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Postby parisp » Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:49 pm

Get Real! wrote:Dude, methinks it’s time you returned to your “Exchange” website and downloaded some more porn and forget about taking on professionals who can run rings around you. :roll:

Exchange is not a website! Exchange is a server application for managing email, caledar, contact and tasks.


now i think i know why GR is pissed off with the iPad, maybe his favorite porn sites are using flash so he cant see them on the iPad! or maybe he is angry that Apple does not allow porn in the app store!

Why didn't you say so earlier man? every one would totally understand you!!!
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Postby Sotos » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:18 pm

parisp wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I think you’ll find that those who have a high esteem for these overpriced mini rectangles, are very lightweight computer users anyway so they wouldn’t have a clue about power and what one can do with a full blown computer.

That’s why we’re getting so much bollocks posted here! :lol:

ohhhhhhhhhh!!! GR the heavy weight computer user! the heavy weight! ohhhhh!!! the heavy weight!!!

you got it right there again man! I admit that i am a very very very light computer user. I admit it!

I only have here on my desk
- a mac-book pro connected to a 24'' apple monitor
- a windows 7 desktop on a 20'' apple monitor
- both controlled from the same key/mouse with a little program called synergy suited for lightweight users like me!!!
- a remote desktop connection is always connected to a local Win 2008 R2 server
- a terminal session is always connected to a Red Hat Enterprise server in the UK.

so basically i have 4 computers at my disposal at the same time here in the office. And note that i haven't mentioned the iPad at all here!

What would a lightweight user like me possibly know about computers? just silly things i guess so the poor iPad will work for my little needs!

But could you be a "heavyweight" computer user if all you had was an iPad? iPad is a nice gadget and useful for some tasks, but if it can cover 90% of your computer needs then you must be a lightweight user.
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Postby parisp » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:07 pm

Sotos wrote:But could you be a "heavyweight" computer user if all you had was an iPad? iPad is a nice gadget and useful for some tasks, but if it can cover 90% of your computer needs then you must be a lightweight user.

as mentioned 2348893 times, the iPad is not a device meant to replace you computers, either desktop or laptop! its meant to complement your existing setup and help you have a much better portable electronic life or business.

for certain people, it can replace their laptop depending on their usage.

there is no heavy or light pc user analogy, that is GR talk and me putting some salt to it! ( now GR will jump in a mention that he can cook better than us! i am sure! )

you might get an iPad user to use it as a toy! OR on the other hand you might get a business user use an iPad as a project management tool inside a factory to record status of certain manufacturing lines. something the iPad would be perfect with a simple project management tool. But a laptop or PC could not possibly fit in this position since both are not portable enought!!.

maybe i will write something about the iPad and the way i use it personally! the range of apps i am using and so on! I use it for a year now and tried lots and lots of apps. Might help some ppl understand how it can be used for certain situations using my own word and why its better using the iPad in these situations rather than the iPad!
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:33 pm

parisp wrote:Exchange is not a website! Exchange is a server application for managing email, caledar, contact and tasks.

:shock: Oh is that what it is?

And here I was thinking that it’s a non-enterprise “thing” you put people on! :?
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Postby Sotos » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:36 pm

as mentioned 2348893 times, the iPad is not a device meant to replace you computers, either desktop or laptop!

I agree with that. So lets not blow the capabilities of this device out of proportion ;) the person who said that iPad replaced 90% of what he was using a computer for is obviously a lightweight computer user. iPad is better from a computer only in very few tasks. For everything else it can be useful if you are somewhere that a computer is not available but it is no match for a computer.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:42 pm

Sotos wrote:iPad is better from a computer only in very few tasks.

Yeah, it gives your index fingers and thumbs the workout of a lifetime! 8)

Try doing that on your PC keyboard!
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Postby parisp » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:49 pm

Get Real! wrote:
parisp wrote:Exchange is not a website! Exchange is a server application for managing email, caledar, contact and tasks.

:shock: Oh is that what it is?

And here I was thinking that it’s a non-enterprise “thing” you put people on! :?

for the 2nd time, to have exchange email you do not need to setup Windows server, active directory and then exchange. You use a Service provider! and you get exchange email!

go here signup for 10$ a month and get an exchange mailbox. your will thank me for it!

there is nothing enterprisey about getting an email account!

An email account that will magically sync email,calendar,contacts across your mobile,desktop,laptop and ipad. but i guess again its a thing for light computer users!!!



read, think, digest and then reply
Last edited by parisp on Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby parisp » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:54 pm

Sotos wrote:
as mentioned 2348893 times, the iPad is not a device meant to replace you computers, either desktop or laptop!

I agree with that. So lets not blow the capabilities of this device out of proportion ;) the person who said that iPad replaced 90% of what he was using a computer for is obviously a lightweight computer user. iPad is better from a computer only in very few tasks. For everything else it can be useful if you are somewhere that a computer is not available but it is no match for a computer.

one question Sotos. Do you own and use an iPad?
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Postby Sotos » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:09 pm

parisp wrote:
Sotos wrote:
as mentioned 2348893 times, the iPad is not a device meant to replace you computers, either desktop or laptop!

I agree with that. So lets not blow the capabilities of this device out of proportion ;) the person who said that iPad replaced 90% of what he was using a computer for is obviously a lightweight computer user. iPad is better from a computer only in very few tasks. For everything else it can be useful if you are somewhere that a computer is not available but it is no match for a computer.

one question Sotos. Do you own and use an iPad?

I got one from a relative to evaluate it because I am thinking to get one for my parents. For me it is not something I would use regularly. At home and at office I prefer to use my computer 99% of the time. I found the iPad better than a computer only for reading books and magazines. Maybe also for showing photos, but the small screen is limiting. Anything else I can do better and faster on a PC. For the web: It doesn't play flash, its browser is slower, having many tabs open and switching between them is a slow process (even with alternative browser which has tabs), most websites are not made for touch controls etc. For Games: some nice games based on the touch and sensors novelty, but nothing compared to a PC or Console. For video, no thanks. I will not bother watching video on a 10" screen when I can watch it on a 24" PC screen or even better my projector screen, not to mention that the formats supported are limited. For any kind of content creation: on-screen keyboard can not match a full keyboard. The iOS apps can not match PC apps. No real multitasking. For Music: crappy sound. I could use headphones, but then I might as well use an MP3 player. What else? The only reason I would buy an iPad for myself is if I am convinced that it can replace my laptop when I travel. If it can then it will be easier to carry around and the long battery life will come in handy. One thing I use my laptop for is to backup the photos and videos I make. I can't do that with the iPad unless I buy an additional accessory. And I will need to pay a lot of money to get an ipad with a big SSD. And even then I will not be able to preview my videos on it because the iPad doesn't support MTS video. Also some hotels might only offer wired Ethernet connection instead of wifi, and with iPad that means no internet. I think tablets have potential and I see them taking a big chunk from the laptop market soon, but they are not there yet with iPad 1&2 and current generation of Androids. For now they are just cool gadgets with relatively few truly useful applications for a power user. But still I might buy one for my parents because it is easy to learn and my parents just need the basic things that iPad can do.
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Postby kurupetos » Wed Mar 30, 2011 10:26 pm

Wow Sotos! :shock: Get a life!
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