You have to understand that some of you have developed as "Cypriots" but not all eg Piratis (who still claims that Cyprus id Greek) while you were doing that we were aligning ourselves with ort Turkish roots and this will continue to develop as the population in the north increasing with new generation TCs. What alternative do we have the GC offer is a minority in a GC state, well you know what I think about that.
The south is not offering us anything we want or we could have what you offer today by moving south, the TRNC option with all its problems is still streets ahead, why cant you understand this?
VP have a look at your post and see how hypocritical it is. On the one hand you recognised that the GC's have developed a strong sense of Cypriot identity. Whilst we do agree that we have a GC heritage.
The fact you are a minority cannot change that is simply a numbers game. We have 850 thousand people on the Island that are Cypriot who speak Greek and we have 45,000 people on the Island that speak Turkish and we have 20,000 people on the Island that speak Armenian. By nature of number you are a minority.
Furthermore, you are a minority now in the "trnc" because the settlers out number TC's 4:1. And you stand the chance of loosing that also because Turkish annexation means being swamped up into Turkey. This is a fact.
Hypocritical or totally unable to actually see it for what it is. Either way you loose. And you are taking the worse option because that will ensure your extinction faster than the other option. Anyway like I said in another thread AM OVER IT, that's your stuff that you need to figure out I want Freedom of my Country from both you and Turkey.
No matter how much of that cultural part of Cyprus I would like to see preserved if your community want to take it into the broader Turkish culture you are going to do it at your detriment.
As far as Piratis is concerned I don't think Piratis is saying Cypriots are Greek I think he recognises that on this Island there are different ethnic groups some smaller than others and some larger than others. Unless you line up half the Greek speaking population and shoot them like the Nazis have done with Jews you are always going to have less numbers than GC's. Regardless of that you have less numbers anyway, you have 250,00 settlers (Turks a huge majority) and you have 20,000 British who are not lagging behind you as the second largest minority group.