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Turkey warns U.S. ambassador over media comments

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Postby insan » Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:39 am

humanist wrote:insan if that is a real post of yours and not a joke I think you are biased and failing to see that Turkey has take a hard line approach and you are therefore failing to see the impact not only Turks but also TC's and you are missing the point on the invasion of Cyprus and the occupation of the Island for over 35 years.

Sorry humanist but u sound like "someone taught me what it was/is and i'm telling u what it was/is". You don't have the ability to strike the root... when u don't have this special, intellectual ability; u can just keep repeating same rhetoric someone taught u... when it comes to ur "enemy", u r too lazy to read and at least comprehend the root of the problem; instead u prefer repeating the same pointless rhetoric u have been taught...

In such situations, it is too difficult to explain people like these what's really going on because they only care about one thing and that is what directly related with them...

"Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself."
— Mark Twain

Mark Twain
"Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it."
— Mark Twain

The First Amendment to the US Constitution states, in part, 'Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press . . .' If Congress didn't do it, who did?

Someone must have made a law that is 'abridging the freedom of the press,' otherwise, surely, there would be open debate in the US media regarding the 'special' relationship between the best Congress money can buy and the Jewish state of Israel. If there is not such a law, why is it that this vitally important topic is off limits in public debate, and you have a better chance of finding an honest politician than you do finding this topic openly and honestly discussed in the media?

The politicians know that Israel is chosen by Congress and the White House to be above all nations upon the face of the earth, even above America, in fact being America's sacred cow, and that only a politician who's looking for early retirement will openly violate this pseudo-religious political reality.
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