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David Cameron says multiculturalism in Britain has failed

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Postby Bananiot » Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:51 pm

And, had these people been still living in Germany, England, the Netherlands, Poland, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, India, China they would have reached their full potential? Did the USA provide them with the opportunities and means to achieve all these?

DT did not understand what I wrote, I am afraid. Multiculturalism is here to stay. I think it is ecstatically beautiful, but this is besides the point. The point is, we all need to learn to live with it and simply make the most of it. The time for pure races is over, thank God. Humanity has paid enough with the blood of millions of innocent people, sacrificed on the altar of nationalism, just to satisfy the sick needs of the bigots.

I am ecstatically in love with cosmopolitan cities. Only the devilish false idols of nationalism can spoil things. However, I have good news, if you agree with me that is. The spacious patriotism of the morally stunted is coming to an end ...
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:19 am

Klik wrote:
Bananiot wrote:What is the opposite of multiculturalism?

P.S. Of course there is culture in the USA, despite being a relatively young country. One has only to take a look at the achievements of Americans in many diverse fields such as science, arts, literature etc.

Yes, great scienists in America.. Americans though? More like 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants from Germany, England, the Netherlands, Poland, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, India, China... This is the culture. A global salad with no vinegar :roll:

and why couldnt these foreign scientist been able to do it in their own country?
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Postby Bananiot » Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:46 am

I think you are in a better position to answer your question cowboy. However, I think people from all these countries went to other countries, Argentina, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, Australia. Is it an accident that the USA takes the lion's share of top honours in all fields?
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Postby DT. » Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:49 am

Bananiot wrote:And, had these people been still living in Germany, England, the Netherlands, Poland, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, India, China they would have reached their full potential? Did the USA provide them with the opportunities and means to achieve all these?

DT did not understand what I wrote, I am afraid. Multiculturalism is here to stay. I think it is ecstatically beautiful, but this is besides the point. The point is, we all need to learn to live with it and simply make the most of it. The time for pure races is over, thank God. Humanity has paid enough with the blood of millions of innocent people, sacrificed on the altar of nationalism, just to satisfy the sick needs of the bigots.

I am ecstatically in love with cosmopolitan cities. Only the devilish false idols of nationalism can spoil things. However, I have good news, if you agree with me that is. The spacious patriotism of the morally stunted is coming to an end ...

I'm afraid you didn't read what I wrote. I actually spend most of my time in New York now which is a pretty multicultural place. I don't take the tourist view however that bananiot takes because I work there and I see the injustices of how the White and in certain areas the Afro American cultures have ruled over professional careers and positions in places like NY. This is a country where a fund manager is forced to use certain minority brokers (either latino, female, Afro American or even war veteran owned brokers) to execute their transactions. All this has done however is create an elite of White and some Afro American individuals.

You see a Pakistani wearing his traditional attire will never fit in unless he takes on the predominant culture of Anglo Saxons. He'll never be welcome into the board room if he is loyal to Pakistani or Sri lankan culture. Go to an ivy league school is one thing, putting on a ermengildo zegna and going for martinis over at 60 Thompson after work however will get you further than any amount of prayers to Allah in NY.

These poor saps don't stand a chance unless they follow the predominant culture. All your multiple culturism does however is keep people locked not the same mind frames they tied to escape when they left their countries to start with!
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Postby Talisker » Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:25 am

DT. wrote:
Bananiot wrote:And, had these people been still living in Germany, England, the Netherlands, Poland, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, India, China they would have reached their full potential? Did the USA provide them with the opportunities and means to achieve all these?

DT did not understand what I wrote, I am afraid. Multiculturalism is here to stay. I think it is ecstatically beautiful, but this is besides the point. The point is, we all need to learn to live with it and simply make the most of it. The time for pure races is over, thank God. Humanity has paid enough with the blood of millions of innocent people, sacrificed on the altar of nationalism, just to satisfy the sick needs of the bigots.

I am ecstatically in love with cosmopolitan cities. Only the devilish false idols of nationalism can spoil things. However, I have good news, if you agree with me that is. The spacious patriotism of the morally stunted is coming to an end ...

I'm afraid you didn't read what I wrote. I actually spend most of my time in New York now which is a pretty multicultural place. I don't take the tourist view however that bananiot takes because I work there and I see the injustices of how the White and in certain areas the Afro American cultures have ruled over professional careers and positions in places like NY. This is a country where a fund manager is forced to use certain minority brokers (either latino, female, Afro American or even war veteran owned brokers) to execute their transactions. All this has done however is create an elite of White and some Afro American individuals.

You see a Pakistani wearing his traditional attire will never fit in unless he takes on the predominant culture of Anglo Saxons. He'll never be welcome into the board room if he is loyal to Pakistani or Sri lankan culture. Go to an ivy league school is one thing, putting on a ermengildo zegna and going for martinis over at 60 Thompson after work however will get you further than any amount of prayers to Allah in NY.

These poor saps don't stand a chance unless they follow the predominant culture. All your multiple culturism does however is keep people locked not the same mind frames they tied to escape when they left their countries to start with!

If I can butt in, then all this shows DT is that in the environment you have described multiculturalism is not perfect. But the fact New York exists as one of the great cities of the world shows that multiculturalism can succeed, albeit not perfectly. Then again, the most infamous attempt to aggressively promote monoculturalism, and extinguish multiculturalism, has to have been the actions of Nazis in 1930s and 40s Europe and I hope that is not a road many would wish to follow.
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:00 am

DT, I see ragheads all over the place they are professionals, doctors lawyers accountants etc... its possible to live in a multiculture society and still not loose your own identity....the older generation is the one that judges the younger generation has been conditioned to accept it and rightly so.

