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David Cameron says multiculturalism in Britain has failed

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Postby wyoming cowboy » Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:49 pm

Ive never been in Britain or know much of the culture there, but i can say that here in the usa multiculturism works, once you ostracize a group or race is when the problems begin. I was talking to a brit lady here in the usa and asked her if there was intermarriage between pakistanis and brits and she laughed and said "...oh no"

a statement like that here in the usa would get you jail time and 50-1 whips (just joking).....but the attitudes have to change if multiculturism works.
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Postby Talisker » Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:10 am

I can't think of anyone less qualified to provide an opinion on multiculturalism in the UK than David Cameron. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, educated at Eton and Oxford, employed in the Tory party research office and a spell in corporate media, and onwards to become the MP for Witney in Oxfordshire - how the hell does he have any idea of this aspect of UK culture? The man is a complete airhead, with little or no 'real' experience outside his privileged and cosseted life.
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Postby Klik » Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:06 am

miltiades wrote:I have ALWAYS believed very strongly that the nonsense of multi culturalism was the by product of political masters , with their hands in the till and their brains in their rears. We have been told that we have to respect all cultures !!! Bollocks to that , respect a culture that dictates monkeys brains are best served while the wretched animal is till alive or a culture that dictates doctrines originating from the medieval times. Not on their middle class ...wellies !!!
The British culture IS the culture of the nation , you adapt or you depart .
Our schools no longer offer food that for hundreds of years the British people enjoyed , weary of upsetting bloody foreigners , regardless if born in the UK , STILL FOREIGNERS IF THEY DO NOT EMBRACE THE NATION AND THE NATIONS CULTURE , we have often been introduced to such and such ... Briton arrested for this and that only to see an image of someone out of the stone age !! Presented by the media as perfectly cultural friendly.
To hell with some cultures , they can stay where they belong not in the UK.
When I arrived in the UK in 1961 I was fully aware that I was setting foot , on my own accord , in a foreign country , I left my ...Vraka and Poines behind and earnestly begun the process of integration as indeed most of our people. Still retained our culture , not dissimilar that that of our host , but never dreamed that we would one day be demanding that our culture should take precedence over that of the host nation.
In short I don't like multiculturalism , political correctness and much of the nonsense introduced as a measure to placate foreign immigrants.

Spot on. 100% correct view.

The British have been brainwashed by liberal propaganda. The last 5 years have proven to be catastrophical for the image of London at least, where most immigrants come.

You walk around Oxford Street, 20% are British, 20% are tourists, 50% are Arab and Asian immigrants + 10% are women in burkas looking like freaking ninjas (just their eyes appear)

You walk around Wembley, it's 80% immigrants.
You walk around Camden, it's 90% immigrants.
You walk around King's Cross, it's 50% immigrants at least.

And when I say immigrants I'm talking about all types, but mainly south Asian nowadays along with Arabs(possibly north African in their majority)

British people will slowly become a minority in their own country. You can say they deserve that for ruining half the world in the past 300 years but it's simply unacceptable to see that happen, specially from close.

It's not immigration that's happening in England, it's an INVASION. Invasion by small waves, but numerous... It will only stop if there's a cap in immigration, be it EU or non-EU.

One can argue that there are many Indian doctors etc where English doctors are rare, which is true. Nobody says deport all immigrants back to where they came from, nobody wants that really after thinking about the effects. But there are 2-3 stories every month about Muslim sacrficises or Muslim murders etc. They have totally eliminated the British culture, no matter how stupid that culture appeared to most of the world, including me. It needs to stop and it needs to be stopped from everywhere.

Don't get me started on the quotes from Muslim leaders about sending people to European countries to conquer Europe without war... Or how some Muslims in the UK have demonstrated against the evil British for not allowing them to have Sharia as the UK law :roll: Or about the American who is now black listed in the UK and not allowed in because he badmouthed Islam :roll:

Multiculturalism works in the USA. It's because everyone who goes there knows that there's no actual domestic culture anyway. You go to the USA knowing it's a country of immigrants for more immigrants. Those people who claim to be "Americans" are just immigrants, be it 5th generation, 20th generation or 2nd generation immigrants. There's only a tiny portion of natives who live in the USA anymore and even less in Canada, which England is to blame for both really...
While in Central and South America you notice that there's still a large majority of natives who just learned how to speak Spanish since their rulers were Spanish and they haven't actually met other rulers. There are still lots of tribes in Latin America where they live in tents with no electricity and there's a couple in the USA too.

