Piratis wrote:The trouble is,the TCs have nothing to apologise for.They are innocent victims of historical events they had no control overThank you for proving what I said.
The responsibilities of TCs I am talking about starts from 1950s. The Ottoman oppression ended 70 years earlier, but we don't even need to go to that time.
Just 7 decades after the end of Ottoman rule the TCs yet again collaborated with the foreign Imperialists, attacked and murdered innocent Cypriot people, burned down shops and homes of innocent Cypriots and demanded the extermination of the Greek Cypriots from half of their homeland. They then helped the Imperialists to blackmail the Cypriot people and impose on us a system where the population of Cyprus would be again divided as it was during the Ottoman times, so the Muslim/Turks can again have privileges on the expense of the majority of the population. And when the president of Cyprus proposed democratic reforms to this foreign imposed system, your community refused to even consider the proposals and they choose conflict instead, during which they murdered yet more innocent Greek Cypriots (and not only, they even attacked Armenian Cypriots). And when Turkey invaded in 1974, TCs were happy that their plan for our ethnic cleansing as declared since the 1950s was becoming a reality, and they helped the Turkish army to murder 1000s and ethnically cleanse 100s of thousands of innocent Cypriot people. And since then and until today, the TCs are happy to illegally occupy our lands, selling our properties to foreigners, changing the names of our villages and trying to destroy our Cultural heritage.
And then you say that TCs have nothing to apologize for? The TC are "innocent victims of historical events they had no control over" as much as GCs are. Funny how you hold responsible the whole GC community for crimes that some GCs committed, but at the same time you refuse any responsibility for your own community for the far worst crimes that were committed by your side.
Even worst, you, personally, today continue to support crimes and illegalities against 100s of thousands of innocent people.
On the other hand, not only I condemned the crimes of the GC side against TCs in the past, but I am also willing to forgive the TCs for the crimes they committed against GCs, and I support that all Cypriots should have their human and democratic rights, without looking in the past for lame excuses.
I am not trying to justify anything...I am trying to get it into your skull that the TCs had no control over any of the historical events which resulted in the present mess...We had no control over your Enosis madness,and once that genie was out of the bottle the rest just had to follow,like night and day...Now my saying that does not mean I approve all or any of the events which followed...I am just telling you what I consider to be incontestable facts...You made your bed,you lay in it,and now you blame the TCs for it...Wake up,grow up,wise up,stop being so bloody stubborn and thick headed...And I might think you are a human being and not a robot programmed to spew out GC state propaganda...