pretty-as-pink wrote:But Richard, if you have not noticed there are not so many people using the forum.
If admin are going to warn people who just so happen to be attacked with racist comments and have abuse hurled at their family then that simply is not on, and something is not quite right.
Why on earth should milti get warned twice in one week? And who are admin to say they can give a warning without saying why

How can improvements be made if they wont say what you have done in the first place to get the warning
I mean a teacher in a school wouldnt give a 10 year old a warning without telling them what they did
Its stupid and no wonder I started a thread "where are all the forumer"
Hi p-a-p
The occasion Miltiades refers to happened a good while ago and without prejudice over who was at fault the occaision was dealt with i believe , So I dont see the point of bringing it up again.
We do not know if admin gave the reason to Miltiades re the warnings though I am sure he/she would have done and whether Miltiades agreed with the reasons given by admin is only known to Miltiades himself.
Admins of forums DO NOT have to give out an explanation to forum members as to why members are banned, there job is hard enough without posting on here everytime a member is banned ( or Warned as in miltiades case).
We do not know why Miltiades was warned twice in one week, and admin certainly does not have to tell us
The forum rules are sufficent as a guide to all of us and we should abide by them or ''get outta here''.
I do not want to see any forum member banned, and Miltiades has not been banned- well after his last post maybe he has now.