There's nothing to say, if there is one thing that characterizes modern Italians is their consistency.
Berlusconi and Bossi are part of the same political coalition sitting besides in parliament...
Berlusconi on Allies and Gheddafi – Italy Not at War Now or In Future
Premier calls for genuine ceasefire before diplomacy can take over
( This morning, the premier was at last able to claim Italy had a “winning line” in the management of the Libyan crisis. The early days of the mission, with the French military push to finish off Colonel Gheddafi, look to belong to the past. The Italian prime minister’s mood has improved. “In addition to full NATO coordination of all mission operations, we obtained detailed application of the UN resolution”, he explained on the phone. “The coalition is committed to defending the civilian population. Italy is not at war and does not want to go to war”.
Bossi Denies Asking Gheddafi for Aid to Liberate Padania – “We’ve Got the Guns”“Gheddafi is a drowning cat. Those who open fire on their own people come to a bad end, like Umberto I”
MILAN – Did you ever ask Gheddafi for assistance in creating Padania? “Oh, come on. Luckily, we have plenty of men and guns are made in Lombardy”. Umberto Bossi was replying to a French television interviewer who had asked him to comment on the Libyan leader’s claim that the Northern League secretary had sought assistance for Padania’s secession. His answer sparked off a political row. Mr Bossi added that Gheddafi “is a drowning cat clutching at straws. History shows that those who open fire on their own people come to a bad end. Remember King Umberto I, assassinated at Monza”.
MARONI – “I don’t think Bossi has ever met Gheddafi”, interior minister Roberto Maroni pointed out on La7 television news. “So I don’t think this has any basis in fact”.
QUESTION – “We have tabled a question to the ministry of defence asking the government to explain the very serious assertions of one of its members. Umberto Bossi maintained he had no need to ask for aid from Gheddafi for the secession of Padania because the Northern League already has men and weapons, manufactured in Lombardy. These are claims for which the government should accept responsibility. It should urgently explain what they mean”, said Ettore Rosato, a member of the president’s office of the PD group in the Chamber of Deputies. Also “dismayed” at Mr Bossi’s words was Christian Democrat UDC deputy Savino Pezzotta: “Attempting to pass off or insinuate the idea of an armed Lombardy offends the citizens of the region. Lombards have only ever taken up arms for the unity of Italy and the Italian fatherland, or during the resistance to Nazism and Fascism. Since then, their thoughts have been only for their jobs and their families”. ... 1e94.shtml
Meanwhile, thousands of refugees are arriving in Lampedusa from Libya and the reception center for immigrants is collapsing.
Now, immigrants are more than the population of the island.
Poor people
In the next political elections i will give my vote to.....well...let me think...i will vote for....
Mickey Mouse!