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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby BirKibrisli » Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:49 pm

Piratis wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Hermes wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Your struggle was not for 'independence'...It was for ENOSIS with Greece...That was the first fcuk up...You exposed your arse to the imperialists,and they fcuked you well and properly,but we got fcuked too in the process...For that you owe us,TCs ,an appology...I am waiting... :)

You need to get a grip. You really believe that Greek Cypriots should apologize because Turkey decided to invade and occupy the island in 1974? Are you seriously bloody joking? Since when have victims of criminal acts been asked to apologise to their assailants? How did you ever reach such a degenerate conclusion? Is that how the law works in Turkey? Because in the rest of the civilized world it is the wrong-doer that is punished. Only in Turkey does it appear that criminality is state policy and criminals are free to roam the streets while innocent victims languish in prison. I sincerely hope a member of your family never becomes a victim of a serious crime because it would spare them the further insult of having you demand they apologize to the criminal for provoking them.

I did not ask you to apologise to Turkey or the Turks...I asked you to apologise to the 10s of thousands of Turkish Cypriots who had to become refugees and/or had to leave Cyprus and go into exile because of your selfish and insensitive demand for Enosis with Greece and all that followed....I am giving up on Piratis because his mind is made up...He will never see or accept anything other than what has been washed into his brain by years of GC state propaganda...I am hoping your mind is a little bit more open,and you can see that someone like myself and my family who left Cyprus in 1969,and was only able to visit my village after 40 years to find it in ruins,rased to the ground by those GCs who are using our lands for pigfarming,and have not received a sent in compensation for losing our property and our country, deserves an apology,becuase we are the worst victims of your bloodyminded efforts to achieve Enosis with Greece...

Bir, the reason you are giving up is because you know what I say is true.

You already accepted that Enosis was a legitimate right. You also accepted that even without us asking for enosis the British would have managed to divide us anyway on the basis of religious and linguistic differences.

I repeatedly recognized the suffering of TCs and I condemned crimes against innocent TCs. But this seems not to be enough for you. You want to blame the conflict on us, by using your "enosis theory".

We examined that theory in this thread and it has been shown to be baseless. Not only Enosis was a legitimate demand, but it was not what caused the division either. What caused the division is the fact that we have certain differences (language, religion etc) and certain history (Turks vs Greeks, Muslims vs Christians) which were exploited by the British, and they would have been exploited regardless of if there was an enosis demand or not. (just like they are exploited today, decades after the enosis excuse expired)

Instead of trying to blame us for the past and look for excuses to continue with illegalities and crimes in the present and future, it would have been better to recognize your share of responsibility (as we did), to accept that you let yourselves to be manipulated by foreign imperialists, and to work with us for a fair solution that will not be based on the power of the weapons of foreign Imperialists, but instead on universal principles as they exist in all other normal democratic successful countries.

I said the Enosis dream was a legitimate desire,not a right...
I was talking in a social and psychological sense,not legalistically...
You refuse to see Enosis as the mother of all divisions because it does not suit your propaganda purposes...I said the imperialists would've found something else to divide us with,but they might not have been as successful...You are doing what you do best as a spin doctor...You take what people say and twist it to suit your arguments...Unfortunately for you I lived through those days,and I know what I am talking about..I know the feeling of going to bed as a 7 year old and wondering whether I will wake up in the morning,and if I did whether I would find my parents alive...I know what EOKAS and ENOSIS meant to me and to every TC at the time...So cut the crap...Go and talk to someone who has only read about it in biased school textbooks...You might convince them that the TCs voluntarily left their homes and villages and went into enclaves because they wanted to help Turkey's territorial ambitions...You have no chance with me...

Enosis was legitimate from all respects, just as legitimate as independence, and this is defined in the UN resolution about decolonization which explicitly states that "integration into an independent State" is a legitimate option for a territory being decolonized. ... ration.htm

As far as TCs going into enclaves etc, that was due to the conflict, not due to enosis. If TCs had respected the wishes of the majority of the population instead of collaborating with the Colonialists and attacking GCs while at the time threatening us with ethnic cleansing from half of our island, then there would be no conflict between us and no side would suffer.

