent to Cyprus”. (Mevkufat Defteri No.2551) We have to notice that, according to Ottoman official literature, “Turk” means, Turkmen and Yoruk. Dr.Cengiz Orhonlu, an author of Ottoman Settlement Policy, has written that, Turkmen’s of Karaman Province, was sent to Cyprus and settled to the island by force. (Milletlerarası Kıbrıs Meseleleri Kongresi, Ankara 1969) According to another author, Dr. Faruk Sumer, grand parents of Turkish Cypriots were the Turkmens of Cukurova. (Faruk Sumer, Oğuzlar- Turkmenler, s.148) This was the first wave.
After the second withdrawal of the Ottoman army from Vienna, Ottoman rulers realized that their weak point was, the low level of production and tax incomes. Ottoman administration decided to settle all of the tribes for rising agricultural producing and increasing incoming taxes. In 1699 another ferman was published which was ordering all of the Yoruk tribes,*** must be settled to Cyprus by force. This ferman was the beginning the second wave, of the settlement of Cyprus, by Turkmen tribes. Turkmen tribes rebelled again of course and till 1856 these rebellitions continued. But from 1700 to 1745 some other Turkmen tribes had sent to Cyprus and settled there by force. In this period, almost 2500 new families settled to Cyprus from, Beghdili, Bayat, Avshar, Kachar and Bozdoghan tribes. As it is known the first three tribes are the sub-branches of Bozoks and the fourth one, Uchoks. People from the most famous clan of Beghdili tribe, Şamlu or Dımışklı, (which is called Şahseven, Hudabendelü, Aynallu and Karagözlü in Iran), Bentoglu clan and Koroglu clan of Avshar Tribe, Kachar Halil clan of Kachars, Karahacılı clan of Bozdoghans from Yureghir tribe, Gediklü clan of Bayad tribe, Karakeçili clan from Kayı tribe have sent to Cyprus.
These foreign Turks are what created all the problems in Cyprus. They should be send back to Anatolia and all the problems of Cyprus will be solved.
Is that a scientific opinion of how long it takes for people to become natives of some land they found themselves on for no fault of their own???? Or is it your own racist opinion,Sotos???
What shall we do with the Americans? The Australians? New Zealanders?
Those of Spanish and Portuguese origins in South America...???Should they all be sent back to where they came from originally???
BirKibrisli wrote:bill cobbett wrote:boomerang wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:boomerang wrote:who the hell is this guy?...i would rather take Merkel's word for it...a real power dunamo...
what do you think bir? you think hitchens word counts more than merkel's?...
Journalists and politicians have different sphere of influence,boomers...
You can't compare the two...
Lets go on with our story,shall we???The UN Secretary-General made it clear in 1992 (UN doc. S/24472) that sovereignty ‘emanates equally from both communities. One community cannot claim sovereignty over the other.’
The independent Republic of Cyprus was therefore constituted in 1960 by a solemn agreement between the two peoples of Cyprus, on the basis of political equality, and guaranteed by Britain, Greece, and Turkey. It was never a unitary state with a majority and minority. So why are the two peoples of Cyprus treated today as though one were a government and the other a mere ‘community?
Quite simple really: the Greek-Cypriots say that everything was fine until 1974 when Turkey ‘invaded‘ and divided the island, and forced the Turkish Cypriots to live in the North. However, nothing could be further from the truth. The events of 1974 were in fact the culmination of eleven years of oppression of Turkish Cypriots by Greek Cypriots.
OH,DEAR...This guy is saying everything I believe to be true...
hang on to the yesterday thought bir...but keep in mind the world of today is no longer static, but dynamic...who would have thought the roc would have been an eu member today and who would have thought today the roc is sitting on enormous, led to believe, of natural resources?...
who would have thought 30 odd years ago rumsfeld said "today i made a new friend" referring to saddam?...
what's to say tomorrow the eu cancels all agreements wth turkey, kick them out of NATO and bomb the shit out of them?...
what i am trying to say ban had his reigns pulled by merkel...even blind freddy can see this, well with the exemption of yesterdays' men...
in the meantime you hang onto yesterdays writing...
you want BBF?...reduce your territory and all your demands will fall in place...rather than maximalist bullshit...
see bir, president x is negotiating for all cypriots while the puppet is negotiating on gaining on the expence of others...this is what is projected world no amount of propaganda is gonna deminish this fact...
PS...and next time you quote the UN make sure you include the ones that say turkey out of cyprus and people return to their homes, do not be selective...
Oh Bir, you know am a pleasant and helpful sort of chap.... have taken the liberty of putting a salient and very practical bit of Boomer's post in big for you, .... for your convenience.
Thanks,Bill...But we cannot fit One miillion 'New" TCs into anything less than what we got...In fact we might have to expand our territory a bit to fit in the other million who are on their way!!!!![]()
Please pass this comment onto Boomers and his alter ego B25 too!
On 28th December 1963 the Daily Express reported: ‘We went tonight into the Turkish Cypriot Quarter of Nicosia in which 200 to 300 people had been slaughtered in the last five days. We were the first Western reporters there and have seen sights too frightful to be described in print. Horror so extreme that the people seemed stunned beyond tears.’
On 1st January 1964 the Daily Herald reported: ‘When I came across the Turkish Cypriot homes they were an appalling sight. Apart from the walls they just did not exist. I doubt if a napalm attack could have created more devastation. Under roofs which had caved in I found a twisted mass of bed springs, children’s cots, and grey ashes of what had once been tables, chairs and wardrobes. In the neighbouring village of Ayios Vassilios I counted 16 wrecked and burned out homes. They were all Turkish Cypriot. In neither village did I find a scrap of damage to any Greek Cypriot house.’
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