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Postby Get Real! » Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:45 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I notice that those who complain the most are the most boring of posters who never make anything happen, so kindly move your corpses to CyprusLiving which is more of an old people’s home where you’ll fit in just fine! :lol:

Perhaps everybody that you disagree with should just leave then...? Those that haven't gone already... :roll:

How about I disappear for a week (now that Oracle has also disappeared) and let’s see how you, Jerry, and the rest of the complainers steer the forum to whatever it is you have in mind!

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Postby Jerry » Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:52 pm

Get Real! wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I notice that those who complain the most are the most boring of posters who never make anything happen, so kindly move your corpses to CyprusLiving which is more of an old people’s home where you’ll fit in just fine! :lol:

Perhaps everybody that you disagree with should just leave then...? Those that haven't gone already... :roll:

How about I disappear for a week (now that Oracle has also disappeared) and let’s see how you, Jerry, and the rest of the complainers steer the forum to whatever it is you have in mind!


"Boring" is in the eye of the beholder. I find pseudo smarta... comments boring but I put it down to a childish disposition and do what I do when TV is boring - I turn it off.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:54 pm

Come on boys… don’t be chickens! :lol:
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Re: Agreement

Postby denizaksulu » Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:00 pm

Jerry wrote:
merrytraveller wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
miltiades wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:
Consequently a few posters have dominated the board and driven others (including me ) away... In fact, anybody that doesn't believe that Cyprus is perfect, that Turks are evil, that all the Brits should leave or that Cyprus doesn't need British tourists are made unwelcome...

Just my humble opinion...

Cyprus IS Perfect , just a few arseholes like those that think all Turks are evil , that all Brits ( including Charlies - the saviours of the Cypriot economy ) should leave Cyprus and that Cyprus does not need British tourists !!!
Almost forgo the other arseholes who think Cyprus's friends are the extremist Hamas , Hezbollah , Al Qaeda and other enemies of the western world. You can not silence these arseholes but you can tell them what arseholes they really are , not that they will take any notice but at least you give them something to think about.
Cyprus needs friends , influential friends , forget the crap that wants the destruction of the West , and praise the Brits for despite all the shit that they go through to buy a property from unscrupulous developers still come to Cyprus , and God help Cyprus's economy if the Brits do not return.
Finally , Cyprus needs to take seriously the lawlessness that surrounds our football stadiums , our roads .
Apart from that Cyprus IS PERFECT !

Without wishing to start a huge debate about it, Cyprus (like any other country) is far from perfect...

Posters should be able to point out those imperfections with the hope of improving them without getting flamed...

Calling everybody arseholes doesn't help much either.... :roll:

I agree with most of what Cyprusgrump is saying but in particular the fact that "Calling people arseholes doesn't help." I am no prude but it does show a very intolerant attitude when we resort to hurling abuse around.

But they were not specific aresholes, anyway it could have been worse, Milti could have used the "P" word. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I assure you that my mate Milti would never use the 'Poushto-Pezevengis word.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:12 pm

It’s hard to say but Jerry and Grumpy may have died in their sleep or their telegram may take 48 hours to arrive! :?

In any case, I think we should press on so…

Today is the 6th of Feb. so I’ll be back on the 13th just after lunch.

Ladies & Gents, for a whole week the CF will be guided and entertainment provided by the following people:

Jerry, Grumpy, Miltiades, Merrytraveller, Milo, and Beverley10

Give it your best shot boys and girls!

Bye and good luck.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:18 pm

I only use ...colloquial phraseology commonly found in the ...Commons , House that is as well as on much of the popular TV shows. I NEVER insult anyone's family , unlike some arseholes who shall remain ....arseonimous , and I respect everyone's right to have an opinion regardless how stupid that opinion might be !
Some on this forum think that their contributions are ...priceless , well it ain't ! Challenge the cheapskates elsewhere and see how priceless your contributions are !!!
May I offer the departing A/H a kick up his ... and good riddance you PoS !
( That means ..Prisoner of Sin !!)
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Postby Daniella » Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:30 pm

I would leave my opinion.. the fact remain this forum is often without control.
I have connected to CF looking information not easy to acquire from Italy and especially because writing makes me feel closer to the island I love, where I want to live and work honestly to create a different future from what I expect will happen if I continue to stay in Italy.
I have been accused of being partitionist and dishonest just because I expressed some of my ideas in a discussion that was important for me.

I also attend many other forums and this is no different from others, this is a place where hypocrisy and cowardice are creating an inextricable tangle.
This is the reason why all the threads go off topic and at some point they are left to lose.
The thing that is even worse is that the same day or the next I find a pretty identical one open. This makes no sense. This should make the moderators.

There is no doubt that I am able to write boring things. But on CF seems that only some people can really states what is right or wrong,
They are so excited in their delirious moments of omniscience that they do not realize that they are pathetic.
I personally find THIS is the most annoying thing.
More i am sure: Jerry, Grumpy, Miltiades, Merrytraveller, Milo, and Beverley10 ecc.. could give us a good entertainment during absence of some others.

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Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:00 pm

Get Real! wrote:It’s hard to say but Jerry and Grumpy may have died in their sleep or their telegram may take 48 hours to arrive! :?

In any case, I think we should press on so…

Today is the 6th of Feb. so I’ll be back on the 13th just after lunch.

Ladies & Gents, for a whole week the CF will be guided and entertainment provided by the following people:

Jerry, Grumpy, Miltiades, Merrytraveller, Milo, and Beverley10

Give it your best shot boys and girls!

Bye and good luck.

I refer the honourable gentleman to my earlier comment... :roll:

cyprusgrump wrote:I fear it will be some time before this place picks up again and starts to attract new people.
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Postby beverley10 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:39 pm

Get Real! wrote:
beverley10 wrote:Hello good people.Been away and off line for a while and was surprised at the lack of activity on this forum when popping in to see if things had remained the same.
I stopped posting due to the vitriol and abuse hurled at you for merely having an opinion which in no way was directed at any one person.Pity as I always used to enjoy my "visits" before it developed into a "free for all".
I like a healthy debate and can accept a bit of "leg pulling" but really am not prepared to accept the abuse that became the daily norm on here.
Happy New Year to you all.

The only “debate” you’ve ever had was with the wall you bumped into while sleepwalking!

And please, don’t bother coming back two months from now only to post the same pointless paragraph again because that’s all you can ever muster!

What a loser! :roll:

I rest my case!

What a tool!! :roll:
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Postby beverley10 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 4:42 pm

Get Real! wrote:It’s hard to say but Jerry and Grumpy may have died in their sleep or their telegram may take 48 hours to arrive! :?

In any case, I think we should press on so…

Today is the 6th of Feb. so I’ll be back on the 13th just after lunch.

Ladies & Gents, for a whole week the CF will be guided and entertainment provided by the following people:

Jerry, Grumpy, Miltiades, Merrytraveller, Milo, and Beverley10

Give it your best shot boys and girls!

After being invited not to return as I am so boring, I now get an invitation to come back.I really wish you would make up your mind! :roll:
Bye and good luck.
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