Multiculturalism = fail. By saying this, I hope that people who agree with that realise that this is what they want for Cyprus as well by accepting a "federation" :roll:
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Wed Feb 09, 2011 4:19 am

how can you say that there is no culture in the usa, when the nation has history customs and traditions. A culture that invents has intellectual thinkers and is an example for the world. Could it be that cultures like Britain and France have a history of bigotry and racism thats hard to overcome therefore ostrocizes minority groups and makes them radical, much like the radical black american groups of the 60's and early 70's......
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Postby Bananiot » Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:55 am

What is the opposite of multiculturalism?

P.S. Of course there is culture in the USA, despite being a relatively young country. One has only to take a look at the achievements of Americans in many diverse fields such as science, arts, literature etc.
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Postby DT. » Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:49 am

Bananiot wrote:What is the opposite of multiculturalism?

P.S. Of course there is culture in the USA, despite being a relatively young country. One has only to take a look at the achievements of Americans in many diverse fields such as science, arts, literature etc.

monoculturalism, a much less racist form of society.
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Postby Bananiot » Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:40 pm

In graveyards there is an even less racist society. Damn it, peoples' behaviour evolves too and the question is not whether we like it or not (globalisation of travel has taken good care of this) but how soon we can adapt to the new situation. I am perfectly happy with multiculturalism even if for the moment it is just a blessing in disguise, for some.
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Postby DT. » Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:26 pm

Bananiot wrote:In graveyards there is an even less racist society. Damn it, peoples' behaviour evolves too and the question is not whether we like it or not (globalisation of travel has taken good care of this) but how soon we can adapt to the new situation. I am perfectly happy with multiculturalism even if for the moment it is just a blessing in disguise, for some.

SO you believe that the ideal scenario is for people to escape from one culture only to be forced to live in that very same culture in a new geography.

Read what this Dutch author has to say about the racism of multi culturalism:

___Legitimising racism and inequality
The reality of a 'multi-cultural society' has become more evident. In the Netherlands, 'multicultural' is systematically used as the opposite to 'equality'. A multicultural society is a society where African immigrants clean toilets, and upper-middle-class ethnic Dutch are the lawyers, pilots, surgeons and bankers. The word 'multicultural' no longer carries any connotation of equality or respect - if it ever did. It implies the presence in society of ethnic minorities, but says nothing about their social status. Worse, it implies that all moral obligations have been met, when society is 'multicultural' in this sense.
___Compulsory culture
A 'multi-cultural society' oppresses migrants. Having left one culture, they are obliged to rejoin it in the country in which they arrive. Wherever they go, they will be enclosed in their culture of origin. Mono-culturalism, multiculturalism and inter-culturalism all enforce culture. Despite what you have been told at school (and at home), it is simply not necessary to have "culture". Far from being sacred, it is a political choice, a choice advocated by nationalists.
When government policies are based on this kind of multiculturalism, they favour traditionalists. Conservatives often put themselves forward as representing the "true values of the community". If the government looks for authentic representatives of each culture, the it will find that conservative kind of representative. In practice many European governments do nominate conservatives, often religious leaders, as representatives of an immigrant minority. This has happened so often, that multicultural has acquired the meaning 'multi-faith' or 'multi-religious'. For instance, in Amsterdam local politics, Turks are assumed to be Muslims. The imam of the local mosque is assumed to be their representative - even if they are atheists, even if they never saw the inside of a mosque, and don't know where the local mosque is.

This attitude - compulsory culture - facilitated the switch back to mono-culturalism in the Netherlands. And just as predictably, the 'Dutch values' now being demanded of immigrants are those of the 1950's. The standard version of culture is always the conservative version - better no culture at all.

___Hereditary culture
Multiculturalism makes culture hereditary. A good example was the "Education in own language and culture" program in the Netherlands. For instance: if the Turkish language has any value, then why are children of Chinese immigrants forbidden to learn it? Why are children of Turkish immigrants forbidden to learn any form of Chinese? This is how the program works: the "own language" is the language of the parents' country of origin.
What makes Turkish an "own" language for a child who speaks only Dutch? The answer is obvious: birth. They are born to be Turkish, whether they like it or not. Children, whose parents are both Turkish citizens, are defined as Turkish. So, the extra language they are taught, is Turkish. This labelling process continues into the next generation, and perhaps into a 3rd and 4th generation. There is no appeal against this definition (as even the South African race classification had). This approach has harmed many children of Moroccan origin in Amsterdam. In the name of multi-culturalism they were given their education partly in Arabic. The multiculturalists, on the basis of their own racist ignorance, simply labelled them "Arabic". In reality, most Moroccan immigrants come from Berber-language areas. The children were being educated in a language they often could not understand - in the name of preserving "their own culture".

