What can I say! The East Timorese are a very generous bunch of people...

Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:We are far more free spirited than you and our lifestyles are better. For you, a trip to Troodhos is considered a big thing...![]()
This weekend, let's go to Trodhos. Oh wait a minute, we can see the entire island in hours.![]()
We are overgoverned yes, but a police state????
As I said earlier, you are not very bright!
Like I said, I lived in BOTH countries but you have not!
Australia, is just a police state… they tell you what to do, where to go, how fast to go, what to eat, what to drink, what to vote… and if you’re not a good little lamb it’s off to the abattoir!
It’s by no accident you’re sheep shaggers… if you get treated like sheep you’ll be attracted to sheep!
Svetlana wrote:Could lady Forum members not use pm to send their Valentine greetings to Yialousa as the volume of transactions may cause the server to crash.
Thank you in advance.
yialousa1971 wrote:Svetlana wrote:Could lady Forum members not use pm to send their Valentine greetings to Yialousa as the volume of transactions may cause the server to crash.
Thank you in advance.
PS Come to think of it, this applies to all male Forum members too
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