I had a scene today at work where a Pakistani, three afro americans and a El Salvadorean were sitting at the lunchroom and the Paki was saying how in Pakistan women obey their husbands, the toothless 75 yr. old Afro ?American said and i quote" control them women cause yall beat them over the head with a big stick" that could be cyprus one day.
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Postby yialousa1971 » Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:32 am

Bananiot wrote:In graveyards there is an even less racist society. Damn it, peoples' behaviour evolves too and the question is not whether we like it or not (globalisation of travel has taken good care of this) but how soon we can adapt to the new situation. I am perfectly happy with multiculturalism even if for the moment it is just a blessing in disguise, for some.

Talking about gaveyards, do you sleep in a coffin? :evil:
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Postby yialousa1971 » Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:42 am

wyoming cowboy wrote:DT, I see ragheads all over the place they are professionals, doctors lawyers accountants etc... its possible to live in a multiculture society and still not loose your own identity....the older generation is the one that judges the younger generation has been conditioned to accept it and rightly so.

I had a scene today at work where a Pakistani, three afro americans and a El Salvadorean were sitting at the lunchroom and the Paki was saying how in Pakistan women obey their husbands, the toothless 75 yr. old Afro ?American said and i quote" control them women cause yall beat them over the head with a big stick" that could be cyprus one day.

Man you should see England, it looks like a cross between Africa and Pakistan
with a million Jewish overlords. :shock:
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Postby yialousa1971 » Thu Feb 10, 2011 4:47 am

Klik wrote:
miltiades wrote:I have ALWAYS believed very strongly that the nonsense of multi culturalism was the by product of political masters , with their hands in the till and their brains in their rears. We have been told that we have to respect all cultures !!! Bollocks to that , respect a culture that dictates monkeys brains are best served while the wretched animal is till alive or a culture that dictates doctrines originating from the medieval times. Not on their middle class ...wellies !!!
The British culture IS the culture of the nation , you adapt or you depart .
Our schools no longer offer food that for hundreds of years the British people enjoyed , weary of upsetting bloody foreigners , regardless if born in the UK , STILL FOREIGNERS IF THEY DO NOT EMBRACE THE NATION AND THE NATIONS CULTURE , we have often been introduced to such and such ... Briton arrested for this and that only to see an image of someone out of the stone age !! Presented by the media as perfectly cultural friendly.
To hell with some cultures , they can stay where they belong not in the UK.
When I arrived in the UK in 1961 I was fully aware that I was setting foot , on my own accord , in a foreign country , I left my ...Vraka and Poines behind and earnestly begun the process of integration as indeed most of our people. Still retained our culture , not dissimilar that that of our host , but never dreamed that we would one day be demanding that our culture should take precedence over that of the host nation.
In short I don't like multiculturalism , political correctness and much of the nonsense introduced as a measure to placate foreign immigrants.

Spot on. 100% correct view.

The British have been brainwashed by liberal propaganda. The last 5 years have proven to be catastrophical for the image of London at least, where most immigrants come.

You walk around Oxford Street, 20% are British, 20% are tourists, 50% are Arab and Asian immigrants + 10% are women in burkas looking like freaking ninjas (just their eyes appear)

You walk around Wembley, it's 80% immigrants.
You walk around Camden, it's 90% immigrants.
You walk around King's Cross, it's 50% immigrants at least.

And when I say immigrants I'm talking about all types, but mainly south Asian nowadays along with Arabs(possibly north African in their majority)

British people will slowly become a minority in their own country. You can say they deserve that for ruining half the world in the past 300 years but it's simply unacceptable to see that happen, specially from close.

It's not immigration that's happening in England, it's an INVASION. Invasion by small waves, but numerous... It will only stop if there's a cap in immigration, be it EU or non-EU.

One can argue that there are many Indian doctors etc where English doctors are rare, which is true. Nobody says deport all immigrants back to where they came from, nobody wants that really after thinking about the effects. But there are 2-3 stories every month about Muslim sacrficises or Muslim murders etc. They have totally eliminated the British culture, no matter how stupid that culture appeared to most of the world, including me. It needs to stop and it needs to be stopped from everywhere.

Don't get me started on the quotes from Muslim leaders about sending people to European countries to conquer Europe without war... Or how some Muslims in the UK have demonstrated against the evil British for not allowing them to have Sharia as the UK law :roll: Or about the American who is now black listed in the UK and not allowed in because he badmouthed Islam :roll:

Multiculturalism works in the USA. It's because everyone who goes there knows that there's no actual domestic culture anyway. You go to the USA knowing it's a country of immigrants for more immigrants. Those people who claim to be "Americans" are just immigrants, be it 5th generation, 20th generation or 2nd generation immigrants. There's only a tiny portion of natives who live in the USA anymore and even less in Canada, which England is to blame for both really...
While in Central and South America you notice that there's still a large majority of natives who just learned how to speak Spanish since their rulers were Spanish and they haven't actually met other rulers. There are still lots of tribes in Latin America where they live in tents with no electricity and there's a couple in the USA too.

Multiculturalism = fail. By saying this, I hope that people who agree with that realise that this is what they want for Cyprus as well by accepting a "federation" :roll:

Racist you forgot to mention the Turks with their 24hr shops (fronts for money laundering) and smelly Kebab takeaways. :lol:
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Postby Bananiot » Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:28 am

Foreigners and people who are different in general have always been easy targets for nationalists and fascists. They are held responsible for all the maladies of the societies in which they live in. However, there is nothing worse than a foreigner living in the UK or the USA, exhibiting racist behaviour against fellow foreigners and at the same time condemning the country that gave them education and supports them financial. Spreading rumours in forums about improper behaviour of foreigners is also despicable. This is because rumours are the great seducers of reason. Such people are found aplenty in this forum.

Can anyone name a few?
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