By the way, 7 year olds can believe in things like Santa Claus also. They can believe anything their parents and their immediate environment tells them (and many adults are not any better). It is obvious that your young mind was poisoned with the kind of hate propaganda that was used to brainwash TCs at that time and turn them against GCs. And yes, that hate propaganda worked as intended, your community was turned against mine, GCs and TCs became enemies and people from both sides suffered as a result.

Piratis, this 7-year-old didnt have to be told anything..He lived it,and he imbibed the fear and the stress that your brave EOKA fighters induced into TC hearts with their Enosis madness...When will you finally realise that the TCs had no choice once you started your push for Union with Greece??? You drove us into the British arms then,just as you are driving us into Turkish arms now...Wake up before it is too late...There are still some brave souls (including the writers and editors of AFRIKA) who are prepared to put themselves at great risk and oppose Turkey's policies in Cyprus...Throw them a lifeline instead of insulting them and blaming them for your own historical mistakes...
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Postby ZoC » Sat Feb 26, 2011 4:59 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:.There are still some brave souls (including the writers and editors of AFRIKA) who are prepared to put themselves at great risk and oppose Turkey's policies in Cyprus...Throw them a lifeline instead of insulting them and blaming them for your own historical mistakes...

lifeline? no... according to insan it was free cypriots who fired gun shots at them... to destablize the north.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat Feb 26, 2011 5:14 pm

ZoC wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:.There are still some brave souls (including the writers and editors of AFRIKA) who are prepared to put themselves at great risk and oppose Turkey's policies in Cyprus...Throw them a lifeline instead of insulting them and blaming them for your own historical mistakes...

lifeline? no... according to insan it was free cypriots who fired gun shots at them... to destablize the north.

What are you talking about,Mala??? Who are the 'free Cypriots'??? :?
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Postby ZoC » Sat Feb 26, 2011 5:25 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
ZoC wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:.There are still some brave souls (including the writers and editors of AFRIKA) who are prepared to put themselves at great risk and oppose Turkey's policies in Cyprus...Throw them a lifeline instead of insulting them and blaming them for your own historical mistakes...

lifeline? no... according to insan it was free cypriots who fired gun shots at them... to destablize the north.

What are you talking about,Mala???

who? it's wot insan said in another thread.

BirKibrisli wrote:Who are the 'free Cypriots'??? :?

:roll: free cypriots are ones not ensnared by an outside force. the clue is in the word 'free'.
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Postby Hermes » Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:20 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Who is justifying the invasion or the current occupation??? I am simply asking you to acknowledge the role Enosis played in our little tragedy,and the pain and suffering it has brought on all Cypriots,including the TCs.

The current division of the island is not the result of enosis. That is like blaming the victim of rape for provoking her rapist. If Turkey has "strategic interests" in Cyprus, as you acknowledge, then enosis cannot be the cause. It was the excuse and it still is for people like you who dredge up its ghost in order to blame the victims of Turkish military adventurism.

You raise the fearful spectre of enosis in order to excuse the T/Cs and their leadership from their own disastrous alignment with forces hell-bent on partitioning the island. But T/Cs cannot be excused so lightly from their collaboration with the British and for waging a separatist guerrilla war against the majority population. And for their continuing support for partition to this day. Isn't it about time T/Cs stopped seeing themselves as children unable to make moral choices?

Of course Greek Cypriots fought back against those fascists and imperialists who threatened their right to self-determination. Many brave T/Cs did so too in defiance of their leadership and they paid a heavy price for it. You seem shamefully unaware of their existence so blinded are you by Turkish propaganda about the bogey man of enosis.

You are not a seven year-old boy anymore and yet you still seem to believe in ghosts and to be frightened of shadows in the dark. It is time you grew up and started to believe in things other than those strange apparitions that once haunted a young boy.
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Postby Bananiot » Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:20 pm

Oh dear, was Kavazoglu one of those brave TC's you have referred to? Did these brave TC's support enosis?
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:06 pm

Piratis wrote:
About Makarios going for full independence brings to mind a saying.

