time for desert?
Tourta Praline by
on the basis of praline 400g hazelnuts 200g sugar Ingredients for the candied 200g 55% cocoa dark chocolate, chopped into small pieces 200g cream 35% fat, 30 grams honey Ingredients for the chocolate-praline mousse 150g dark chocolate 55% cocoa, preferably cut into small pieces 380gr cream 35% fat, whipped in the form of yoghurt 230g hazelnut praline (the base of the praline) Ingredients for the biscuit 30gr flour 85gr hazelnut powder (ground in blender) 100g caster sugar 50g granulated sugar 4 egg whites Ingredients for the cream praline 125g milk 125g cream 35% fat, 30g sugar 3 egg yolks 150g hazelnut praline (bottom praline) 200g cream 35% fat, whipped to form thick 1 ½ (7gr) sheet gelatin
Run for the praline base Place a nonstick frying pan into the fire. when hot, slowly add sugar to start caramelized. When we all get sugar and dark golden color, add the nuts, once we warm in the oven or microwave, so they are warm when you fall in caramel. Stir until mixed well until the candy, but be careful not to stay long and candy pikrisei. the spread immediately into a wax paper or a silicone surface and allow to cool thoroughly. We get 350-400 grams, leaving the rest for garnish and blend in a blender, so as to form a thick cream. Run the candied Heat the cream and boil before the pour over chopped chocolate. homogenise well with hand blender or Marisa, not wire, adding the honey. Run for the praline-chocolate mousse Melt the chocolate in double boiler or microwave, so that the temperature of chocolate is in the 50-55 ° c.Anakatefoume along with a praline Marisa and incorporates thick cream, stirring gently. Run the cookie Sieve the flour with the powdered sugar and mix with the powder hazelnut. In mixer at medium speed, beat egg whites with granulated sugar meringue. Stop hitting and add the flour mixture, stirring gently with a Marisa. On a parchment paper, creating two discs with a diameter of 22-24 cm. Bake in preheated oven at 170-180 ° c for 15-20 minutes. Run for the praline cream Place the cream with the milk to heat and stir the egg yolks and sugar well and add the milk. stir constantly until the 84 ° c, so as not to cut and cook the egg. Remove from heat and add the gelatin sheets, after we have softened in cold water. Mix well, along with praline, cool, not thick and add the thick cream. pour the mixture into a small hoop, diameter 22 cm and 1 cm high and place in freezer until the mixture freezes too much and we can xeformaroume with our hands. Assembled into a 24 cm diameter hoop in place a cookie tray, spread half the chocolate mousse - praline, cover with second cookie tray and place it over the praline ice cream. Pour the remaining mousse chocolate - praline, Flatten the surface and place in freezer. Allow for some time and glaze. Garnish with caramelized hazelnuts.