no one is gloating...the roc was telling you all along it was an invasion...there was a civil war resisting the 74 coup...turkey all she had to was restore order not commit ethnic cleansing...this was the give away...the tcs were happy and not only happy the were gloating...
further more you the tcs were gloating, especially effendi telling everyone these anatolians were the new tcs...and how the tcs are going to assimilate the new tcs..
now that the going is just gotten tougher you wanna blame the gcs? had 37 years of taking turkey for a ride with all the billions she sunk in the occupied and nothing to show for...
at the end who blames erdog...suck it up...
end of the day the tcs are not and should not be trusted in anything to do with any government till they can prove to everyone they should be trusted...
just think for a minute if we had unification and this spat with the austerity measures happened?...what another peace operation turkish style? thanks...
and lets not forget the spat with turkey...only because the lining of the pockets is not going to be as much and nothing else...
thank god the tcs that work in the free areas ain't affected...
on a side note, donkeytosh was right about not wanting the gates open...with the gates opening and the standard of living rising in the occupied areas, turkey simply can't keep up...thank you donkeytosh...