georgios100 wrote:cyprusgrump wrote:georgios100 wrote:Just posted a video on Youtube of my new ball game.
This one will definitely get the kids off the computer and out to the yard.
No it won't...

I tested this game in Canada(Toronto) and the Dom Rep. Meant for kids, the game went on pretty well till teens & guys in their 20's jointed in. They played into the late afternoon and quit at nightfall. All the players asked to play again tomorrow... some of them asked me to make a game board for them to continue playing in the future.
Footnote. The "older" players actually tried to "hurt" the others by throwing the ball very hard which made the players run faster to avoid the hit. Typical behaviour I might add.
I took a course in computer languages back in 1981. COBOL, RPG, assembler, basic compiler etc... literally dealing with bits... used punch cards to run programs... really old stuff.
We always played outside when I was a kid - games such as this or 'cricket' with a bit of old wood, a tennis ball and stumps painted on a wall. Seemed like if we had a ball of some sort, or even if we didn't we could amuse ourselves... Perhaps it was because there was never anything on the telly except for the 'test card'...
Nowadays it seems that sports shops are packed with every type of bat, racket and club. Kids are decked out in the most amazingly expensive football shirts and clearly money isn't an issue for the purchase of sports equipment.
Yet they prefer for whatever reason to spend their time in front of a TV screen or computer console.
I'm not sure why it is so but I don't believe the revelation of your 'new' game will bring thousands of kids back outside to play.