"Bükemediğin eli öp" if you need a translation you might ask for it and please say 'please'.

About Enosis expiring decades ago; yes right you are, but you can see what a mess it has landed us all in.

"Another fine mess you got us in ENOSIS".

I don't know what your saying means. Please tell me. ;)

What I can tell you from now is that real independence was an impossible task given the interest of the Imperialists in Cyprus. This is why enosis was our first option, because with Greece being a bigger country we had a higher chance of achieving liberation in that way.

As I said many times I would choose a real independence over enosis any day. But between enosis and some pseudo independence that would make Cyprus the whore of Britain and Turkey and create a ton of problems (as it did), enosis would be far better.

And enosis didn't create any mess. What created the mess are the foreign Imperialists who didn't want to allow Cyprus to be free because they wanted to serve their own interests on our expense. Otherwise enosis would have happened just as easily as it happened with Rhodes.

Makarios had no other option left after he realised that his dream of ENOSIS was going to be extremely difficult to obtain. Then he decided on the next best thing which was independence.

The saying is, 'kiss the hand of the arm that you can not defeat' (in arm wrestling). Perhaps not very apt but he was left no choice; the TCs were a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately for both sides, we undersestimated the real intentions of the big powers of the time.

From what you said above now we know that the super powers had no intention of allowing Cyprus ENOSIS.
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Postby Hermes » Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:14 pm

Bananiot wrote:Oh dear, was Kavazoglu one of those brave TC's you have referred to? Did these brave TC's support enosis?

Kavazoglu was certainly a brave man. But he was killed by the TMT not by Greek Cypriots. Enosis did not cause Kavazoglu's death. Unless you believe that the TMT were justified in executing him. Perhaps you actually believe that Turkey was provoked into partition. Just as the TMT were provoked by enosis into executing Turkish Cypriots who chose not to throw in their lot with their partitionist agenda. Strange how the victim, in your eyes, must be to blame.

I wonder if you would ask a relative of yours who had been raped to apologize to their rapist because she happened to be dressed provocatively. After all she probably had it coming to her, didn't she?
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Postby Bananiot » Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:16 pm

Kavazoglu was a brave man indeed. He was deserted by his comrades in AKEL and along with some other brave TC's and GC's members of AKEL he tried to instill some sense into the party regarding its policy of enosis and only enosis.

Kavazoglu constituted a danger for the nationalists of both sides. He stood for a free and democratic Cyprus, a common home for all its people, independent of ethnic background and religion. TMT wanted taksim, so Kavazoglu was an obstacle that needed to be cleared. EOKA along with other "national" organisations within the Greek Cypriot community stood against independence too and thus they are equally guilty of what has happened to our country. These nationalist organisations were the twin scourges of Cyprus.

Those that murdered Kavazoglu were the sick nationalists that committed so many murders and it makes no difference if they were G or T Cypriots. I hold them accountable for their murderous behaviour and the suffering they have caused for all Cypriots.
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Postby ZoC » Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:29 pm

Hermes wrote:
Bananiot wrote:Oh dear, was Kavazoglu one of those brave TC's you have referred to? Did these brave TC's support enosis?

Kavazoglu was certainly a brave man. But he was killed by the TMT not by Greek Cypriots. Enosis did not cause Kavazoglu's death. Unless you believe that the TMT were justified in executing him. Perhaps you actually believe that Turkey was provoked into partition. Just as the TMT were provoked by enosis into executing Turkish Cypriots who chose not to throw in their lot with their partitionist agenda. Strange how the victim, in your eyes, must be to blame.

I wonder if you would ask a relative of yours who had been raped to apologize to their rapist because she happened to be dressed provocatively. After all she probably had it coming to her, didn't she?

this is an analogy i've often considered appropriate for cyprus... unfortunately some cypriots picked up the habit of wearing short skirts from somewhere...

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