From some of the recent posts on this forum it appears that the hatred and bigotry of a few has overcome the good intentions and common sense of the many. Is this a true reflection of the attitudes that pervade all societies or is it purely the power of the fanatic to overcome decency?
Many of us have lived and continue to live within cultures that are not our own and feel comfortable with the difference enjoying an insight into another way of life denied to the majority of our contempories in the land of our birth, wherever that may be. Others have partners that are drawn from societies that were once and are perhaps still considered to be the enemy. Sleeping with the enemy and raising children together teaches us that there is not so much as others may believe that differentiates friend from foe. The perveyors of hatred have problems with tolerence and employ their hate filled rhetoric to draw attention away from successful former friend and foe relationships which are an anathema to their nonsense. If former foe's can form lasting and permanent relationships in the face of bigotry then the members of this forum who are of good will have nothing to fear from those who would seek to undermine its potential to heal the wounds of the country that we all love.