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David Cameron says multiculturalism in Britain has failed

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David Cameron says multiculturalism in Britain has failed

Postby Lit » Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:08 pm

See the video here:

What are your thoughts on his speech?
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Postby Lit » Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:14 pm

David Cameron warns of failed 'state multiculturalism'

The Prime Minister David Cameron has told a security conference in Germany that "state multiculturalism" has failed society by encouraging different cultures to live separate lives from mainstream communities.
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:36 pm

Lit wrote:David Cameron warns of failed 'state multiculturalism'

The Prime Minister David Cameron has told a security conference in Germany that "state multiculturalism" has failed society by encouraging different cultures to live separate lives from mainstream communities.

In that case, it is time to partition Britain into 200 pieces.! :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:05 pm

I have ALWAYS believed very strongly that the nonsense of multi culturalism was the by product of political masters , with their hands in the till and their brains in their rears. We have been told that we have to respect all cultures !!! Bollocks to that , respect a culture that dictates monkeys brains are best served while the wretched animal is till alive or a culture that dictates doctrines originating from the medieval times. Not on their middle class ...wellies !!!
The British culture IS the culture of the nation , you adapt or you depart .
Our schools no longer offer food that for hundreds of years the British people enjoyed , weary of upsetting bloody foreigners , regardless if born in the UK , STILL FOREIGNERS IF THEY DO NOT EMBRACE THE NATION AND THE NATIONS CULTURE , we have often been introduced to such and such ... Briton arrested for this and that only to see an image of someone out of the stone age !! Presented by the media as perfectly cultural friendly.
To hell with some cultures , they can stay where they belong not in the UK.
When I arrived in the UK in 1961 I was fully aware that I was setting foot , on my own accord , in a foreign country , I left my ...Vraka and Poines behind and earnestly begun the process of integration as indeed most of our people. Still retained our culture , not dissimilar that that of our host , but never dreamed that we would one day be demanding that our culture should take precedence over that of the host nation.
In short I don't like multiculturalism , political correctness and much of the nonsense introduced as a measure to placate foreign immigrants.
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Postby beverley10 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:55 pm

miltiades wrote:I have ALWAYS believed very strongly that the nonsense of multi culturalism was the by product of political masters , with their hands in the till and their brains in their rears. We have been told that we have to respect all cultures !!! Bollocks to that , respect a culture that dictates monkeys brains are best served while the wretched animal is till alive or a culture that dictates doctrines originating from the medieval times. Not on their middle class ...wellies !!!
The British culture IS the culture of the nation , you adapt or you depart .
Our schools no longer offer food that for hundreds of years the British people enjoyed , weary of upsetting bloody foreigners , regardless if born in the UK , STILL FOREIGNERS IF THEY DO NOT EMBRACE THE NATION AND THE NATIONS CULTURE , we have often been introduced to such and such ... Briton arrested for this and that only to see an image of someone out of the stone age !! Presented by the media as perfectly cultural friendly.
To hell with some cultures , they can stay where they belong not in the UK.
When I arrived in the UK in 1961 I was fully aware that I was setting foot , on my own accord , in a foreign country , I left my ...Vraka and Poines behind and earnestly begun the process of integration as indeed most of our people. Still retained our culture , not dissimilar that that of our host , but never dreamed that we would one day be demanding that our culture should take precedence over that of the host nation.
In short I don't like multiculturalism , political correctness and much of the nonsense introduced as a measure to placate foreign immigrants.

Well said Milti,anyone that moves to another country and wants to be accepted by that country needs to make the effort to speak the language,respect their laws and culture,try their food,bring something of use to their adopted country and embrace its people.
Living in Cyprus,I got to know my Cypriot neighbours and my life has been enriched by their friendship as I hope has theirs by mine.
I have Polish neighbours in the UK and we get on very well,they are hardworking,friendly and their sons are a credit to them.
Britain and it's do gooders and the politically correct brigade have ruined what was once a great and friendly place to live.If Cyprus does not do something about the huge influx of economic migrants with no work,money or accomadation,it will soon suffer the same fate.
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Postby kurupetos » Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:06 pm

The problem can be summarized in a single word: Islam. :wink:
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Postby Free Spirit » Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:06 am

miltiades wrote:I have ALWAYS believed very strongly that the nonsense of multi culturalism was the by product of political masters , with their hands in the till and their brains in their rears. We have been told that we have to respect all cultures !!! Bollocks to that , respect a culture that dictates monkeys brains are best served while the wretched animal is till alive or a culture that dictates doctrines originating from the medieval times. Not on their middle class ...wellies !!!
The British culture IS the culture of the nation , you adapt or you depart .
Our schools no longer offer food that for hundreds of years the British people enjoyed , weary of upsetting bloody foreigners , regardless if born in the UK , STILL FOREIGNERS IF THEY DO NOT EMBRACE THE NATION AND THE NATIONS CULTURE , we have often been introduced to such and such ... Briton arrested for this and that only to see an image of someone out of the stone age !! Presented by the media as perfectly cultural friendly.
To hell with some cultures , they can stay where they belong not in the UK.
When I arrived in the UK in 1961 I was fully aware that I was setting foot , on my own accord , in a foreign country , I left my ...Vraka and Poines behind and earnestly begun the process of integration as indeed most of our people. Still retained our culture , not dissimilar that that of our host , but never dreamed that we would one day be demanding that our culture should take precedence over that of the host nation.
In short I don't like multiculturalism , political correctness and much of the nonsense introduced as a measure to placate foreign immigrants.

AS per usual the balanced point of view
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Postby Free Spirit » Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:09 am

kurupetos wrote:The problem can be summarized in a single word: Islam. :wink:

In years to come when the history books are rewritten of this era Islam will go down as another Great Plague as those visited on the ancient Egyptians.
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Postby kurupetos » Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:52 am

Free Spirit wrote:
kurupetos wrote:The problem can be summarized in a single word: Islam. :wink:

In years to come when the history books are rewritten of this era Islam will go down as another Great Plague as those visited on the ancient Egyptians.

Welcome back FS. I forgot to add you in the list. :oops:
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Postby Lit » Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:25 pm

What is clear is that the small radical communities that Cameron was focusing on his speech are really not going to reform themselves. Straightforward talk is refreshing, i mean, i applaud Cameron for his remarks as well as Merkel's previous remarks on the same subject not too long ago... but giving a good speech is completely useless if its not backed-up by action. Back up your words with action. Set guidelines on what is acceptable in your society, Mr. Cameron.

Europe will not be dumbing down our culture for you. Marrying a 12 year old girl to a 40 year old man should not be acceptable if you're black, white, brown, yellow or what ever skin color you are. You do not like it well then you can pick your shit up and move back to whatever backward society that allows these marriages. Its that simple.
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