In the post-Fortuyn Netherlands, attitudes have reversed, but the children will not be any better off. The children of Moroccan immigrants who are separated from their parents, must now learn Dutch in Morocco before they are allowed to join their family in the Netherlands.

___"Cultures" are nations
The 'cultures' in multiculturalism, correspond to existing nation states. A classic example is again Turkey: many of those classified as Turkish in the last 20 years, considered themselves Kurds. And the "Kurdish question" is not the only identity issue in Turkey. Why is someone born in Istanbul not Ottoman? or Byzantine? or Roman? or Mediterranean? Why is someone born in Izmir (formerly Smyrna) not Greek? And why is someone born in Tashkent not Turkish, as the pan-Turkists claim? Why are people born in Helsinki, Istanbul and Budapest not all Turanians, as pan-Turanists claim? None of these identities is permitted to form the basis of a multicultural programme. In other words, multiculturalists reject 'cultures' which do not correspond to nation states.
Most multiculturalists, for example, would reject the claim of a person born in the Republic of Ireland, to consider themselves British. Yet for some time after Irish independence there was a small Unionist party seeking Ireland's reincorporation into Britain. Some southern Irish did feel British: in northern Ireland many still do. As time passed, the equation of southern Irish with Republic of Ireland citizenship became accepted as natural and self-evident. But in the last few years, a small unionist trend has re-emerged in the Republic: what will the multiculturalists say now?

In general, the world view of multiculturalists is the same as that of the anti-immigrant parties in Europe: a cultural-nationalist world-view. (In the United States, also, all the hyphenated identities of diversity correspond to existing nations, or nationalist movements). For centuries there was a Burgundian state in Europe, yet there are no classes in Burgundian culture for immigrants in Amsterdam, and there are no Burgundian-Americans. But if someone founds a Burgundy Liberation Front, and it gains some support, "Burgundian culture" will become a political force. Cultural nationalism is about present politics, not ancient memory, although it uses that memory as an instrument.

Again, the identification of cultures with nations has undoubtedly facilitated the switch back to mono-culturalism. Right-wing anti-immigration politicians, such as Pim Fortuyn, consistently used the rhetoric of cultural value to legitimise their attitudes and policies, with success.

___Multicultural order
Multiculturalism internalises the nationalist world order in each nation state. The end result would be, in a perfectly multi-cultural world, 180 UN member states, each with 179 narrowly defined minorities within its borders, corresponding to the other states. In the United States this ideal - Nation of Nations - has a long history, and it recently re-appeared in Robert Kaplan's bestseller Empire Wilderness. Any such system would probably collapse under its own absurdity, but that does not stop the multiculturalists trying to implement it.

Multiculturalism restates the core of biological racial doctrines, substituting words like "culture", "identity" and "roots" for the often discredited word "race". Yet the discredited race doctrines were themselves a biological variant of older doctrines of ethno-cultural identity. There is no agreed term for all these variants, but the best option is to include them under "nation" and "nationalism".
There are obvious parallels with nationalism: the belief in the necessity of each culture, the loyalty demanded to it, the duty to transfer it to the next generation. Nationalists usually start with the fiction that each nation is a singular entity, but multiculturalists take their so-called "diversity" as starting point. A system which defines just 180 acceptable forms of diversity, and tells me where I belong (on a hereditary basis) - that is clearly not very "diverse". Anti-cultural opposition to multiculturality is a form of anti-nationalism: it opposes this restrictive and limited world.

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Postby bill cobbett » Wed Feb 09, 2011 2:29 pm

Talisker wrote:I can't think of anyone less qualified to provide an opinion on multiculturalism in the UK than David Cameron. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, educated at Eton and Oxford, employed in the Tory party research office and a spell in corporate media, and onwards to become the MP for Witney in Oxfordshire - how the hell does he have any idea of this aspect of UK culture? The man is a complete airhead, with little or no 'real' experience outside his privileged and cosseted life.

Spot on mate... and is the man Scottish? Name sounds suspiciously like it.
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Postby Klik » Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:15 pm

Bananiot wrote:What is the opposite of multiculturalism?

P.S. Of course there is culture in the USA, despite being a relatively young country. One has only to take a look at the achievements of Americans in many diverse fields such as science, arts, literature etc.

Yes, great scienists in America.. Americans though? More like 1st, 2nd or 3rd generation immigrants from Germany, England, the Netherlands, Poland, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, India, China... This is the culture. A global salad with no vinegar :roll:
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